Here is a BIG IDEA whose time has come.
Never promote another network marketing company...what’s that you say..
You can now choose to market your own home business team..not somebody elses
1.Here’s how OYC business model can take this straight to the bank:
Do you know 3 people serious about making some extra money from home or building long term financial independence?
Everyone knows 3 good people.
(But should you want to build a bigger team (which means bigger money), the Project will provide advanced tools which allow you to market in Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and other social network sites. You will be given step-by-step instructions on how to use these tools. No degree in computers required)
2. Here’s what you don’t need to do..anymore
- spend a lot of money to start a network marketing home business and expect others to follow your example
- spend weeks or months to learn about products, testimonials, compensation plans and marketing strategies and meetings
- spend $100’s or $1000’s on training by experts to be Magnetically Attractive to followers only to be burdened with endless hours of online marketing and competition
Why are we spending money to market another people’s companies? I do not need to buy large numbers of brochures, newspapers, books, or DVD’s anymore.
Why are we made to feel we need self-development courses to be someone “special” or unique? We are special enough...we have diverse backgrounds, cultures, education, skills but with some basic effort we can also access market resources, more democratic free-enterprise systems and definitely deserve more control over our own economy in troubled times.
Own Your Channel offers you a thriving team of entrepreneurs and the necessary tools for management and training to access multiple companies and their payplans.
I truly feel I am standing on a hill…unencumbered, enlightened, supported with the vista
of financial opportunity all around me..and all I have to do is ask:
“Bob, when it comes to network marketing, there is one simple truth. And it’s true for
EVERY company, regardless of their market or product. The one simple truth is this: Your income is determined by the size of your team. Small team… Small money. Big team… BIG money!
Why don’t I give you my website so you can get some more information on Own Your Channel. There are a couple of short videos explaining this business in detail. It’s literally changing the market. I’ll give you a call tomorrow to answer any questions you might have.”
Annemarie 250 365 6916
Who do you think might say..Sorry, not interested in a home business team for $9 a month.
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