Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Home Business and Press Release from Lifetime Television

Home Business and Press Release: Lifetime Television’s “The Balancing Act” to feature Chews-4-Health

Chews-4-Health, the world’s first super fruit, sea vegetable, anti-oxidant chewable will be featured in an episode on How to Build Your Business and Lifestyle Around Nutrition. The first segment will air Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 7:00AM EST, and, consequently, most Mondays.

Store shelves are filled with dietary supplements in pill and liquid form. When we use them, we expect to get all the nutrients promised on the label. But a noted doctor says this isn’t always the case. LifeTime Television’s The Balancing Act is featuring Dr. David Friedman, a Chiropractic Physician and Doctor of Naturopathy, who has spent many years developing the world’s first chewable Super Fruit, Sea Vegetable, Anti-oxidant. Many vitamins and minerals in pill form, due to binders, fillers and chemical coatings, don’t fully absorb by the body. Liquid nutrition contains watered down nutrients and unnatural chemical preservatives. Dr. Friedman states because “Digestion begins in the mouth,” Chews-4-Health is broken down and better utilized by the body compared to other vitamin supplements. The first segment airs May 12th and can also be seen anytime at the company's site by clicking on Lifetime TV's Balancing Act.

“There’s an old saying out there: ‘You are what you eat,’” says Dr. Friedman “I absolutely do not agree. That saying should be: ‘You are what you absorb,’ because it’s what your body uses that makes you what you are. This is especially true when it comes to vitamins and minerals.”

According to information published in The Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) – the manual used by all doctors – it shows that many traditional vitamins in pill form are only 10 percent absorbed. Liquid vitamins are mostly water, he says, and therefore must contain chemical preservatives – such as Sodium Benzoate, a substance also used in fireworks and silver polish.

“We were designed to chew our food not swallow it whole. Our teeth break down what we eat and our saliva, which contains 3 digestive enzymes, helps bring what we chew into our body” says Friedman, who formulated Chews-4-Health after being frustrated with what the current nutritional market offered and its lack of understanding that “digestion begins in the mouth.” .

Chews-4-Health is a smart choice for people of all ages, including children, and contains 16 ingredients: super fruit complex (Goji, Noni, Mangosteen and Acai); anti-oxidant mix (Vitamin B-12, Folic Acid, Alpha Lipoic acid and Resveratrol); sea vegetable blend (dulse, kelp, bladderwrack, and nori) and select fruit concentrates (pomegranate, blueberry, cranberry, and raspberry.)

“All together,” Dr Friedman says, “It’s 16 ingredients I call ‘the best from land and sea.’”

Creating the “world’s first” was no easy task. While 14 leading manufacturers told him it would not be possible to formulate such a product, Dr. Friedman refused to give up. It took over 3 years but through perseverance, Chews-4-Health became a reality.

During this television feature on LifeTime, Dr. Friedman shares some hard facts that will forever change the way many people look at nutrition. Executives of The Balancing Act were so impressed with Dr. Friedman’s knowledge on health, diet and nutrition; he is now their weekly “Health Expert” (Starting in June.) Be sure to check out several important interviews.

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"The way you think, the way you behave, and the way you eat can influence your life by 30 to 50 years."—Dr. Deepak Chopra

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