It’s a sign of the times that there are a lot of people looking at building their own personal economy with a profitable home business. The majority cast their eyes toward a potential network marketing business for a host of benefits based on the founding principle that every person with above-average dreams can start a home business with minimal capital and earn residual income.
It is a home business based on leverage and duplication at the grassroots level.
So how can we bring a fair DEMOCRATIC MARKETING PLAN to every person who wants an honest, ethical, healthy, successful home business.
First, given choices in a democratic society, most people are well qualified to make a profitable home business work if they could. Don’t you agree that most of us deserve this opportunity:
...interested and motivated to reach more income goals
…may be tired of working to making other people rich
…would like to spend more time with family and friends
…can learn how-to put in less effort for more returns
…are interested in how others achieve true success and are ready to change
The $64,000 question is what kind of home business can cater to the masses that can level an equal playing field one for all and all for one?
There is such a home business based on a network marketing model, but in my opinion it has lost serious groundwork in its basic principles and needs to return to its roots. It has naturally evolved into more of an institution with hierarchies. The good news is a few simple steps can reinforce the main groundwork of this business as the last free enterprise system where it doesn’t matter your age, sex, race, religion, background, education, resources, or contacts in order to achieve success.
Your qualifications are found in the previous paragraph and these should never be limited to a handful of elite marketers with unlimited resources or privileged associations. It is not about rising to the status of leadership in order to be rewarded. This is different from a political arena where a leader is elected and compensated accordingly.
This is my life, your life, and we’re happy being “grassroots”, the salt of the earth. But, equally, we also deserve the democratic right to have a successful home business if we so choose. We are competent communicators and hopeful visionaries of something better. We just need a plan for an equitable program that everyone can do.
Here are FIVE important components to make a democratic marketing plan work:
- levels the playing field so every person who wants a home business in tough economic times can get a fair education and a running start to learn and apply…advance from beginner to mastery levels with standardized training and marketing plans that everyone can this system duplicates so will your profits
- low capital to start ($40 monthly product purchase qualifies you for commissions)..fits into any budget. No inventory to load up. Want a unique, no competititon product. Build great partnerships and freedom as core values..potential to earn 5 or 6 digit or more annual income paid weekly and monthly, matching bonuses
- transform few hours a week into excellent cash flow. You don’t want to work twice as hard…you want to use basic leverage with information tools to expand your time and knowledge beyond 40 hours a week without actually being there...
- reduce natural learning curve to basic three steps you can start right now to integrate with your current expertise …who wants to spend months learning a lot of moving business part . Everyone learns at their own rate and its not up to you to teach the system. A comprehensive generic curriculum guide is mandatory.
- deserve substantial tax savings (Note: many people pay for their home business costs from tax savings accountant actually said you need to be "brain dead" not to have a home business. Why aren’t you collecting your share of tax refunds.
"Never before in history, has a business opportunity held the potential to have such an incredible positive impact on the lives of its customers..."(Paul Zane Pilzer)
TWO UNDEMOCRATIC THINGS THAT WILL NOT WORK in this kind of home business:
- excessive, overload of materials...they can be very expensive, monetized by gurus and utterly time consuming that noone else will do. AVOID volumes of material which are too complicated to explain, especially for beginners, and produce too many objections rising from information overload
- confusing, multi-step outline of marketing plan of what you need to do to make profits. Make it simple...a one-page overview... Who will help me? What do I have to do? What do I have to invest and what can I make?
Run away from any business venture that does not have a clear marketing plan in plain language and overview with which you are comfortable.
Finally, in summary, it is a sign of the times, that the one and only network marketing home business based on three important marketing concepts, should now to be reclaimed by all families who want something better and more future security.
Your questions and comments are always appreciated. What kind of home business would work for you?
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