It’s late Friday morning…drizzling outside, just baking a blueberry and black cherry buckle…and time to have some serious fun.
If you have followed my blogs, you understand my passion for the network marketing home business done RIGHT at the grassroots level. I am from humble farm roots and I particularly enjoy talking with others who may consider themselves from humble roots but with the grandeur of being of an oak tree.
I particularly espouse equality of opportunity regarding the democratic right to earn extra money in a tough economy. The one and only way to standardize a home business opportunity is with the network marketing business model.
The founding principle is that average people with above average dreams can start a home business with low capital and enjoy high profit potential by making a difference. The 3 basic operatives for success are leverage, marketing plan and duplication.
So, I particularly feel mental pain, in various degrees, when I read certain terms or associations with this unique industry such as “high-priced, private, secret training” marketing strategies. There is absolutely nothing high priced, private or secret about a fair, democratic,profitable network marketing home business.
So, just as a creative thinking exercise, I’m setting up a dialogue between two different network marketers:
Person A who believes in a viral marketing approach and democratic potential…will call him Victor or Victoria
Person B who believes in branding himself as an attraction marketing expert and let’s call him Martin or Martina. He (or she) is showing a "secret weapon."
Please remember as you read this... that the really,really interesting fact is that Martin(a)’s actual words are drawn from a sales copy promoting an attraction marketing program..
Martin(a)..You need to act fast ..this is right for’re lucky to get in
Victor(ia)..I don’t like selling..let me educate myself and when I’m ready (if) I’ll call you back
Martin(a): You need to sharpen your skills and develop yourself
Victor(ia): I can talk and communicate very clearly…life channels continue to develop me..don’t imply I’m less worthy
Martin(a): We have MP3 recordings, Powerpoint Slide Presentation, PDF transcripts
...over 40 hours of valuable training
Victor(ia): I only need a professional slide presentation with images that communicate a thousand words…easy to read and share in less than an hour
Martin(a): We’ll show you how to cause a stampede to your website
Victor(ia): I’m not interested in driving or managing herds..just ordinary, honest people looking for something better
Martin(a) We spend $100,000 a month on our advertising campaign
Victor(ia) Not the's a turn-off when you promote how great you are
Martin(a): You can build your first Google Adwords in 4 Easy Steps and a CD
Victor(ia): Not interested
Martin(a): We will simplify your Pay Per Click Adwords by making sure your keywords, text ads, and landing pages are closely related to search engines
Victor(ia): For your information, I’m already quite web savvy..but even after a year of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)strategies from top Internet Marketing specialists…I still struggle with indexing, ranking, back links, minimizing costs because “internet spiders” take a long time in evaluating any website and its worth in the internet community.
Don’t make it sound too casual...absolutely not interested.
Martin(a): Well, the BAD NEWS is we have to limit this program to the first 1000 people and the last program vanished in 2 minutes…
Victor(ia): Amazing Reskin would be proud
Martin(a): You may have trouble getting your hands on it because it is at an incredible discount because the full mentoring program is just under $3000
Victor(ia): My hands are full now..not my bank thanks
Martin(a): Well, I have a little confession actually. I got the original _______system a year ago but just didn’t know how to really put it into practice..and I’m hoping this new program will accomplish exactly what I envision for my home business success.
Victor(ia): Let me give you some real helpful, hopeful advice. The basic fundamental principle in a network marketing home business is to make sure your prospects and new business partners can achieve equal or more success than you can. The hope is to accomplish this by fully integrating a simple viral marketing formula that works for all people…not just for those who can afford 100,000 monthly advertising fee.
PROFITS =leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication
P = LM + DP x D
The theory is that the more material you produce, the longer the process, the more objections, the less duplication, the less previous blogs for more details
1. LEVERAGED MESSAGE…professional information tools delivered in one hour
3. DUPLICATION…key to success in this simple marketing system is a short, comprehensive curriculum guide to how this industry works. It is simple-to-follow, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, and time efficient and practical for everyone to use.
Martin(a): Well, I would genuinely get a kick out of helping you.
Victor(ia): I don’t believe I’m the one getting kicked today.
Your comments, questions and dialogues are always welcome…and especially any other ways we can return to the grassroots principles of this great home based industry and stop the “secret weapon...high priced...attraction marketing promoters.
No Excuses Allowed Team
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