Time goes by so slowly..and time can do so much…
This week, a great actor, Patrick Swayze, succumbed to cancer after a valiant fight. He personified strength, grace, loyalty, courage, dignity a true “cowboy mustang spirit". His iconic roles in Dirty Dancing and Ghosts are part of our culture..the nobility of dedication..the love we take and which remains long after we’re gone..
In the end, in fragility and a dimming of his indomitable will to live, what if someone had asked him, Do you have any regrets? What do you think he would have said?
Getting sick? Dying too young? Letting excuses stand in his way?
I doubt he made excuses or left any regrets and therein lies another lesson.
BIG QUESTION: Do present-day excuses become future regrets?
I’m really passionate about helping people succeed with a simple home based business built on an exceptional healthy product that every family needs. By now, I think I’ve heard all the excuses:
I'm broke.. in a bad financial situation. I’m struggling to pay off credit cards.
For starters, then, Live UNDER your means and don't go into debt for ANYTHING. If you can't pay cash, you can't afford it.
Don’t complain about your situation and then never do anything to change it.
Expecting changes to comfortably arrive on your doorstep, gift-wrapped, won’t happen.
Wishing changes to accumulate in your bank account balance, won't materialize.
Waiting for changes, the government, the spouse, the boss, the union, God or any other person, place or thing, doesn’t work.
The plain unequivocal truth most people don't want to hear is... YOU are the only one who can affect a change in your life.
Here’s another common excuse..I have no experience or skills.
Bottom line: there is no excuse for anybody not making enough money at this time and place. There is plenty of opportunity out there.
Often I find that the people who complain they aren't making enough money are really only doing the minimum to get by. If they REALLY wanted to make more money, they could easily take the actions necessary to make more.
Keep a tally for ONE DAY on how you spend your time.
A surprising number of people say they’re not interested in doing this. It would seem that watching mindless TV every day has more priority than learning a new money making skill or starting a side business. If you ever learn how to watch TV and increase your income, let me know.
A final excuse is that a lot of people really don’t know what they are looking for.
Maybe they have lost the ability to dream. They give up after experiencing the normal disappointments and setbacks of life. It seems less painful to give up on your dreams and expect nothing than to hope for something and be disappointed.
Most reasonably intelligent people, I believe, do not wish to waste their potential and settle for so much less in life than they are capable of achieving.
Don’t take years to figure this one out.
When is "some day" going to be today?
When is "one of these days" going to be YOUR day?
Read that again and take it to heart.Trust me.
Look, it's better to give your dream a shot and when you can look back you can say at least I TRIED. It really hurts to know you had the talent, intelligence and determination (the most important of the three) to achieve your dream but you never even made the effort because you listened to the dream stealers.
And here's what doesn't make any sense at all. Those dream stealers will most likely be your family and friends. The very people you would think would most want your success and happiness!
I don't think they do it deliberately to hurt you. I think they do it for a couple reasons.They really believe they are giving you sound practical advice to keep you from getting hurt or disappointed.
If you succeed (or even just start the process of pursuing a dream) it's just too hard for them to cope with because the implication is that they could do it, too. They too could be pursuing their dreams and improving their lives. But instead they choose to spend their free time watching TV or hanging out with their friends. They'd rather avoid you or bring you down than be faced with your silent accusation every day that they could have a successful life, too.
Wouldn't it be a shame if you died not having achieved anything of note? Not ever pursuing or accomplishing any of your dreams and goals?
Take a quick poll of ten friends and acquaintances..
What kind of plans do they have for their future?
How many want to leave their MARK to future generations?
Note how many of them have ambitions, drives, and enthusiasm beyond sleeping, eating, shopping, mowing the lawn, washing the car, watching sports and other existences.
I’m not sure what Patrick Swayze’s epitaph will be. But he did achieve his excellence, he did embrace the wind, he did blaze across our imaginations and dreams. He will never die in our memories.
It takes less than 30 minutes to check out a few previous blogs with a few simple steps. Draw your two Simple Circles to Home Business Success.
Check out HOME BUSINESS 101 VIDEOS about how network marketing works
Check out a Straight-Line Home Business..no excuses allowed...no regrets followed
Don't let your present day excuses become the regrets of a life that may have been.
Annemarie amarie10@gmail.com
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