..the most important TEST you must take to increase your network marketing success
Home businesses are booming for many reasons..it's the signs of the times..losing jobs.. less job security..need more secure income.. need to eliminate debt..need to save for future
Some are highly successful..some average..some doomed to failure. The greatest challenge is probably getting started right and following a proven roadmap or blueprint that works.
The majority of home businesses are based on network marketing principles…plug into a large, successful company, help to market their products and be able to earn handsome commissions through both direct and indirect referrals..Watch a short video that best defines network marketing.
If you’re serious about building a serious home business with the potential of making 5 or 6 digit income per month or year… then you must be able to pass this TEST.
You want to make sure you KNOW these answers to these questions when you start a network marketing home business in order to increase your chances for success.
The good news is it is easy to pass because the answers are provided in a great simple resource called the Mini-Program fro Maxi-Profits…56 visually- complelling slides
- Where can I find a home business with the potential to make $1000 a week...why a home business (slide 3)
- Where can I find a one-of-kind product that the marketplace desperately needs..why the wellness industry works so well (slides 45,46)
- How can I use my time wisely and focus on what is important…part-time income (slide19) How can I begin to earn income quickly… 4 fastest home business trends (slide 11)How can I increase my profits ..check out Duplication Equation (slide 31)
- Why is “Information Distribution” steadily replacing “Physical Distribution?”…our economic reality is changing (slides 8, 9)
- How would I describe benefits network marketing, including skeptics ... (slides 13,14,18)
- What is more valuable than fixed wages per hour and how can I illustrate it... (slides 15,16)
- How do I explain these important business concepts about leverage and residual income?(slides 20, 21, 22)
- How can I relate the value of leverage to internet marketing ...(slide 23)
- Why must I use a simple-to-follow marketing system...essential factor directly related to profits (slides 25, 29)...neat car analogy
- Why I don’t need any special skills or business background?..you already have people skills combined with network marketing benefits...see above slides
- What about if I don’t like the idea of selling …single biggest misconception that this business is about sales…it is about education for a better lifestyle (slide 43)
- How can I best explain how residual income will reduce debt..see 6 month chart (slide41)
- How can I train new people in the simplest possible way even if they have limited business experience?...plug them into the Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits…
- What is the best way to deal with objections or excuses... common excuses and answers …(slide 28)
- How can I avoid expensive training and or consultants but still learn from master networkers…use ONE PRESENTATION TOOL with no critical elements missing
- How can I make better plans to manage my time on a part-time basis ..an overview of decision-making charts …slide 6
- How can I best plan to set my goals …use Getting-Started-Right Checklist and 1-2-3 Steps Read and Share Marketing Plan (slides 39, 40)
- Who will help me…you will work with a personal sponsor, top team of networkers, administrative staff
- What are the 2 main factors that help to change mindset ...(slide 34)
- What part does personal development play in personal success... (slide 47)
- How do I maintain my belief system for success ...recite 10 Successful Operatives (slides 48, 49)
- How simple or viral can this home business training really become...(one slide #50..brilliant straight-line summary)
- How can I start to apply income tax strategies?...many resources…simple outline at the end of ebook 105 Tips: How to Plug into our Information Economy through Network Marketing
Did you pass? Do you want to? Do you have strong enough reasons to want to try?
Do you see why this home business can work based on basic information tools and a simple marketing plan that everybody can do?
What if, a simple Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits will put you on the road to brand new and exciting lifestyle.
What if you believe with all your heart the founding democratic principle built on equality, dignity and success. You deserve better…irrespective of race, age, gender, status, training, background.
We trust and believe in you. Just read and share.
Your questions and comments are always important...
Standing by to help,
Change your perceptions, change your thoughts, change your actions...change your results
There is no "secret" to success…just building blocks to an educated mind. A mind once stretched will not return to previous dimensions.
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