Starting your own home business may be a life-long ambition. Now may seem like the right time for a great host of reasons. It is crucial to set some things up right from the start in order to minimize wasted time, money and energy. Often, a major stumbling block is that the actual destination never matches the vision of success.
To improve your chances of self preservation and home business success here are 3 things you must know as a would-be entrepreneur:
- You don’t know what you don’t know
- You must pursue other people’s time, talent and resources
- Believe in the power and process of information tools
It is simple enough to make these 3 directives...but, expectedly, it is far more difficult to implement them. The main reason is the proliferation of talent, resources, and information tools which brings the focus back to the first statement...when you don’t know what to look do you know when you found it?
One of the best comprehension exercises, is to compare and contrast two ideas side-by-side. Here is a quick comparison that can help this “do your due diligence to make a decision” process. Perhaps you have pondered these possible home business proposals yourself..
FIRST EXAMPLE: Information Resource Tool: Instant Long-Term Cash-Flow Curriculum
(synonyms have been used for actual words from the sales copy but the meanings are the same for this program...similar ones are seen constantly)
- make $15,000 monthly on autoplilot after 90 days
- ground-floor secret
- benefits..anyone over 18..anywhere in the world…no longer an employee
- formula for success: know what to promote...know where to promote...know how to promote
- key to success…right mindset
- course consists of live webinar class every day with personal development coaches and an “empire” of online knowledge
- work less than 3 hours a day
- REAL CLINCHER... “without ever talking to anybody”..actual words
SECOND EXAMPLE: Information Resource Tool: Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits
- professional slide presentation and e-book of 120 tips
- generic overview of unique network marketing home business model
- benefits…simple marketing plan…cash-flow projection…personal affirmations..inbuilt training simple to share with new people
- formula for success.. fair and democratic plan for massive duplication
- key to success...simple to understand and you can do it
- WHAT WORKS..Education...get the facts
Self-Empowerment...see yourself winning
Change...welcome and exciting in the Information Age
Now you’re ready to plug into an extraordinary network marketing company, share products and home business opportunity based on leverage, duplication and residual cash-flow
Last 3 pieces of advice for new home business opportunity seekers:
1. Do your research…ask your questions…compare and contrast
2. Build a trusting relationship first with a potential sponsor..let them show you they are keenly interested in working and helping you
3. Avoid the worst thing by saying “Yes” to something you don’t understand. It also matters if you say “No” to something without proper education that can change your life’s story.
Your questions and comments are always important.
Standing by to help,
Annemarie...No Excuses Allowed Team
PS: For video overviews about network marketing definitions, marketing plans and mindset
For video overviews on how to set 2 goals for self-development, motivation, marketing
For tax advantages of starting a home business by famed tax expert, Sandy Botkin
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