FOUR WORDS every Home Business Owner Must Say...Part One
I just had to share these words by Stephen Pierce. (Stephen Pierce International Inc.) They help to explain the purpose of keeping it simple ranging from
walking to planning a successful home business.
True leadership is the ability to take something
complex and simplify it.
If I told you to run east to see the sunset would
you be successful? Sure you would, if you were facing east.
Would you need to go to a seminar and hear the right speaker
before you could run east successfully?
Would you need specially designed sneakers?
Would Gatorade need to make a special drink for people
running east before you could be successful?
Of course not. You just need to be in the right
place...facing east. Then you'll see the sunset.
It's the same way with making more money online.
You don't need to buy the priciest product or hear the best speakers
before you can take your next step.
Look, I could give you all the resources in the world and all the latest strategies.
But there's one thing that will never change: the human factor.
It's impossible to change your business and start moving forward without
first focusing on you and your mindset and perspective. The possibilities
you see for yourself will depend on what you’re thinking..
When your car's gas tank is low, you go fill it up with gas, right?
You need to do the same for you, too. Here is the gas you need:
G - Gratitude is an attitude. Begin each day by
thinking about something you are grateful for,
even if your finances are lousy or your family
life is under severe strain. There's something
you can be grateful for.
A - Affirm who you are. Don't dwell on what you
think you "can't" do or how you've failed in the
past. Focus on what you "can" do. Use
constructive language, instead of destructive.
S - Strategies, systems and support. All three of
those go together.
Especially if you’re contemplating a home based business
in our network marketing industry.
Use the simple slide presentation to be the expert on how
to leverage Time and Knowledge and earn multiple commissions.
Read the keep-it-simple 1 – 2 – 3 Step Marketing Plan to show the big picture
and value of excellence in products, management, trends and timing.
Call me to help with questions or comments.
Remember, keep it simple, face the right direction, use your own G.A.S,
and reach the sunset of your dreams.
Standing by to help with your goals,
Warriors through the ages understood the
importance of the right terrain in winning
battles. It gives you a huge strategic advantage.
If you pick the wrong place as a marketer you'll
burn through all your resources. Today is the day
you pick the right place.
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