You undoubtedly have used Google Search to find specific information...just type in a word or word phrase you are looking for and Google Search Engine will present pages of related topics and links.
Therefore, one of the best ways of doing market research is to check out what Google.Adwords.Keyword Tool shows about certain keywords and frequency of searches. The more popular...the more searches… greater the marketplace.
It’s common realization that the marketplace for home businesses is booming, especially in our redefining, readjusting economy.
So this statistic came as a profound SHOCK. You can check it out for yourself.
How many people search the internet by typing the words home business on the average per month?
The answer is 2, 240, 000 searches per month…that’s a lot of investigation and/or interest.
How many people search the internet by typing the words home business education on the average per month?
The answer is approximately 750 searches..
In other words, the ratio breaks down that for every 3000 people who are thinking about a home business..there is ONE person who is also thinking about some kind of primary education to explain how a home business works.
HELLO! What’s wrong with this SHOCKING picture?
Imagine 3000 students in a classroom all eager to build their BIG CHANGE money-making vehicle of some kind...but only ONE person will look at the mechanics. This unbridled methodology is doomed to fail! How many ways can you make a wheel?
No curriculum can exist that way through some kind of automatic osmosis. No one can expect a graduate’s mastery or performance from a primary level student. No new “dreamy-eyed” person coming into a home business without proper foundational comprehension and skills will function like a self-branded, social media expert. After a short time..when hype fizzles..only frustration and failure remain.
Now it is also a fact that the most common home business is based on network marketing for many reasons. At least 95% of home business owners are network marketers. It is estimated about 15 – 20% of successful networkers come from previous small business backgrounds and have well-honed business skill.
(This leaves about 80% of home-based networkers with limited skills but they are expected to function with the necessary skills of communicating, marketing, sales, motivation and more. This topic will be covered more in the next blog.)
The main point is that HOME BUSINESS EDUCATION MUST PRECEDE HOME the same way that an engineering course must precede building a bridge.
The main answer here is that a PRIMARY EDUCATION PROGRAM must be presented about how this Network Marketing Home Business works. It must be based on a common basic understanding that is easily shared even with non-business people.
Here are examples of primary instruction:
- Begin with basic vocabulary, concepts, strategies, comparison, self- evaluation and summary
- Provide a simple training component easily shared with a growing team to explain the duplication principles of this business model. This is mandatory to explain the main concepts related to leverage. Example: Slide presentation: Network Marketing in the Modern Information Age with a Simple 1 – 2 – 3 Marketing Plan.
- Ensure that the divergent but necessary elements for networking success are amalgamated into ONE simple journal, including self-concept development, to save months of research and avoid mistakes: Example: E-Book: 105 Tips How to Plug into our Information Economy through Network Marketing
- Connect to a simple online marketing system to expand contacts beyond warm market, uses auto responders loaded with sales messages for automatic follow-up, as well as provide ongoing communication training
- Provide time flexibility to fit into variable time schedules… not based on conferences schedules. Example:This ABC Primer can be easily accomplished in under 30 minutes with the Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits. NOTE: A picture is worth a thousand words…visual learning is critical to see complex meanings.
- Has to be low-cost for the average networker to afford: online system, leads, training and support so everyone can get into positive cash flow
- Eliminate the biggest roadblocks to success which are excuses, “I don’t have any money, I’m too busy, I can’t, I won’t. “ A life framed with excuses is a wasted future. More explanation in reason # 7 Check out slide 28.
BOTTOM LINE: Minimal cost, minimal time, maximum basics, maximum duplication ..the real creation of a true self-franchised individual
HOME BUSINESS EDUCATION becomes an integral part of the Home Business Viral Marketing Formula
Profits = Leveraged Message + Democratic Plan x Duplication
Profits become part of your life story and legacy.
As always, comments, questions and opinions are always appreciated. Another excellent source of primary education is Home Business 101 (3 videos..introducation, comparison and mindset ) and Home Business 102 (4 videos on Goal Setting
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