Thursday, June 18, 2009

Home Business..viral marketing more put-downs, ever again

Home business...viral marketing described more put-downs,ever again.. part 6

In the last few blogs, you have been introduced to a viral marketing formula for a network marketing home-based business. A couple of people have questioned the meaning of viral marketing..and this is a good thing. We undoubtedly also share the feeling that there is far too much hype on the Internet today how do you separate the useful information from the buzz and what to believe.

You will also read a contrasting statement from attraction marketing that I consider a put-down… a literal slap in the face that I will not accept anymore, never again.

First, what is viral marketing:

  • a method of advertising products or services by passing a message to friends, associates and family members
  • the message creates exposure and potential for geometric growth to 100’s or 1000’s or more people
  • this exponential exposure with extremely low cost and time efficiency grows quickly

Second, how does Viral Marketing work...based on a single product or message

  • must be as low cost as possible
  • must provide tangible, measurable benefits
  • must be easily transferred throughout the target community
  • speed of duplication is based on simplicity and value

Third, why Viral Marketing can build Your Network Marketing Home Business

  • based on successful duplication of simple plan..nothing complicated or too expensive
  • does not rely on the skill set or knowledge base of your team members
  • benefits have tangible value so nobody has to convince or sell anybody
  • delivery is highly time efficient so everybody can do it
  • speed of growth adds excitement and value to product or tool

So, in summary, viral marketing has tremendous potential in sharing worthy products and / or services that create results and excitement that everybody should be able to do or duplicate.

In effect, this is the essence of network marketing to achieve massive duplication and potential growth to help people and communities.

So, here is a statement from an internet millionaire that raises my temperature like a hot day on the lake because it splashes cold water all over the potential of viral marketing. And, I must confess that there was an earlier time when I would have wilted with a blistering comment like this, actually thinking “I can’t do this”…but not anymore.

He makes some valid points about gaining long-term knowledge based on initial failures and the big goal of becoming a master networker and copywriting specialist that takes time, dedication and money ($100,000 over 10 years plus $1000’s more monthly for training).
Then he makes this comment (paraphrased):

You can be successful in network marketing if ONLY (his emphasis) you have the right personality AND you are willing to establish yourself as a leader. You see… in network marketing, you WILL have to talk to people.
So, if you do not ENJOY talking to people (and, yes, selling) you should not be in MLM or network marketing!

I’m glad I can simmer down because it’s only one point of view, although commonly shared by several gurus engaged in self-branding or attraction marketing. But, from my experience, it is my choice not to let this one comment block my goals for a successful home business using a simple formula as a basis for viral marketing.

PROFITS =leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication

P = LM + DP x D

1. LEVERAGED MESSAGE…professional message easily shared with people

2. DEMOCRATIC PLAN...simple 3 steps marketing plan that everybody CAN DO. Can you read and share…if you’re not a great speaker, how about an average reader or better?

3. DUPLICATION…key to success in this simple marketing system is a short, comprehensive curriculum guide to how this industry works. It is simple-to-follow, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, time efficient and practical for everyone to use.

Check the previous blogs for more details

In conclusion, you will also need to make a stand and the viewpoint you want to take.

The value of a profitable home business, more income, more time freedom is immeasurable.

Will you limit it by an attraction marketing proposition that only the “big talkers” have the right to succeed?

Or will you believe in the democratic right of viral marketing to spread the good news that every family deserves a successful home business in tough economic times.

Questions and comments are always welcome.

I am committed to your viral home business success.

No Excuses Allowed Team
Poverty mentality is a wasted life in the Information Economy...are you getting your share?

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