I am currently (late winter) catching up on my paper work (blustery outside)…just organizing my home office materials so once the nice spring weather comes (just around the corner) I can spend a lot of time outdoors preparing my garden (infinite joy and goodness on the table later.)
So I came across a “blueprint” used a few years back about how to fit all the pieces together for a successful home business opportunity meeting.
You will probably be able to relate to this process as the “old school” of network marketing. I’m reviewing it here to show that one KEY ELEMENT is missing...one ESSENTIAL INFORMATION TOOL to build understanding and eliminate excuses is not here.
STEP ONE: start with the heading:
How to develop a written, long-term activity game plan for a successful home business.
Slogan: Success is a choice…work hardest on yourself.
Do You Want to Change your life?
If Time and Money were no Object, what would you do?
What I can do with Time Freedom__________________
What I can do with Money Freedom___________________
Fill in Personal Goals: family, material things, skills, relationships, community, recreation, etc.
_________ _________ __________ _________ ____________
STEP TWO: Network Marketing as a home based business solution (5 statements)
- cost-effective chain of distribution links customer directly to manufacturer, thus eliminating middlemen costs
- unique, consumable products
- residual income...work one hour get paid ,many times
- build a sense of community
- convert personal business expenditures into allowable tax deductions
STEP THREE: company’s video about product and compensation plan
STEP FOUR: how business plan works with factors such as:
...be time efficient ....share a catalogue/brochures/DVD's ...upline support and conference calls...order marketing tools turnkey marketing sysem (what did that mean exactly)....make a list of 100 people (no prejudgments)...earn residual income from monthly consumption / repeat customers
STEP FIVE: Personal Blueprint to web together personal, business, financial, health and fitness, superior products, company’s track record opportunity, goals, business plan
NOW GO OUT and MULTIPLY your replicated incomes!
I don’t think so anymore. I spend 1000 of dollars and hours of precious time because I believed in the value of the products and the "freedom" business model. I wanted this to work because it is the only business model where average people with modest income and above average dreams can plug into a successful company for tremendous leverage. But very few others did. A key element of understanding was missing in this "big picture" potential.
Two things ran out loud and clear
1. I would never present a network marketing opportunity like this again
2. The most important part of how this home business works…the key source of power was missing... not even mentioned much less explained (and it is not "magnetic attraction" or "follow the leader" which only a few people can attain in this most democratic home business model that should be affordable, accessible and profitable by everyone. )
Where are the words:
So how do I present this unique home business opportunity now?
Basically, it is the opposite…simply called 3 STEPS 2 RICH Home Business Plan
- EDUCATE first about this unique business concept called network marketing...explain the features of what works and what doesn't
- EMPOWER next with simple strategies to build a strong “driver” and self-believer…I CAN DO THIS…EVERYBODY CAN DO THIS!
- CHANGE…now that I’m smarter about how to improve my lifestyle within the context of the Information Economy...NOW I am ready to check out an extraordinary network marketing opportunity.
NOW I am excited about product, business, residual income for life.
I have no more excuses…unless I want them. Best of all, other people who also want better lives and futures will knock on my door to learn about leverage, information tools, and duplication with a simple marketing tool. Once they see the value of network marketing, then they will continue to be inspired by products and compensation, especially if their current lifestyle is uninspiring.
One massively successful network marketer said..it is not about selling bottles and boxes...it is about duplicating a simple marketing system..and that has made all the difference.
I would certainly like to hear your stories of what has worked (or not) for you as well.
Annemarie amarie10@gmail.com 250 365 6916
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