How to Start an Honest Network Marketing Home Business with Friends First
Why now? It's time. That's it. "The gloves are off", as the expression goes. No more false prophets. It's time.
So many components of the network marketing home-based industry have moved their way around in all different places and directions over the past few years. The last two years specifically have changed this industry forever, and the changes are accelerating even still.
The industry has matured and become more complex. New opportunities and the economic realities have redefined what it is you do, what it is you think, and who it is you are. There are challenges and opportunities like never before.
There are ultimately two choices...get buried under information overload as victims with rare successes or get victor's survival strategies with a back to basics foundation of true network marketing principles that is fair and democratic for every family.
The question is what makes a home business manageable and successful for everyone within this unique home-based model?
The first step is to embrace a mission statement for change, hope and equality.
- The world is changing...I want to find a comfortable niche in this change.
- The question of money, or lack of it, will not deter me from enjoying my marriage, family, friends and community because abundance is around me and can be shared in a care free manner.
- The call to change is never to shortchange my ability for success in the Information Age...the talent is to care enough to share expert information. I can do this.
- The equality for home business is found in MLM or Network Marketing Business Model IF we apply the RIGHT MAIN PRINCIPLE with only 3 STEPS allowed. (Do you know what and why?)
- The opportunity for self-enterprise with huge income potential and security is with an internet application that everybody needs and wants. The download application is free.
- The future of home business is to try the service or product first, experience the benefits in order to share it with others. Natural word of mouth enthusiasm needs no training manual.
- The enlightened grassroots entrepreneurs will stand united and move forward with common purpose and prosperity...and accept no lesser standards of living our potential to be happy.
- The motto is based on simple actions for everybody: I CAN DO THIS... I HOPE... I CARE... I WILL... I MUST.
- There is no elitism allowed. No grade system is used. This equal opportunity is worked at an individual pace with equal tools.
- There are no excuses allowed. Not even old habits that tend to die hard.
Unfortunately, it seems this mission statement is not found with most opportunities or networkers. Online marketers are especially notorious for plugging new prospects into a company's website and compensation plan that works wonders "for them."
Gloves are off! It is not about lead autoresponders, traffic generation, social sites, attraction marketing and whether my list is bigger than yours. Who in the world wants to start a home business with strangers!
Let me be one of the first to offer my hand in a friendly handshake.
Let's first talk about what you are looking for...what you have achieved and what you hope to achieve.
Fortunately, there is such a website now interested in sharing this mission statement. It's not about selling you anything...just getting to know you better. It shows a better way, a call to change and a ticket with just 4 simple words...that can start a friendship.
How refreshing, enlightening and edifying.
I am a real person...welcome back to relationship marketing.
I look forward to receiving your ticket and your answer to four magical words!
'In the most exciting time in human history, when we have more opportunities to learn, develop, and seek enlightenment, most of us will spend more time selecting our menu, than we will ever spent thinking about our life in a meaningful way...' Randy Gage
AnneMarie Berukoff is an entrepreneur and teacher who enjoys early retirement following a 24 year career. She is a professional network marketer for the past 7 years who has worked with some of the top income earners building and training her own successful downlines. Her team's experience showed the need for a simple but comprehensive overview of the industry and what makes it work best. Her mission statement is a fair and democratic homebusiness opportunity for every family who wants economic stability.
If you're brand new to the internet marketing world, here's how the home business industry may appear to you:
There are "The Few" who have "figured it out" are feeding off "The Many" - those who are still
looking for the best deals and who are going broke because they are clueless about the foundation of how network marketing works..
But there is no secret. If anything, any business success depends on marketing and there has never been a better marketing system than word of mouth. It is time to return to basics.
Your journey to residual income success will happen if you pay attention to these stop signs. They will keep you on the no-excuses-allowed straight-line to great home business income. They will allow the "weakest link" in your team to strongly share the message because that's how residual income works.
1. STOP trying to master internet marketing...
The problem here is most marketing programs on the internet today are by master internet marketers who promote massively about how simple it is to make 1000's a day with targeted lists. Their lists have taken years to develop with in house staffs. Too expensive and too difficult to duplicate. (To see why duplication of a simple marketing plan is important see 100% generic Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits resource link.)
Why spend 1000's of dollars getting Search Engine Optimization only to compete link-wise and traffic-wise with millions of other sites? Why pay $100's monthly for pay-per- click advertising, online ads, ezines, blogs, safelists. People don't join websites...people work with people they like and who like them.
2. STOP trying to be an expert of some product, program or ebook.
In time you may be able to properly train to be a health or business coach but very few others will be able to invest equal time or duplicate your actions. Let experts and professional presentations tell the story for you. Note the same resource as to why Leverage is the most important word in this special business because it allows every person the ability to correctly share the message.
Your message is to promote a service, preferably at no cost for the trial test so new people can see their own personal value in having the service. Once people have established their own value they are more than ready to promote and make money also.
3. STOP trying to brand yourself as a "magnetic attractive" leader.
How much time can you spare to set up social sites, articles, blogs and videos? This takes 100's of hours to set up and maintain in a playing field of thousands of other would-be Olympian leaders. Once again, this special network marketing model is never about grooming alpha leaders but allowing average people an equal and fair opportunity.
The recommended solution is to start sharing this exciting free tool with people you know who share with people they know and so on. The best kind of advertising has always been word of mouth, bar none.
And if you need more people to talk to then there are low-cost, highly professional and effective programs with veteran marketers.
Why is it important to share...people save 100's of dollars monthly on shopping bills.both online and offline at local retailers. How easy is that to share? Who wants to save money in a tight economy?
Start respecting the true principles of network marketing. It is the only opportunity where people can harness a huge successful company, share the message about their product or service and get paid for successful referrals. This foundation makes it easy for everybody to share this message...leverage, duplication, marketing plan.
There is a wide host of people living with time and money freedom based on these principles. Why shouldn't this basic business model work for your family, too. Work with masses...dine with classes.
Start respecting the has leveled the playing field. It has harnessed the global economy. It gives you the personal power to release the bondage of the old world economy. There has never been an internet opportunity like this because saving money never stops and sharing great information is easier with a world audience.
Start respecting yourself. Of course, you can read endless ebooks, listen to tapes and gurus and in time you will have assimilated their teachings and emerged a more self developed individual. But right now you need to focus on simple actions such as "I want to make money quickly." That is the very best motivation of all. Find two other business partners who want to save and make money and you get paid $100 and there is no limit to how many override bonuses you can receive in a team's payplan to infinity.
Start taking immediate action and you will succeed. The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.
Start to picture how you will live when you have the ability to live the way you want.
Without goals like this, you will be a ship without a rudder, working to support your creditors.
With the kind of simple opportunities online, all you need to escape this vicious cycle is a vision of what you want and the belief that you can get it.
Our mission is to return network marketing principles to a fair and democratic home business opportunity every family deserves.
Be sure you watch an incredible video there called Current State of Direct Selling...5 powereful benefits. Now combine that with 3 Steps Marketing Plan. Some people will see IT...others will not. I hope you see IT.
Your questions,comments and aspirations are always welcome.
So here is a common enough story....How many of us think that working hard at a job and getting a paycheck is acceptable for the rest of our lives? I used to trade hours for dollars now I make money work for me.
How many of us think that somebody will look after us (lottery-like mentality) I used to but now I know that socio-economic forces point to more self-sufficiency.
How many of us tend to listen the advice and opinions of family and friends...but guess what, many of them are quite broke and too entrenched to change.
Most of us realize, to some degree or other, that the world's working environment is changing to a new economy. In simple terms, the largest wealth redistribution in history moving from the INDUSTRIAL AGE to the INFORMATION Age.
Technology has advanced where a simple click of a mouse can connect you to an internet explosion and you have the potential to live life of your dreams. In fact, you can start by giving away a valuable shopping application and get paid each time it is used whether they buy or not.
All you really need is a phone, a computer, a simple plan and a positive, motivated mind set.
In fact, it is mainly about how to break old form and learn more about how to leverage our time and let expert information tools work on your behalf?
Here is a quick summary about three mistakes to avoid in order to participate in this internet "click" revolution. You can read more at this site.
Number One
One of the greatest mistakes you can make -- the one with the worst long-term consequences -- is to think only about the PRESENT and give very little thought to your ability to make a good living in the years ahead.
Do you think about what your job will look like five years from now? What you already know -- your accumulated knowledge and experience -- is becoming obsolete bit by bit, day by day. Knowledge in your field is probably doubling every five years.
Number Two
The second biggest mistake is to underestimate our NEW ECONOMY.
Many economists say the US economy is still on a rough road which will grow by a paltry 2% a year for the next decade based on recent downturns and longer-term changes.
Labor force will continue to grow slowly. Higher taxes, less credit access and increased regulation will affect productivity by smaller companies.
Consumers make permanent changes in their spending habits as a result of the recession.
The bottom line is there isn't much we can do as individuals with the national economy and world-wide changes.
But there is something we can do about our personal economy with the right successful home business that is fair and democratic which rides on the top the fastest growing trend on the internet.
What do you think this fastest growing trend? You may be surprised to find out and how you can get a piece of the action! Watch the video at the site.
You should be so excited... shouting this from the rooftops at least to have this amazing personal option.
If you are not super excited, it could be perhaps of this problem...the biggest surprise that may be hurting your home business opportunity.
Number Three
This may come as somewhat of a surprise for did for me...but one of the main reasons why people don't start or maintain successful home business careers is because of SELF-DIALOGUE and SELF-DOUBT.
In some ways, this situation may be quite understandable because we are dealing with complex subjects. Too many programs even try and justify feelings of insecurity best solved with expensive training. Your own self-limiting beliefs and self-denials will stop you from achieving the success you richly deserve.
The truly sad part is not to confuse this simple to follow plan with something too complicated or expensive.
The easiest way to success:
1. follow a simple plan to explain the business
2. make money quickly is the best motivator
3. retrain your mindset to think differently with affirmations.
Most of behaviour is habits and you can practice positive habits daily just as well to change your thinking about who you are and what is truly possible.
Check them out and recite them for 21 days and just see what happens. You'll impress yourself!
The time is right for people's mission statement that every family has the right to achieve a fair and democratic opportunity in a network marketing home based business.
Make sure you also watch an incredible video there called Current State of Direct Selling...5 main reasons. Now combine that with 3 Steps. You either see IT or you don't. I hope you see IT.
Questions, comments and aspirations are always welcome,