Monday, October 3, 2011

Two Masterminds Have Concerns Re Internet Marketing and MLM Home Business

Our economy is changing…either your bank account is half- full and getting fuller or your bank account is half- empty and getting emptier.

When job security is less trustworthy, two industries offer opportunities for home-based entrepreneurs: namely, internet marketing and MLM or multi-level network marketing. Both have the potential to make money from home from part-time supplement to full time income that could triple the average job salary.

The key is to respect human conditions, abilities, rights and dignity. But is it used?

Two masterminds recently shared some eye-opening insights and a common concern.

Marc Ostrofsky is an elite internet marketer whose books have been on the New York Times bestseller's list, who has been a guest on several major TV shows (most recently, "The View"), and has been cited in many major news articles.

Here is his take on why he is so concerned about what he sees happening in this ever-changing internet frontier:

“… never before in my life have I seen so many people burned by fakes in the market. By con-artists selling dreams, but delivering B.S. It makes me sick to my stomach because they are playing with people's lives. They shatter the hopes of good people...trying to look for a way out of this recession.

They spark people's dreams by showing phony pictures of phony checks or phony ClickBank receipts or bank statements.”

Mark knows there are good mentors worth their salt and ethics and he recommends some of them in his book Get Rich Click. Here is a link to his site where you can download a free chapter.

Jeff Olson is a MLM network marketing mastermind who personally build an organization with 400,000 distributors in his downline. I might add, this was before the time of the internet’s list-building, traffic generating “attraction” gurus! He also developed The People’s Network with over 900 videos on the philosophy that personal development helped to nurture home business success. You may be open to reading his popular book called The Slight Edge.

Here are some of the statements he shared for MLM success:

  • make 2 exposures a day without fail even if it is out of your comfort zone
  • read 10 pages of a good book every night – equals 10 books a year
  • show up consistently to all calls and events
  • provide structure for the person who has left an office job for an open-ended entrepreneur’s schedule
  • maintain right attitude because most are not willing to do differently and follow to the end.
  • keep integrity with small things even when nobody is watching. Small things compound over time.
His motto is that “the price of doing something is far less than the price of neglect and of being unsuccessful all the rest of your life.”

But Jeff had a concern, too. The things that get people involved in MLM or network marketing home business is the very thing that hurts the most.

90% plus people don’t get results and they lose their beliefs. “They go back to a lower place than they started, they stop believing and they stop searching.”

So, here are two masterminds who have concerns about how human conditions, abilities, rights and dignity are being mishandled, if not downright abused, by power brokers in selfish self-promotions who prey on and victimize people’s hopes and dreams.

It is time to return to basics and a fair and democratic home business opportunity for every family.

We invite you to check out our Team of Hope and special report.

You can access the report by calling this number: 1 888 766 5114

Questions and comments are always welcome.



"What If There Were Two Critical Components 99% of

Job Seekers Didn't Know & Would Never Find Out

About Necessary For High Earning Potential in a

Home Based Business?"

"Would An Extra $5,000.00 to $7,000.00 A Month

Give You The Time, Freedom and Money To Do What

You Really Enjoy?"

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bad Changes Re Autoships But Good News for Network Marketting Home-Based Business


Changes are everywhere, part of the flux and flow of progress whether in the national economy, work place, culture, social media, or personal patterns of living.

The network marketing home-based industry is about 50 years old and is not immune to changes in society in general. Do you know what’s going on behind closed corporate doors? Smart networkers will be able to ride the tide of change to even more financial advantages if reality is faced forward.

First, some evolving but Bad Changes.

These are excerpts from an article written in the first quarter of 2011 by the Direct Sales Association...

"In the four years leading up to 2011, companies with autoship, consumable products, lost 37% of those autoships. If these top companies plan to be competitive in the next decade they are going to have to re-invent themselves...

...92.5 % of the people who come into this industry are part-timers, so automation is key."

Does this mean that more and more autoships may be cancelled because no company is immune to these losses? For those companies to compete in the next decade, re-inventing themselves may mean lowering the autoship pricing they offer.

If this happens, let's look at an example:

One of the leading companies in the industry has many millionaires, and these leaders make their residual income from percentages paid on the "autoships" they compiled after years of concerted effort, training, teaching, expense, blood, sweat and tears, etc.

Let's say this company has a $100 autoship, not uncommon in the industry. To try to create new growth and compete in this new environment, they lower their autoship to $50. In essence, those leaders just got a 50% pay cut. An intelligent network marketing company owner would not take that chance for fear they may lose their base.

So, in reality, can these top autoship, consumable product companies re-invent themselves?

The "New School" of network marketing says that the Autoship is DEAD!

Many proponents would say, "Autoships mean permanent income."

That statement may be true with one condition. People must STAY on the autoship, and according to the governing body of the industry, people are dumping them as quickly as they can, in every niche.

It is common knowledge in the industry that during a bad economy, the first thing they dump is an autoship.

OK,  so this may be the changing reality. What can networkers do about it?

What is the Good News?

The next level of network marketing is to be part of a home-based opportunity that offers two main advantages:

1. Provide a low monthly membership based on a valuable software and one-time distribution license fee. A large consumable autoshipment is no longer the issue.

2. Provide a professional marketing team who will help to pre-qualify, interview, present, convert sales and hire new distributors on your behalf.

The follow-up process where fortunes are made is followed up by professional marketers who pre-qualify, interview, do presentations, handle objections and conversions, and hire and train new distributors on your behalf.

Do you really get what this change would mean to you especially as a part-time networker? All newly created distributors will be encouraged to participate as members of this preferred, accelerated program. The end result is a strong, motivated, successful downline that will continue to generate home-based residual income for years to come!

If you really get this…you should be dancing for joy and calling your accountant!

So what do you do in exchange for the above work, you will agree to advertise and market one lead generation ad daily:

Up to $1,627 Weekly Simply

Giving Away Complimentary

Software Seen On CNN, FOX News,

ABC and NBC Info. Via (24/7) Free

Rec. Msg: 1-877-513-8007 ext 5757

There is so much more news and excitement I wish to share. But first hear the message and request the report. Follow through the steps and discover for yourself how network marketing changes are a reality wake-up which can make a huge difference in your own own financial security and happiness.

Questions, comments, debates are always welcome. It is time to believe and dream again.


Friday, July 1, 2011

How Every Family Can Participate in the Internet Marketing Revolution with MyShoppingGenie

Why Every Family Needs to Participate in the Internet Marketing Revolution with MyShoppingGenie...
and some practical steps to get started

Welcome to the New Economy. This is the greatest wealth transfer in our economic history and you are getting paid to share it with people you care about.

Who do you know who wouldn't be interested in saving time and money? If they happen to be rich and famous, then at least they will know others who wish to be.

You Can't Beat FREE!

This special home business does two simple things:

1. Give My Shopping Genie's away

2. Build teams that give Genie's away

Let's answer these basic questions:

A. What is the BIG IDEA and why participate?

B. What do I say to find interested prospects?

C. What do I do to make residual cash flow?

A. Why participate?
Here are a few facts from a short report from Reuters (Wed. April 13, 2011 6:29 PM EDT) validating that with your MyShoppingGenie business, you are at the right place at the right time!

U.S. Internet advertising revenue jumped 15 percent to $26 billion in 2010, setting a record high and proving that more companies are opening up their coffers to reach people online.

The new figures released on Wednesday by the Interactive Advertising Bureau and PwC also reported record online ad revenue increases in the fourth quarter of 2010, up 19 percent to $7.5 billion.

"We now have had five consecutive quarters of growth since the great recession impacted interactive advertising in 2009," Sherrill Mane, senior vice president, industry services at the IAB, said in a statement.

The report found that the most popular form of advertising was search, which represented 46 percent of revenue and increased 12 percent from 2009. Digital video advertising accounted for 5 percent of total ad dollars spent online in 2010, or $1.4 billion. The fastest growing form of advertising in 2010 was sponsorships, which soared 88 percent to $718 million.

"More time spent online, especially with increases in digital video and social media, has certainly helped to fuel the continued growth," said David Silverman, PwC assurance partner.

So how does MyShoppingGenie home business apply - at least 3 ways:

1. "The report found that the most popular form of advertising was search, which represented 46 percent of revenue and increased 12 percent from 2009." Remember - YOUR Genie rides on top of the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

2. "Digital video advertising accounted for 5 percent of total ad dollars spent online in 2010, or $1.4 billion." As we all know, digital video is the sweet spot for your new Genie Rocket!

3. "The fastest growing form of advertising in 2010 was sponsorships, which soared 88 percent to $718 million." Your MyShoppingGenie branding capability is the perfect sponsorship platform for businesses around the world! There is nothing in the advertising arena remotely close to the amazing value of the Genie branding feature for merchants, only $199 ($189 plus $10) license fee and only $34.95 per month subscription fee!

This is the BIG PICTURE of the kind of marketplace trend that increases potential value of home business profits.

B. What do I say to get people interested in making their own careful assessment?

Here are three examples of scripts used by top marketers…simple enough to be very powerful because everybody can do them.

Script One:

Who do you know that would be interested in saving money online? OR that would be interested in making money online?"

Script Two:

In your opinion, what do you rate as the fastest growing industry in the world?

No matter what they say always give them the same answer - which is - NO… just think 20 times bigger! For example, if they say Insurance, Finance, Health & Nutrition, Travel, etc. Your answer is always the INTERNET!!

Script Three:

Use the "15-Second Phone Script" - Have you got a few seconds? I have something I want to run in front of you. Four Questions…

1) Who do you know that uses the Internet?

2) In this down economy with everyone hurting, people worried about their houses, their jobs and their futures - who do you know that wants to save time and money?

3) What are you doing for the next 7 minutes? Could you listen to something? Plug them into the 7 minute magic call. 512 404 1270 option 4

4) Ask, "What did you like about what you just heard?" Then do a 3-way call to close with third-party support.

C. What do I have to do? Here are some best coaching tips to a new distributor:

a)The more you invite prospects to a professional webinar (about the company, industry and the product), the less you need to say.

b) Share this with the Whole World! If you don't someone else will. Then they'll be calling you. Learn to use an autoresponder's messages and online marketing tools…practice makes perfect.

c) Do NOT try to "invent" anything. Follow the 3-Steps System to Success that has created millions for the Genie Leaders.

d) What you were going to do next week in your home business…Do TODAY!

Massive Action equals Massive Results.

Remember you can't follow a parked car. Personal consistency on a daily basis to expose your business and recognize that although we have an Internet business, this is a belly-to-belly, warm-market industry. As much of a temptation it may be to sit behind your computer screen and click them in, it only takes them a click to leave.

We can lead a horse to water but we can't make him drink. The steps to success are far simpler than the continual apathy of mediocre existence. Harnessing the power of coupons and riding on top of Google will give you position, content, commerce and community.

That is the MyShoppingGenie and that is where you are right now only 7 minutes away from basic information.

The last step is yours. If you've ever said: "I'm sick and tired of accepting things the way they are…but it seems so hard! How do I just tip the scale and get to that other side when I don't really know what to say or do? You have now some basic reasons and steps to move mountains… but you have to take the first step.

I look forward to speaking with you and learning more about your experiences and aspirations and how we can work together.  

Annemarie   250 365 6916

Be sure to read the free report called A Fair and Democratic Home Business Plan in 3 Steps for Every Family...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Are you still searching for a way to make extra money from home? Most home business opportunity seekers note only basic requirements such as low-cost, simple to follow system, retirement planning and tax savings. However, there are several other important considerations to help make the right decision.

ONE: GET EDUCATED. You can expect failure if you start out with a limited understanding of terms and concepts that drive networkers. It is the reason why so many people do not achieve the kind of success they deserve which, in turn, becomes the basis of poor public relations. You can ensure success if you increase your understanding and evaluate the best, easiest way to achieve your goals.

No school or curriculum would operate where beginners are expected to add as graduates. The opposite to learning (failure) is to throw beginners into a complex business without a basic primer and expect unbounded success. And yet with proper education, network marketing can open up to be the last great grassroots free enterprise for every family who wishes for more financial security.

TWO: BE FAIR AND DEMOCRATIC. Network marketing has never been about what degrees you may have, level of experience, background, talent, education, ethnicity, status, biography, or self-belief. It has never been a vehicle of aggrandizement by the few self-branded gurus and their would-be followers. Their egos sadly misinterpret that you cannot duplicate superstars but simple-to-follow systems that everyone can easily do, fairly and democratically.

It has always been about the average person with above average dreams with minimal capital and sweat equity to make a different lifestyle for their families.

THREE: KEEP IT SIMPLE. Network marketing as a home business is based on only 3 KEY PRINCIPLES…no more…no less…so very manageable...if you GET THE BIG PICTURE!

You need to hear this again. The absolute power to achieve financial security is based on these THREE FACTORS ONLY!

Can you name them? Do you follow them? Do you know how to use them correctly?

FOUR: DESERVE A BETTER LIFESTYLE. You see, network marketing is not just about selling a product or service whatever that may be. It is about informing people about a business platform based on 3 key fundamental concepts that can dramatically change their financial well-being and security.

You see, it's simple to say NO to a household product with untried benefits when something similar may be bought at a neighborhood store or the household budget is tight.

But who would say NO to an independent and secure lifestyle to be passed on to future generations?

FIVE: WORK SMARTER. Network marketing has evolved through 60 years of changes drawn from evolving economies.

It is no longer a Mom and Pop operation in a garage. It is technologically advanced with global communications and very skilled mastermind systems.

Recent developments are integrating major e-commerce trends and leveraging internet profits. People can even try out a no-cost shopping service to prove its value before helping to distribute it to others.

SIX: GAIN PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE. We do a serious disservice to this industry. In my opinion, this home business model tends to be presented in the wrong order with an incomplete element that is essential to how this system works or not.

It typically starts with a presentation about a single MLM company. Then a new distributor may sign-up with a starter kit and autoshipment cost, and begin to market to friends, family or online leads with the expectations they will do the same. How has this worked out for you?

The better way is the opposite order. Start with marketing basics…what works…what doesn't. Keep the marketing plan as simple as possible. Practice positive self-beliefs. Now you are ready to share an exciting opportunity by first understanding marketing basics with stronger self-beliefs and a potential home business as a result.

A back-to-basics starter manual will level the playing field for everyone!

It's time to stop the trial and tribulations, lost money, and frustration.

It's madness to think this valuable home based business will gain public acceptance until we take advantage of what works on a massive, EQUAL democratic scale and scrap the difficult limitations.

Run away from any business venture that does not have a well-defined marketing plan, preferably on one page, with which you are comfortable.

SEVEN: SAY "I CAN DO THIS." Network marketing is NOT about information overload or duplicating leaders and magnetic personalities.

Long term residual profits come from a large team with multiple levels of people saying " I CAN DO THIS."

All you really need is a telephone...a computer...and a simple marketing plan with 3-Steps System for Success Plan that everyone can do. Period.

The total plan can be duplicated in an hour with no loss of critical information. It depends as little as possible on the skills of the person delivering it. It can help every person who wants extra income based on democratic, common multi-level marketing concepts. Period.

EIGHT: RETURN TO BASICS. Network Marketing, if returned to basics, is the perfect vehicle for grassroots entrepreneurship.

Let this be your focus. Be more knowledgeable about the industry itself. Keep the study, as usual, short, compact, comprehensive with the simple objectives of showing details, the big picture and exciting potential.

Without it, you will spend endless time and money explaining or defending this home business model.

With it, you'll cover the basics for people without any business experience. It integrates a big picture overview about the changing economy, market trends, power of leverage, duplication multiplication, residual matrix, internet marketing, personal development and much more.

With it, you will save time, money, make a difference and multiply your profits in a very fair, and democratic way.

This home business is meant to work the RIGHT WAY…no fuss, no muss, no travel, no tedious phone calls, no busy team members.

NINE: MAKE A CHOICE. Life is about choices. Change does not start with inspiration but with education.

You have two choices in front of you:

1) Continue to bypass the Information Economy. Miss out on a profitable home business in Network Marketing with a capital asset based on a huge expanding internet market. Forego a simple, time-efficient, low-cost marketing system and a residual stream of life-time income OR...

2) Wonder about it. What if you never find it....that is a truly scary thought.

This is the first day of the rest of your life. Your thought should be...Why NOT me?

TEN: BELIEVE IN YOU. Your success is more important than any reason or excuse you can come up with.

The first step is to learn more about the founding democratic principle built on equality, dignity and success which are the true hallmarks of multi-level or network marketing.

The second step is to believe with all your heart that every family deserves equal opportunity for success even if biographical conditions are unequal.

Success is 99% mental and you need to work harder on yourself than anyone else. Understand that nothing happens in the physical world, until there is a change in the emotional, invisible world of your mind.

As true networkers, we believe in YOU.

We believe you are an exceptional person who may not yet have uncovered their true potential. We don't think you want to continue arguing with life's limitations. We think you will not accept excuses not to be knowledgeable...but find it and apply it.

We believe you can empower and help others with this right information.

I look forward to sharing your thoughts about our motto. Do you believe every family deserves the right to a fair, democratic home business?  You are invited to discover how to shop, save and earn home-based income by giving away a free valuable shopping service that saves money. 512 404 1270

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Numbers Justify Your Network Marketing Home Business - Rational Reality

Whether you like numbers or not, these simple digits from 0 to 9 may just be the closest things we have for rational reality. These Hindu-Arabic numerical symbols have been used in counting and measuring for centuries. Their quantitative mathematical formulas can provide valuable insight into how something works, including all kinds of businesses. Who hasn't looked at these meaningful digits and wondered about market trends, inflation, recession, credit scores, retirement, resources, bank accounts, and consumer confidence?

So what is the relevance of numbers to a home business? Let's consider three important scenarios.

SCENARIO ONE: Here's the big problem with numbers when you work at a job.

As an employee you work at a job that may average 40 hours, 5 days per week, 52 weeks per year. That's a total of 2080 hours per year that you have traded in as services for the boss.

Now let's look at a typical company boss who has 50 employees working 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, 52 weeks per year. This adds up to a total of 104,000 hours worked per year on behalf of his' company. He may have worked 2000 hours or less if he also happened to enjoy fishing or golfing.

Imagine working another 40 years building the boss' dream and retiring with 40% less money than when you worked full time.

How fair do you think that is? Would you want that kind of leverage? Have you ever done that math?

The wealthy have been benefiting from such a strategy for centuries investing a couple hours a day.

Let's say you and your team can build an organization of 100 people who worked just 1 hour a day, 5 days a week, and 52 weeks a year. That would amass to 26000 hours that you could benefit from. If you wanted to get that much work done by yourself you would need to work 3250 8-hour days or nearly 9 years!

However, using leverage you worked one hour and so did your organization. Now, just think, what if those people worked 2 hours per day?

What are your chances to get that much work done in a "linear - job style" income scenario?

Now what if those 100 people had the authority to hire 1 new person next month, and then all of those 200 people worked 2 hours a day for 5 days a week over 52 weeks a year?

Do you see why the rich get richer?

Do the math, and decide if your only source of money is caught in a linear income TRAP.

Time leverage is a beautiful thing.

Knowledge leverage is a beautiful thing. You don't have to spend years becoming an expert in your field. You can share the expertise with a video or webinar. People either get it what top masterminds are saying or not.

Here's an example:

SCENARIO TWO: Most network marketing compensation plans are based on multiple levels of residual income.

Here is a typical example for a 6 month cash-flow projection. This really made a personal impact.

Let's say as a serious networker, you enroll 4 new members per month for 6 months at $25 commission per member.

New members per month: 4 x 6 = 24 new members on Level One.

$25 per member commission = $600 per month after 6 months on Level One.

Let's assume the 80/20 rule for your new members now on your Level Two.

20% of new members will be above average and sponsor 10 new members over 6 months.

20% of 24 new members = 5 (approx) x 10 = 50 new members on your Level Two.

(The assumption here is average sign-up rate of the 20% folks is about 2 per month).

80%, or the balance of your new members, just sign up 5 new members over 6 month period.

That's 19 X 5 = 95 new members for a total of 195 new members on your second level.

Total new members on your second level based on 20% results + 80% results.

Now, here is your TOTAL monthly residual earnings: $2550 after 6 months.

24 new members on Level One = 24 x $25/month = $600.

195 new members on Level Two = 195 x $10/month = $1950.

Now, here's the BIG financial question: What is the equivalent amount of money you would need in your savings account to earn the same (assuming a 2% interest rate)?

You would need about $1, 500,000!

Again, you don't have to be a mastermind to see how these numbers work.

SCENARIO 3: The most dangerous number for personal economy is ONE.

It's a simple fact that any business lives and dies by numbers. But have you ever thought that the most dangerous number to any business is the number 1. What does that mean?

Well, nothing can hurt you MORE than relying on ONE of anything.

Can you rely on one job or one income and think it is perfectly secure? Are you still programmed to think if you have a "good job," this means long-term support and ultimate security?

Now, what if you lose that job? Your income is gone and your situation becomes precarious. Your family is vulnerable.You may be forced to do things you don't want to.

This is one important reason to have a home business, especially today, as people try to ride the current economy like a roller coaster. It is a very good idea to have a job AND a work-at-home business on the side, so you have more financial defenses and aren't so vulnerable. You can use the business income to help weather the storm in a worst case scenario. With the right business opportunity, you may even amaze yourself at its simple system for success and enjoy time and money freedom at home.

In summary, this valuable article has looked at three scenarios that make sense using numbers in justifying a network marketing or MLM home business. Numbers are rationale and logical and do not permit irrational excuses.

It is your turn to discover the 3 concepts that make network marketing work. Then check out a home-based business opportunity that plugs into the major trends on the internet for recession proof growth.  See how you can shop, save and earn residual income from home with a free Shopping App. 521 404 1270 ..magic 7 minute overview.

Questions and comments are always welcome. 250 365 6916
Request your demo today and start saving money...even if a home business is not of interest at this time.

Hopefully, you have learned more about the values of personal leverage, multiple levels of residual income, and the power of one to make the right choice for better financial security.

"Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." William Jennings Bryan

Friday, January 7, 2011

How To Build Your Personal Economy With 5 Main Blocks Of Change

You can not control the national economy. If interest rates rise, jobs are outsourced overseas, unemployment increases and political decisions negatively impact our economy, there is nothing you, personally, can do about it. You can only control your own personal economy.

Would it not be better if you were in control of what you do and how much you are paid? Well, of course it would be better. You can start to regain control of your life, your freedoms and your financial well-being with a home based business. Learn the benefits of time freedom and lifestyle choices, how to leverage time and money, how technology will benefit you, and much more. It's time you took back control of your life and started making decisions that benefit you and your family.

Undoubtedly, you may have read these kinds of statements and, perhaps, they raised some concerns. But also, perhaps, there was some confusion because there was no clear direction what to do next to remediate some of these concerns.

One of the best lessons to use when contemplating important and complex facts is to DRAW A CONCEPT MAP. A volume of words is reduced to a simple diagram with connections and resolutions are easier to see and plan. I sincerely hope you get a pencil or pen and DO this exercise…getting a web of ideas on paper will make a difference, guaranteed.

Start by drawing a stick figure to represent YOU. Now you will draw a set of blocks beside you, one at a time, each labeled with a different reason for a strong personal economy. Inside each block note the keywords.


Have you ever noticed that there always seems to be a trade-off between the journey for success and the price you and your loved ones end up paying for it? It's always been more time pursuing money, less time for everything else.

Believe it or not, many people want MORE TIME to do what they enjoy in their life, as much as they want more money…especially busy professionals.

The typical job, business, or corporate ladder may NOT provide the time freedom you are ultimately pursuing.

Home-based businesses, using the power of technology and the Internet, can give you MORE time.

Think about it… would you rather work your life around your business or the other way around….work your business around your life?

KEYWORDS: busy, more time, home-based business.

Draw BLOCK #2: Label it LEVERAGE.

Most employers understand Leverage. If you're an employer, you leverage the work of your employees.

Today's NEW style of home-based business is also all about leverage.

In a home- based business you can leverage Technology to maximize your efforts. The individual can enjoy the same type of leverage traditionally available to select groups of people.

You can leverage your efforts through strategic relationships to create unlimited monthly residual income. This is where the Internet has really changed business in the last couple of years. Smart people harness the power of Today's Technology in their home business. You can now work at home with today's low cost technology that gives you all the capabilities of a large corporation.

The Internet is completely changing how people are doing business. It allows you to work all types of business from home to anywhere in the world and make VERY good money doing it.Once you learn how to apply these two principles to your NEW style of home based business, your only regret will be that someone didn't show you how to do this sooner.

KEYWORDS: technology, internet.

Draw BLOCK #3: Label it LIFESTYLE.

Do you have a lifestyle now that really turns you on? Did you forget that a great lifestyle was even possible? Most people don't have the lifestyle they want. And most have forgotten that's even possible.

Lifestyle is about living where you want to live and having the money to do the things you really enjoy when you want to do them.

A successful home business allow you to design your life on your terms… everything from where you live, to what you do, and even how much you make. It's all in your control.

Most of us only need a phone and the computer to connect with our business… and we can get connected just about anywhere!

KEYWORDS: design your life, phone, computer.

DRAW BLOCK #4: Label it TAXES.

If you're a W-2 earner, you'll want to pay attention here!

Most people are not aware that by having a home-based business they are entitled to many substantial tax deductions. This could make a significant difference in their lifestyle without increasing their overall income.

When you understand how it works, you'll see that the tax code offers home based business owners 157 legitimate tax deductions while the typical W-2 earner only gets 3. In essence, you're nuts if you don't pursue building a profitable home business.

KEYWORDS: 157 Tax Deductions, Income, Nuts.


OK here's a tough one.

Unless you have a financial vehicle that let's you increase your income on demand, you are just an indentured servant, no matter how fancy your title or how many degrees you have.

What would happen if you asked your boss for this type of a raise…maybe a few hundred or a few thousand next month? What would the boss be saying? Would you even have a job after that?

So, here's the reality. Could you earn an extra $1,000-$2,000 a month next month if you wanted to? What if you wanted to increase your income $5,000 a month within the next 90 days, could you do it right where you are?

Do you have bills you can't pay off? Could you support yourself indefinitely, if for some reason, you lost your job?

If not, you are in FINANCIAL BONDAGE.

The NEW style of home-based business can give you the financial vehicle to break free of those chains. It allows you to start part-time and work within your schedule.

But financial freedom is not only about having money. You may already make a lot of money. If so, are you mired down with employees, regulations, corporate politics and glass ceilings?

Have you sacrificed the quality things in life, trying to achieve something that was not there when you arrived? It does not matter how much money you make, if you have to give up YOUR LIFE just to get it. Then your income is solely determined by your desire and effort.

KEYWORDS: income, bondage, quality life.

Now look at all the ideas you have put together on one page. Draw lines to interconnect them. Most importantly, draw lines or arrows connecting YOU. Add a star beside ideas that are really important to you. Add more words that have personal meanings. Tape it on your fridge. I hope you share some of your thoughts.






The NEW style of home-based business can give you ALL THIS.

IT'S ALL ABOUT EDUCATION but keep it simple. What is the Information Economy?

IT'S ALL ABOUT SELF-EMPOWERMENT to be your best. Why it's important to me and how can I achieve it?

Follow a 3-STEPS PLAN.
Repeat 4 successful words I CAN DO IT!
Please watch this extraordinary webinar and get back to me with questions and comments. I look forward to sharing your concept map and how we can help.