Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How 7 Minutes Magic Call A Day Can Make Your Boss Go Away...Real Numbers

Once in a rare while, like a new star, there appears a home business opportunity that is so brilliantly timely, concise, easy-to-follow, simple, intrinsic ally valuable, and compassionate enough for every family who deserves a better chance for fair and democratic success.

Finally, there is a home business story where you can be the director and narrate the financially happy ending you want.

Whatever else, self-doubts, skepticism, or general gloom-and-doom scenarios, you do not want to miss this invitation to check out the Internet Click Revolution, the growing market trends and your chance to play a serious role in generating profits. How much a reward, is your planning.

Get ready for the REST OF YOUR LIFE in 3 ACTION STEPS:

Why join Network Marketing Home Business to Earn Money From Home

  • You help people buy giving them a FREE Shopping Genie which will save them time and money.
  • You earn a residual income.
  • Be part of a successful business with full support.
  • Pay-per click income is one out of 9 ways of earning income.
  • No selling because you give away a valuable shop and save tool.
  • No overheads or premises or staff or inventory.
  • Quick commissions with bonuses and Two Team Infinity Plan.
  • Earn money from home and gain financial freedom.
  • Be your own boss and work full or part time.
  • Business is ready to go, you just market your site and hand out your link.
  • Global business and expanding. Who do you know in other countries?
  • Save money yourself with My Shopping Genie. Average family saves about $200.
  • Work with a product that is not only 100% safe and free but everyone will want this.
  • Enjoy income tax refunds as home business owner…as much as 30%


7 minutes a day makes your boss go away!!

The formula for success to reach your goals is to do simple, consistent actions every single day.

The One- A- Day Club is a simple daily plan of activity to help you get to where you want to go with your Genie business.

Take 7 minutes every day and walk somebody through the 7 Minute Magic Call.

Do that every day Monday through Friday. This means you will expose 5 new people to your Genie business each and every week. You’ll have a bunch of people who want the Genie to save time and money so you will be earning affiliate income.

You’ll also have a bunch of people who see the opportunity and want to be a distributor so you’ll be earning team builder income.

All of the Resources are in place to help answer their questions… live calls, live webinars, 3 way calls with team leaders. Make sure they get the webinar scheduling and updates site.

Even if you had a very low sign-up success rate of 1 out of 5, that would mean you would personally sponsor 1 new person each week.

Teach your people to follow the same game plan and here’s what can happen:

Week 1 – 1 person in your business

Week 2 – 3 people in your business

Week 3 – 7 people in your business

Week 4 – 15 people in your business

Week 5 – 31 people in your business

Week 6 – 63 people in your business

Week 7 – 127 people in your business

Week 8 – 255 people in your business

Week 9 – 511 people in your business

Week 10 – 1023 people in your business

Week 11 – 2047 people in your business

Week 12 – 4095 people in your business

Week 13 – 8191 people in your business

As you can see the grand total of all those 7 minutes a day can be enormous.

Everybody can find 7 minutes a day, especially if it means dramatically changing their financial future.

You can be firing your boss in no time!


1. I know that My Shopping Genie is my family’s vehicle to financial freedom

2. I know that taking consistent productive action every day is what will allow me to reach my goals.

3. I know that following the System for Success is what will help build my business the fastest and the strongest.

4. I will walk people through the System for Success and help answer their questions.

5. I will not try to convince people who do not see the big picture and value of what My Genie is all about.

6. I will identify and work with people on my team who want to take action and change their financial future.

7. My time is valuable and so is my family’s future. I will use my time wisely and will not chase people on my team who are not ready to take action.

8. I will not stop till I reach my goals.

9. I will honor my commitments and I will do whatever it takes to fulfill my daily commitment to build my business.

I hereby commit to taking the following actions:

A. I will personally take a minimum of ONE person through the 7 minute Magic Call every day Monday to Friday.

B. I want to achieve my goals faster so I will personally take a minimum of TWO persons through the 7 minute Magic Call Monday to Friday.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If I’m reading your mind, and your excuse is I don’t know enough people to call, please eliminate that sham thought immediately. You will be introduced to an amazing company and president of a lead generation system with all the people you need to share this extraordinary “story or movie” with.

Today, you are 7 minutes away from the beginning of a new story and better financial chapters. You may be poor now, but rich on your terms is better.

I believe in you and look forward to learning more about your experiences and expectations

Meet The 21st Century Network Marketer With 8 Power Steps For Success

Meet the 21st century Network Marketer with 8 power tips for success.
There is an exciting brand of network marketer in this New Age rising from the basement of old network marketing companies. The new networker is embracing a laser-focus single Big Idea that cuts through the clutter of everything that can divert the prospects' attention. And the prospects for the first time in their mind can see an insatiable clear picture of living life on their terms.

Gone, buried as sad experiences and archived are the stultified ways of Old Age MLM home business. Who needs multiple autoshipments, meticulously complicated pay plans, mandatory product knowledge and the frustratingly mad pursuit of other distributors not so eager to duplicate an unmanageable heavy-duty workhorse.

A brand new core concept for network marketing has emerged that makes any other competition irrelevant because the issues have been resolved upfront and excuses have been removed. However, the 3 main principles of network marketing continue intact, powerful and productive; namely, the power of leverage, the duplication of a simple marketing plan and the benefits of a residual or royalty income.

The enlightened networker can now incorporate eight powerful steps to share an exciting different kind of home-based opportunity that is plugged into the internet's future major trends.

Part One looks at the new characteristics of the future networkers and entrepreneurs.

Part Two outlines a perfect home business program that fits this new reality.

Power Step One: Present Something Of New Value Not Heard Of Before.
It is time to cut through the promotional clutter with an offering that stops people in their tracks. This is a new technology, a marketing breakthrough to get a desired result. Ultimately it has a new value that your prospects haven't seen or been aware of before.

Power Step Two: Be the First to Present An Original Big Idea.
Everyone likes to find out about a new secret or a hidden discovery that others don't know about. It's a form of social currency, feeling like you know some good news that others don't know. It's a first to market advantage and a better way of achieving your financial goals.

Power Step Three: Help Prospects Reach Their Goals.
Ultimately, your core concept isn't about your product or service. It's about your prospects. It's about paying careful attention to their beliefs, feelings, and desires, meeting their needs, and improving their lives.

Power Step Four: Make It A Bold And Striking Breakthrough.
This is a major shift in thinking that does not support a mild interesting let-me-think-about-it viewpoint. Your prospects' response should be, "What did you say? Please tell me more...Right now!" They already connect the benefits in their lives and just want to find out more.

Power Step Five: Be Supported by Proof.
People want the testimonials of others who have achieved the results they also want. Most have heard the logical argument that depending on a boss for your lifestyle goals has problems. But they want real peoples' stories of self-employment or self- generated personal incomes. If they can do it, so can I.

Power Step Six: Be Easy to Explain, Simple To Do and Even Easier For Your Prospects To Grasp.
The Big Idea needs to be stated in a sentence or two. Remember, everybody these days is overloaded and overwhelmed. So in order to break through the mental fog in your prospects' minds, it's got to feel to be easy and simple. In fact, your prospects should be able to easily restate your Big Idea in their own minds or words in a minute or two. That'll only happen if it's easy for them to grasp.

Power Step Seven: Abdicate from Previous Failures And Avoid Excuses.
Make sure your prospects understand it wasn't their fault for not succeeding in the past or getting stuck in a poor job. Traditional network marketing has been overly complicated and difficult for average people to duplicate in order to make residual profits. This new model is different and when done correctly with 3 steps, failures are minimized and successes are maximized.

Power Step Eight: Deliver Better, Faster, Cheaper Value to Prospects.
The company, affiliation, service or product will give your prospects their desired result either better, faster, more cheaply, or with more certainty of success than any other alternative. This way, your product or service really becomes the default choice, and your prospects would need to be certifiably insane to pass up on what you're offering.

PART TWO: So how does The Shopping Genie meet all these criteria for this New Network Marketing Powerhouse…let me say, with perfection and admiration.

Step 1: VALUE. Compare prices…save and shop online or offline...never pay full price again for anything.

Step 2: FIRST. My Shopping Genie is a four year old company…well established…top Alexa ranking…but still a relatively new enterprise.

Step 3: HELP. People want to save money in a tight economy. You get access to millions of sales, discounts, coupons and free offers. Who wants to throw their money away or ever pay full price again?

Step 4: BOLD BENEFITS. Compare best deals in seconds...rides on top of major search engines...make Pay Per Click Income even without a team.

Step 5: TESTIMONIALS. Listen to shoppers who saved hundreds of dollars monthly and more. Why not your family? Also, hear about how much distributors are making and the extraordinary potential of getting paid nine ways.

Step 6: SIMPLE. The Business Plan has 3 Steps every one can do. Can you share a number, invite to a webinar, and do a live demo on the computer to show the kind of savings and earnings your prospects can make?

Step 7: NO EXCUSES. No cost to download and enjoy savings.Let professionals tell and sell the benefits. Keep it simple 3 Steps Plan.

Step 8: BETTER and FASTER. Who do you know wants to save money? Who do you know wants to make money…no need to change habits, subsidize training, or spend money up front to try it out.

In summary, My Shopping Genie is a recession proof, no-brainer home business for our modern times. The major trends are information distribution and online advertising, shopping and saving. You still may say "nay" but not because you failed to check out an important webinar.
My sincere hope for you and your family is to register for the webinar today so you have the chance to learn about ALL the benefits of My Shopping Genie such as co-branding for small business owners and fund-raising for non-profit organizations.

The dawning of a new generation of networkers is a beautiful thing to behold and welcome, finally, a fair and democratic home business opporrtunity for every family.

HOME BUSINESS MARKETING: How A Simple Home Business Can Set Free Self-Beliefs From Poverty And Even Food

HOME BUSINESS MARKETING: How A Simple Home Business Can Set Free Self-Beliefs From Poverty And Even Food

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How A Simple Home Business Can Set Free Self-Beliefs From Poverty And Even Food

How A Simple Home Business Can Set Free Self-Beliefs From Poverty And Even Food

Outside perspectives can become chains that enslave in the dungeon of mediocrity...Greg Fullerton

One of the most popular current best sellers is a book by Geneen Roth called and GodWomen, Food And God.  It is described as a revolutionary look at the connection between food, weight control and life style.

It was relatively logical to make a comparison between Women, Poverty and Self-Beliefs. The theory is compulsive eating and overweight problems are not about food, but rather filling up or satisfying an unhappy self-image or deficiency. The self-dialogue goes like this:

 "I accept my state of fatness and blame it on lack of will power to make me fatter and eating more is like a drug to keep me numb and justified why I need to eat more of foods I know are fattening."

Now think how this theory can apply to being poor. Similar words may sound like this:

"I accept my state of poverty, not because I'm not able to make money but rather it helps to self-fulfill an unhappy self-image. I'm nobody special and I don't deserve to be rich. I'll just find more excuses to justify my job, my debts, stress and lack of success."

The PROBLEM is not lack of money but your acceptance of it. "It's about the fact that you have given up without saying so..."

"Accepting problems and limitations creates a small focus, a narrow life, of hiding and shame 'like dying without ever living'" ...Roth

Do you ever feel overwhelmed, misunderstood, circumscribed, and victimized by an ever-changing economy and society? And there is only CORE SOLUTION. You see it every day when you look in the mirror. You just need to look deeper.

First, let's compare being poor to being overweight. Both are undesirable. Both are by-products of controllable actions. You learn to live with self-misery and make up stories about lack of money. You worry about bills, job security, a dead-end job, or not affording the special extras for your family. You scour sales, discounts, food stamps, drive into junk-food restaurants, abide an unreliable old car, live in an insecure neighborhood, work for a tiresome boss, face congested long commutes, retract from educational opportunities.

"You assume that it's not possible to live any other way...and you're using 'lack of money' to act that out without ever having to admit it."

This can be flatly described as a "flat life."

Whether you try to control overweight or eliminate poverty, there are at least 3 choices:

One, keep doing what you're doing...easiest.

Two, find a better routine...This is a little harder. But motivation comes from understanding the reasons to be better…better than a plate of fatty French fries or a minimum wage job and high interest bills.

Three, find those powerful feelings that nothing will destroy your life's purpose. Know your true spirit that nurtures fidelity, gratitude, justice, physical vitality, self-development and potential. This is your true self-belief or value you must also see when you look at yourself.

Note that there is no duty to be wealthy other than the single value of money in your bank account is not for its own glory but for all the generosities it allows for you and those you care about.

What do you really see when you look at your self-worth? Would a strong, positive self image put up with a greasy hamburger or graceless lifestyle?

The ONE SOLUTION is up to you and your core values…

If the main problem is lack of self-belief then write out this statement on a card and repeat it as many times a day as you can:

"I want to be the best that I can be. I want to do and have and live in a way that is in harmony with my idea of the greatest goodness of life."

Can you see it is about who you believe you are? It is your self-dialogue that will imprison you. It is you habits that will enslave you to missing out on everything in life that is not related to poverty.

It will take new experiences to liberate you.

So it may be easier to see how a plate of food can create a burden to what your body is meant to be. That glossy creamy donut, that cheese saturated burger will manifest itself as extra poundage. That excuse "I can't do a simple 3-steps home business plan" will prolong a paycheck to paycheck existence.

It takes more practice to see how a new and revolutionary home business concept can help you become financially secure. You already have everything you need. You are Someone Special versus No One in Particular. What you need is right in front of you and you may not realize it unless you take the first steps and check out a webinar and video.

Shortage of time is not your problem. Let top professionals tell the story for you.

Shortage of money is not your problem. You can start with a free shopping application and save money on everything you buy.

Shortage of Self-Belief should not be the problem. You have ENERGY...with body, heart, brain, nerves, and muscles. You have INSPIRATION, if neccessary, with the previous statement repeated daily...
 "I want to be the best that I can be. I want to do and have and live in a way that is in harmony with my idea of the greatest goodness of life."

In fact, let's accept the theory that the real issue about any fear, suffering or lack of self-image may have NOTHING to do with a bad economy, a bad childhood or bad eating habits.

It ALL has to do with you. And, specifically, with your connection to your Highest Self, Source, God, or Whatever-You-Want-To-Call-It.

Greg Fullerton's speech about Who Set the Rules sums your freedom and core values the best:

"The power of self-talk is incontrovertible. Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right. Don't let others impose their negative outlook and rules on you. Break free from the chains of popular opinion. Learn to take counsel from your innermost self, your self that knows you can succeed regardless of circumstance. Guard vigilantly against negative self-talk. When you hear the voices inside telling you you're not good enough, realize that these are the voices of failure in society — not your own voice. Make your own rules. Live them fiercely and consistently. "

I sincerely hope a great life for you.

Questions and comments are always appreciated. I look forward to sharing our inner dialogues and more!

Friday, December 3, 2010

How Network Marketing Home Business Finally Merges with Internet Click Revolution

Isn't it about time that the network marketing industry with its people skills finally took advantage of the growing internet marketplace and distribution channels?

What a question! What an answer to build independent fortunes, if done right.

Networkers already understand at a personal level the impact of the current recession and possible future years of economic uncertainty.They even probably agree that the greatest transfer of wealth is moving from a Manufacturing Industrial Economy to a Technological Information Age Global Economy.

On one hand, network marketing as a home business has evolved for 60 years offering innovative research and manufacturing of products and services which was the basis for supplementary incomes for families. Now, on the other hand, the evolution of network marketing has finally merged wth high tech. This internet click revolution will transform the future for those entrepreneurs who "get it" and it is already doing that.

This new opportunity is currently on rare groundloor. Imagine starting out with Microsoft or Dell computers.Welcome to the brilliant home business of the future called My Shopping Genie.

Just a few details under main topics should be reason enough to check this company out and take it for a test drive.


1. Online Shopping is a 204 BILLION Dollar Industry (last year) and GROWING. Sixty four percent of shoppers compare prices online before buying. Online shopping is increasing by 10% annually.

2. My Genie is the only business that rides on top of all the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and Bing. GOOGLE PAY-PER-CLICK earned 23 billion dollars. Wouldn't you love to get a piece of that pie? How big a piece is up to you.

3. My Genie has been going for 3 years now, launched as a 2 stage affiliate program before moving to a much more powerful Direct Sales Organisation pay plan in late 2009. At of end of 2010, there were 1.8 million installations and 50,000 distributors worldwide.

4. On the Alexa Web Traffic Ranking System, My Genie has passed Amway, Melaleuca, Pre-Paid Legal Services, USANA, Mary Kay, NuSkin, Monavie and Tupperware, and is second now only to Avon.


1. Online shoppers save money by getting the best bargains on the Internet in the least time. Reports show that the average person using My Shopping Genie saves hundreds of dollars monthly, and some over a thousand, plus they save hours of searching for the best deal. They can find great deals at over 200,000+ stores, liquidators and product manufacturers, including over 1,000,000 coupons and special offers.

2. Personal savings made real. Think about what your next purchase might be in whatever industry. How much would you think to pay and how much would you like to save? Now with My Shopping Genie you can find the lowest prices in real time to see how much you could save.

Imagine you do not need to pay full price ever again...whether you're buying movies, music, automotive, food, beverage, weddings, interior designers, jeans, boats, golf, other sports, holiday resorts, medicine, prescriptions, Iphone, clothes, lingerie, holiday shopping, flat screen TV, pizza, washing machines, dryers, VCR, DVD, CD, video games, travel, wine, Itunes, computers, and even insurance agencies like health insurance, life insurance, and car insurance.

Every day can be a Black Friday or a Cyber Monday. Simply put, you are throwing money away without My Shopping Genie. Now that you know, why not save a dollar and earn a dollar?


1. An amazing feature is MyShoppingGenie is don't have to sell anything. As a distributor, you only GIVE AWAY the free App to consumers. There's ZERO buying resistance because the customer never has to pay for it.

2. An unique feature combines affiliate marketing with network marketing. You can earn affiliate income for purchases made through some retailers like Amazon, Clickbank, and DigiDown.

3. It is the only business that pays pay-per-click income. You get paid by the sellers when people click and search, even if they don't buy. The average person searches 88 times per month. The average Genie returns approximately $3 per month in click income. In fact, some distributors can make a full time income on their first level. Just imagine anyone with a computer who shops online can make you money whether they buy anything or not.

4. You can get a lifetime license for $199 and a low $29 monthly subscription fee. You also receive 2 websites, flyers, banner ads, training, and customer support. The entire business is digital and internet based, so there is no inventory or shipping costs, and it is quickly spreading internationally.

HOW TO GROW HOME BUSINESS INCOME When people use the Genie you will earn income in at least 9 ways. Here are four ways.

1. Pay per click. Many of these online outlets will pay you on a per click basis when someone uses the application. Simply put, the more people you sign-up for their free Shopping Genie, the more income that you will earn.

2. Affiliate Income. Many large online retailers such as Amazon, ClickBank, and eBay have affiliate programs where you can earn money for each sale that you make using the Genie software.

3. Placement Income. When you sign 2 people up as distributors for My Shopping Genie, you will get paid $100. If you become a distributor today and sign up 10 people tomorrow, you will earn $500 for example.

4. Residual Income with Binary Team Commissions. You earn money in multiples of 2 in terms of team sales, matching bonuses and overrides with pay-per-click incomes earned by personally enrolled Genie users. It is a no-flush system. For more specific details , request site and videos.


1. My Shopping Genie provides free advertising for small business owners on the front page of every major search engine. For example, let's say a Deli Shop owner gives away the free App to his customers, and whenever they search the internet, his business logo appears on the top of Google search. The Deli business then gets paid whenever it gets exposure versus paying for impressions. This is self-branding at its best and My Genie will even create coupons to give to your customers with your Genie link.

2. This unique concept also helps FUND RAISING. Non-profits such as schools, churches and Chambers of Commerce are also attracted to My Shopping Genie because there is no selling and there is no out of pocket expenses for contributors. For example, if a school team wants to earn money, they can encourage the public to download a free Shopping Genie and the team receives Pay-Per-Click income.

The BOTTOM LINE is this...imagine that anybody with a computer can make you money.

In fact, even if you don't want anything to do with the business, don't let this stop you from saving money. Request your personal DEMO and download the Genie today so you can enjoy the savings.

However, for those people who are serious about more income and financial security, the best news is the simple 3 Steps Marketing Plan that has grown a team of 14,000 distributors plus.

1. Listen to 7 minutes overview 512 404 1270 ...4 options

2. Register and watch webinar...

3. Download My Shopping Genie App and demonstrate for yourself how much money you can save.

The final word is that you can be rich or poor. Rich is better. When a home business opportunity is so fair, clear and simple, it makes no sense to let it pass without even trying. Request your special videos to make an informed decision. Our team of professional networkers is standing by to help you every step of the way.

Looking forward to talking with you and learning more about you.
NEAT...No Excuses Allowed Team

How to Network to Build Net Worth with Home Business of the Future

There is an important difference between the words POWER and FORCE. Power is where you control the resources that format your circumstances. This can also be called self-empowerment. Force is where you lack resources and are bandied about by circumstances that control you.

Interestingly enough, in our modern society, there are abundant resources for development and improvement. However, unfortunately, lack of proper decision-making skills can sabotage your best interests. What if, the 6 inches between your ears can stop you from downloading a free valuable shopping service? What if, skepticism can stop you from taking a closer look at a revolutionary concept in the network marketing home business industry that can create financial security for your family for decades to come?

Consider a simple fact. Your individual NET WORTH is the value of all your assets minus any liabilities such as mortgage, car loans, and credit card balances. Your future net worth will be determined whether your money will grow or shrink.

Now there is only one MASTER KEY to actually build any kind of wealth that YOU can control that gives you the power to live your self-directed lifestyle. It's even simple enough to use with the right system. Why complicate making money with a network marketing home business? Sometimes, it only takes a little information from a short video to gain more power over your life and stop falling under the control of forces you don't want.

Learn more with a powerful article by Kevin Hogan (Doctor of Psychology, public speaker, consultant, and corporate trainer). You can request to read his full copy if interested. It talks about what really predicts wealth as laid out in number forms. It shows the plan for wealth creation that is four times or more that of the average person. (All statistics courtesy of the U.S. Gov't).

Here are a couple of excerpts:

PROBLEM ONE: What guarantee do you feel you have with your retirement plan, 401K, stock portfolios or other pension plans that they will increase, maintain, or decrease their value? Note:The average 401K has about $60,000 in it. After taxes, that's really about $35,000 which is about enough to live one year in "retirement." Have you followed along with what has happened to your 401K money in the last decade? How many people do you know are wealthy because of 401K investments? Note, it continues to be hinged to the stock market.

PROBLEM TWO: Income levels show which groups of people make what kind of money. Some interesting statistics regarding net worth point to education levels and earnings. For example, ONE KEY is that if your kids graduate from college, they make 4 times as much as their non-College Grad friends. This is not optional, they ARE going to earn. That's the first key.

The second key for people is ultimately going to be the same which is the MASTER KEY. The median income for a family or household in the USA is now at $50,233. Where you really want to be is in that highest 20% or earning $100,000 per year. Current income by WORK STATUS (who you work for) based on your household NET WORTH (assests minus debts) shows that Self-Employed are WORTH 5-6 times what "normal people" are both at the median AND average scale!


Nothing else comes close. This is your own MASTER KEY that you have power to implement. All you need is more self-empowerment.

Kevin states this fact better than anyone else: "Every person who works for someone else should seriously consider having a small business on the side. Internet, brick and mortar, something where you determine your own income. There is nothing wrong with having a "job." It's fine. BUT there is a LOT WRONG with believing that the average person can live 15 years on accumulated pension dollars dollars when these numbers are DECREASING. One bad thing goes wrong..disability, divorce, sickness, death, gets fired (downsized,) and everything gets worse. Survival becomes the issue. Credit becomes stretched and the family is done, usually for life…very scary.

The poorest people are not saving anything. They are building no equity and accumulating junk debt (toys) instead of quality debt which could go up in value like real estate, education, or a small at home business.

So you are encouraged to start a small home business, preferably one you love. Choose something that is fun, or rich with meaning for you. Most small businesses cost little to start and can cause an income much higher than any job they ever had, in just a few years time...sometimes faster."

Are you self-sabotaging your life? Are you letting your self-image set your financial "thermostat?" You won't outperform what you think you are worth or can do.

In fact, in simplest terms, the new economy is shifting its wealth from the Industrial Age to the New Information Economy. There is one home-based business opportunity that plugs into this transition. It is time to make a simple decision and time to NETWORK to increase NET WORTH.

What if, one compelling video can show you how to start to increase your Net Worth by never having to pay full price for anything again? Would you take a handful of minutes to watch an extraordinary home business concept called My Shopping Genie? Or would you make excuses and assumptions and fall back into old habits and beliefs that the future will miraculously unfold with magnitude.

Here are just three benefits:

1. Download Free Shopping Application, one-time license fee for distribution, minimal monthly subscription, no product explanations, no market research, no experience needed

2. Participate in booming e-commerce growth..rising 10% annually...leverage Internet Click Revolution...recession-proof

3. Work with top networkers with a simple 3 Steps Marketing Plan, webinars, conference calls, sizzle number 512 404 1270 ...4 options 

This free enterprise solution is the ONLY life that leads to self-employment and security. It's the only life that brings people stability, safety, financial freedom and long-term happiness.

Change means re-adapting status quo or taking a leap of faith, but our team will make it fun, friendly and very profitable.

So, I ask you again. Would you allow 6 inches and a free shopping application download to block your vision?

Comments, questions and aspirations are always welcome. I look forward to learning more about you.

Annemarie...NEAT...No Excuses Allowed Team