Friday, September 18, 2009

Home Business..You've Got Talent if you can Follow 3 Simple Steps

Home’ve got talent if you can follow 3 simple steps

It is such a thrill to watch talent shows like America's Got Talent and this season’s final performance was exceptional.

One theme seems to shine through these discoveries and performances. It is when the underdog realizes he or she has an unrealized talent finally, suddenly shared, appreciated and applauded.

It’s like a middle-aged Susan Boyle who never was given the chance to sing and now “wild horses” can't hold her back.

It's about a beautiful opera singer who overcame cancer, a recycled-instrument percussion group from New Hampshire who never gave up on their dream, amazing Texas Tenors and the unbelievable singing siblings of true Voices of Glory with a young sister only 9 years old, and a septenarian grandmother with a priceless wit.

And its like Kevin Skinner, a chicken catcher or farmer from a small town in Kentucky with such the saddest expression and a heart-felt voice about life’s basic emotions who won the top prize.
A stronger contrast of possibilities is hard to imagine from the quiet hills of Kentucky to the glitz of Las Vegas boggles the mind.

But that is the very nature of possibilities and following one’s dream.

And therein lies a valuable lesson for home business opportunity seekers or entrepreneurs..

We all have talent…maybe not in the same league as singing or dancing that has been perfected with years of practice and perseverance.
But we all have ability in speaking and sharing and caring about making a difference.

We all deserve something special in our acknowledgement..a self-satisfaction ..a celebration of more time and money..more freedom to live life on our own terms.
A successful home business can permit us to do that.

We may not have the time, commitment and development to become a sports star, sales professional or other kind of celebrity. We may not have the faces or bodies to succeed in certain fields.
But I believe we all deserve something different from a life routine that may feel limited, dull, repetitive, boring, even faceless. We all deserve to at least have a CHOICE to leave something for future generations.

We deserve to follow our dreams, too.
Here is what one well know writer, Stuart Goldsmith, has to say about your dreams:

"You probably had the glimmer of a dream when you were a youngster, but this was soon knocked out of you. Your parents undoubtedly called your dream unrealistic. Then, to the sound of a points-lever being pulled, they suggested to you that you get a 'practical' education in order that you might follow your dream at a later date.
"I am not implying any malevolence here, you need to remember that your parents, and all preceding generations did not have the luxury of fancy life-planning. The name of their game was survival. To survive you needed money. To get money you needed a good job. To get a good job you needed a good education. They pulled those levers on you for the best of intentions, but the result was a disaster for your fledgling ambitions."
This message was reinforced by teachers, friends and career advisers..Throughout these years, you learned the trick of suppressing your dream. You simply could not maintain this dream in the face of such ordered opposition and so you buried it in a secret place within you.
"Then the pace of life started really to heat up, and problems started to come at you like a pack of hungry jackals. No time for fancy, childish dreams now. All of your energies were involved, and probably still are involved, in fighting off the pack of slavering dogs.
Dreams are... well, for dreamers.
There is a life to be lived, food to put on the table, a mortgage to be paid and other people to worry about. If you even remember your dream, you probably fool yourself into thinking you'll pick it up later, when the family has grown up, when you are retired. Some time.
"The tragedy here is that most people's dreams become so deeply buried they not only forget what they are, but even forget that they had a dream in the first place.
"Certainly, few people can put a name to their dream. Instead, they sit in the sidings, rusting away, perhaps (if this is not pushing the railway analogy too far) hoping that some bright, gleaming locomotive will arrive one day to pull them to safety. Is it any wonder that they are depressed?"

I’m not sure to what degree you can relate to these thoughts.

But one thing is for certain. YOU are the locomotive, my dear friend. The help you are waiting for is YOU. Only you can do the work needed to get the locomotive moving forward. Only you can squander your time waiting for the "right train."

Success of a dream does not depend on hopes, prayers, affirmations, or ceremonies.
Realization of a dream does not depend on reading a thousand positive thinking books or listening to a hundred seminars to pull you through.

No magic or luck or supernatural force will shine upon you.

You need to click the start button.
You don't need a complicated "engineering" degree. You need to take the first few steps and share simple tools with people who also want to change.
You don't want a pile of excuses, like logs, to obstruct you. Excuses do not exist in reality..just as mental manifestations...

Don’t keep putting off that dream until tomorrow because days will turn into weeks, months and then years. And sometimes it turns out we don’t have a lot of time left.

A wise man once said: "MOTION BEATS MEDITATION"

Tomorrow is today, my friend. For goodness sake... set aside 30 minutes today to get started toward your dream. Just 30 short minutes! Do SOMETHING in those 30 minutes that will move you a little bit closer to that dream.

It takes less than 30 minutes to check out a few previous blogs with a few simple steps.
Draw your two Simple Circles to Home Business Success.
Check out a
Check out
HOME BUSINESS 101 VIDEOS…about how network marketing works
Check out a Straight-Line Home excuses regrets followed

Don't let your present day excuses become the regrets of a life that may have been.
Please don't look back at age 40, 50, 60... or whatever, with regret for the things you didn't do.

You have the power and ability to design whatever kind of life you want. I sincerely believe in you but it doesn’t matter what I believe. You have to believe, like all these talented people, you can take simple as reading and sharing

I look forward to answering your questions or just sharing your aspirations..

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