When job security is less trustworthy, two industries offer opportunities for home-based entrepreneurs: namely, internet marketing and MLM or multi-level network marketing. Both have the potential to make money from home from part-time supplement to full time income that could triple the average job salary.
The key is to respect human conditions, abilities, rights and dignity. But is it used?
Two masterminds recently shared some eye-opening insights and a common concern.
Marc Ostrofsky is an elite internet marketer whose books have been on the New York Times bestseller's list, who has been a guest on several major TV shows (most recently, "The View"), and has been cited in many major news articles.
Here is his take on why he is so concerned about what he sees happening in this ever-changing internet frontier:
“… never before in my life have I seen so many people burned by fakes in the market. By con-artists selling dreams, but delivering B.S. It makes me sick to my stomach because they are playing with people's lives. They shatter the hopes of good people...trying to look for a way out of this recession.
They spark people's dreams by showing phony pictures of phony checks or phony ClickBank receipts or bank statements.”
Mark knows there are good mentors worth their salt and ethics and he recommends some of them in his book Get Rich Click. Here is a link to his site where you can download a free chapter.
Jeff Olson is a MLM network marketing mastermind who personally build an organization with 400,000 distributors in his downline. I might add, this was before the time of the internet’s list-building, traffic generating “attraction” gurus! He also developed The People’s Network with over 900 videos on the philosophy that personal development helped to nurture home business success. You may be open to reading his popular book called The Slight Edge.
Here are some of the statements he shared for MLM success:
- make 2 exposures a day without fail even if it is out of your comfort zone
- read 10 pages of a good book every night – equals 10 books a year
- show up consistently to all calls and events
- provide structure for the person who has left an office job for an open-ended entrepreneur’s schedule
- maintain right attitude because most are not willing to do differently and follow to the end.
- keep integrity with small things even when nobody is watching. Small things compound over time.
But Jeff had a concern, too. The things that get people involved in MLM or network marketing home business is the very thing that hurts the most.
90% plus people don’t get results and they lose their beliefs. “They go back to a lower place than they started, they stop believing and they stop searching.”
So, here are two masterminds who have concerns about how human conditions, abilities, rights and dignity are being mishandled, if not downright abused, by power brokers in selfish self-promotions who prey on and victimize people’s hopes and dreams.
It is time to return to basics and a fair and democratic home business opportunity for every family.
We invite you to check out our Team of Hope and special report.
You can access the report by calling this number: 1 888 766 5114
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