Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How Own Your Channel (OYC) Answers the 3 Big Questions for Network Marketing Home Business Success


There is a revolution happening in the home business network marketing industry..and the timing couldn’t be better. Our national economy is is crunching, jobs are bleeding, wealth is disappearing, and financial security is like a volley ball...depending on who is spiking it. It only makes sense when nothing else seems to, to build a personal economy based on free enterprise principles and basic human values.

The Network Marketing business model has been a foundation for many home based business entrepreneurs.

Its founding principle allows the average person with above average dreams and low-start-up capital to build long-term residual profits that can equal professional incomes from the comfort of their homes.

No wonder so many people have hopes and try..and so many don’t make it...for a variety of reasons. It is time stop doing what doesn’t duplicate or work. It is timely to bring this industry back to public acceptance and respect based on satisfactory performance.

And often, when the student  is wanting, the teacher appears.

So, with perfect timing, a new company called Own Your Channel is becoming a major player in helping networkers achieve the kind of success they are looking for and deserve.

Here are THREE important answers that can make all the difference in your network marketing success.

1. Why should I become member of OYC..two huge benefits

  • you own your sales distribution channel outside of any company. Your valuable asset is the people you contact...they don't belong to any company
  • your team can now join multiple companies. You can be in two, three, even four companies collectively and earn money from your single team in multiple opportunities simultaneously. This business strategy magnifies your earning potential by using the work you performed once to create revenue streams in multiple companies.

2. How does it work..SIMPLICITY

  • keep it more requirement other than to get 3 personally sponsored people
  • keep it cheap.. $25.00 to join the co-op and a monthly fee of $9.00 to cover the cost of webserver hosting services
  • keep it smart.. leverage your single home business team..not overload of details…payplans, products, testimonials, etc
  • keep it profitable…because you are bringing in a readymade will earn money from day one as well as cover the sign up fees and the monthly autoship. As your group grows, you will become more and more profitable.

3. WHAT IF, I MISS assuming or only knowing this much...

Well, bring out your old weather worn tools, maps and hard hats because the competition blows fiercely, especially with internet function.

Probably, you will work the “hard” way building your downline membership. You will take massive amounts of time and money to build your framework with contacts who may or may not follow your construction plan. You will be at the mercy and “stormy” wiles of company’s policies and if something may be left without a ship to sail. What a pity if you had to start again from scratch.

The power of Own Your Channel comes from numbers.  We can move together as one group, and, even, dictate terms when it comes to negotiating with new companies we add.  This will allow us to override policies and procedures that may present conflicts with our business plan.

I can only imagine what Ferdinand Magellan, as the first European, thought as he viewed the Pacific Ocean for the first time. Probably, with the same breath, I view this extraordinary home business opportunity. Every family now has access to a profitable home business in network marketing based on the time proven concepts of leverage and duplication..

Be one of the first to catch this last free enterprise system. Watch the video whatever else you do today.

Your questions and comments are always important. We are standing by to help you.


"If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around." -Jim Rohn

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