Monday, October 20, 2008

Make Profits with a Home Business on a Table Napkin?

Make profits with a Home Business on a Table Napkin? Show me how.

I listened recently to a short video presentation about a young entrepreneur who has an absolutely unusual way of deciding which potential million dollar business to build based on a peculiar business model. Can his business plan be explained to future partners on a dinner napkin? And can his partners explain the same business plan on a dinner napkin to other prospects?

The key here is marketing with obvious simple duplication.

He continued to draw a regular sized napkin and divide it into quarters. Each quarter represented a special function.
First, start with a capture email page with a low ticket offer.
Next, proceed to a small ticket upsell where as many as 30% of customers begin to feel comfortable with the buying process. Then, everyone is dropped into an email follow-up system called a Continuity Program. Finally, the big ticket item is produced and supported with call centers, webinars, and email contacts and updates. At any time, potential customers can remove themselves from the marketing funnel.

This program started a personal evaluation. Can my small home business be explained on a single dinner napkin? I believe so, but even in a more simplified way.

First: Invite potential prospects to listen to an overview call about the home business opportunity.
Second: If interested in more information, follow-up with the company’s website and a one page Getting Started Right Business Plan
Third: Help with questions. Continue the education with a generic overview of the business model with a slideshow and e-book…an invaluable information tool that does the work for you called the Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits.
Fourth: Read and share the 1- 2 – 3 Step Marketing Plan that covers all the main facts,neutralizes common excuses, and brings in a new business partner.

Simple is a beautiful thing. A simple dinner napkin “business” can be duplicated. In our industry duplication of a simple marketing plan can lead to fortunes.

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