Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How to Get on the Right Track to Your Democratic Home Business Success

How to Get on the Right Track to Your Democratic Home Business Success…

Imagine you’re looking ahead at the horizon with the destination of your profitable home business.
The engine to get you there is called the MARKETING PLAN.

Now you have two choices…You can choose to be the most celebrated, most qualified, unique, Self-Branded ENGINEER in order to “attract” people who want to be just like you...

OR you can drive your train to pick up everybody, irrespective of race, gender, age, status, training, who deserve and want a profitable home business as well.

The tracks are called NETWORK MARKETING and have been built on the basic principle that average people with above dreams can start a home business and make a difference. Why have we gone so far off-track?

Well, I feel like I’ve been following the right track all along based on this primary foundation.

Yesterday, I actually read these two quotations about two self-proclaimed problems from a top “self-branding engineer” (first time, as a public disclosure with a solution “with a catch”, of course)
I call these the two BIG PROBLEMS of MASTER ENGINEERS:

1: You're feeling overwhelmed by the amount of "stuff" you have to learn when it comes to marketing your business online, and you don't know how to keep up with all of it.

2: You have no idea how all of these pieces, (like blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, auto-responders, PPC, and your primary opportunity), actually fit together and work like a well-oiled, business building machine...

So, I did a little homework to better define what is meant by a democratic home business that’s equitable for all. The focus must be on a few fundamental questions and answers:

What is Democracy is defined as government by the people for the people with an absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions. There are two principles held as rights:
---all members of a society have equal access to power (in this case home business profits)
---all members enjoy universally recognized freedoms and liberties (in this case equal home business opportunities)

What is Capitalism is an economic system where goods are owned, operated and traded by private individuals, businesses, corporations for the purpose of profit where the productive enterprises are protected by rule of law.

What is Grassroots Capitalism can be described as ordinary people supporting each other’s marketing systems and cash flow. People, like you and I, can use cost-effective, simple systems to market exceptional products or services to meet our own needs and create our own profit margins. This opportunity can prosper in the Information Economy because information tools through technology do most of the work.

How to Relate Network Marketing Home Business Model as one of the last bastions of free enterprise or grassroots capitalism. You can plug into a large successful company with top management; use their products, manufacturing, accounting, distribution, shipping, and marketing strategies. Your independent “contract” with the company is to help advertise or promote their products. In return the company pays a handsome commission through multiple levels of direct and indirect referrals.

The answers to these questions fit the democratic options for at least two reasons:

  • low cost to run this kind of business makes it a democratic option. To qualify for commissions your purchases may vary but can start as low as $40 for monthly consumption of outstanding products. It’s a perfect win-win situation.
    Democratically, who can not afford $40 to maintain a home business, especially if marketing costs are also greatly reduced?
  • simple marketing plan to share with consumers and business partners based on 3 main concepts. Distribution of product is handled by the company, but as independent distributors (associates) you need to be able to market successfully. In fact, your profits are directly proportional to your marketing success.
    If too complicated or expensive, you will face the two problems quoted above ..most new people will fail to realize “dream profits”, drop out of the business and blame the industry. But check the marketing plan first: Complexity beyond 3 factors leads to uncertainty, procrastination and failure.

Let me give you an example. I can share my experience as one of the “independents” in the “great masses” that believed totally, tried unconditionally, but failed to earn more than I spent. Sure, I managed to build a team but the effort was huge and totally unrealistic to expect my team members to duplicate my full-time efforts. And I certainly did not want to spend the rest of my life as a self-branded “engineer” chasing endless prospects trying to explain the benefits and replace lost customers.

Something better had to be designed such as a marketing system where 90% of people succeed with average effort, not fail. The good news is the change is simple based on the main principles of democratic duplication through multiple levels found only in this business model.

The simple democratic qualification is:


Start with a simple training primer to explain vocabulary, structure, a concept map with all the pieces and strategies that work?

Share 3-steps marketing plan: phone, website, overview (read and share)

Finally, my journey has been further enlightened because my train seriously avoids the Two Big Problems of Master Engineers now publically stated.

I am the “little guy”, with grassroots under my feet, the salt of the earth, believing in a democratic express and spirit, stretching out a helping hand to everyone, and deserving unlimited home business success.

Questions and comments are appreciated. What are you looking for in a home business and how is your marketing plan working?


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