Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to Network to Build Net Worth with the Power of Own Your Channel Home Business

How to Network to build Net Worth with a powerful Own Your Channel Home Business

One Master Key..Two Problems..Three Reasons to OWN YOUR CHANNEL

There is an important difference between the words power and force. Power is where you control the resources that format your circumstances. Force is where you lack resources and are bandied about by circumstances that control you.

Interestingly enough, in our modern society..there are abundant resources for development and improvement...and no satisfactory excuses not to take advantage to empower oneself. However, unfortunately, lack of proper decision-making skills can sabotage your best interests. What if the 6 inches between your ears and a mere $9 month a month can stop you from taking a closer look at a revolutionary concept in the network marketing home business industry that can create financial security for your family for decades to come?

Consider a simple fact: Your individual NET WORTH is the value of all your assets minus any liabilities (mortgage, car loans, credit card balances)

Your future net worth will be determined whether your money will grow or shrink.

Now there is only one MASTER KEY to actually build any kind of wealth that YOU can control that gives you the power to live your self-directed lifestyle. It's even simple enough to use with the right system. Why complicate making money with a home business?

Sometimes, it only takes a little information (or a short video) to gain more power over your life and stop falling under the control of forces you don’t want.

Learn more with a powerful article by Kevin Hogan (Psy.D...public speaker, consultant,corporate trainer)..if current link is not available, request a copy as a letter. It talks about what really predicts wealth...all laid out in number forms. It shows the plan for wealth creation that is four times or more that of the average person. (All statistics courtesy of the U.S. Gov't)

Here are a couple of excerpts:

PROBLEM ONE: What guarantee do you feel you have with your retirement plan, 401K, stock portfolios or other pension plans that they will increase, maintain, or decrease their value?

Note:The average 401K has about $60,000 in it...after taxes, that's really about $35,000...about enough to live one year in "retirement." Have you followed along with what has happened to your 401K money in the last decade? How many people do you know are wealthy because of 401K investments? Note, it continues to be hinged to the stock market.

PROBLEM TWO: Income levels (US) show which groups of people make what kind of money ..some interesting statistics regarding net worth, education levels, earnings. For example, ONE KEY is if your kids graduate from college, they make 4 times as much as their non-College Grad friends. This is not optional, they ARE going to earn. That's the first key. The second key for them and for you is ultimately going to be the same...the MASTER KEY.

The median (half higher, half lower) income for a family (household) in the USA is now at $50,233. Where you really want to be is in that highest 20%...earning $100,000 per year or preferably much more.

Current income by WORK STATUS (who you work for) based on your household NET WORTH (assests minus debts)shows that...

Self Employed are WORTH 5-6 times what "normal people" are both at the median (middle) AND average!


This is your own MASTER KEY that you have power to implement.

Kevin states: Every person who works for someone else should seriously consider having a small business on the side. Internet, brick and mortar, something where you determine your own income.

There is nothing wrong with having a "job." It's fine. BUT there is a LOT WRONG with believing that the average person can live 15 years on accumulated pension dollars dollars when these numbers are DECREASING...

One bad thing goes wrong..disability, divorce, sickness, death, gets fired (downsized,) and everything gets worse. Survival becomes the issue. Credit becomes stretched and the family is done, usually for life…very scary

The poorest people are not saving anything. They are building no equity and accumulating junk debt (toys) instead of quality debt (things that can go up in value like real estate, education, career related expenses, or a small at home business).

So you are encouraged to start a small home business, preferably one you love. Something that is fun, or rich with meaning for you. Most small businesses cost little to start and can cause an income much higher than any job they ever had, in just a few years time...sometimes faster.

Are you self-sabotaging your life? Are you letting your self-image set your financial “thermostat?” You won’t outperform what you think you are worth or can do. We make our information cutting-edge, simple and excuse-free.

Time to make a simple decision..
What if, one compelling video can show you how to start to increase your Net Worth starting today. Would you trake 32 minutes to watch extraordinary home business concept called Own your Channel. Or would you make excuses or assume you know this and fall back into old habits and forced constrictions.

Here are just three benefits of Own Your Channel:

1. Minimal upfront cost and  minimal knowledge..no product explanations..no market research..no expert credentials

2. Build one team and use the same team to double your income with a second company..not by doubling more customers or recruits…far more difficult

3. Join a network marketing company only when you have a team big enough to create positive cash flow. Minimum risk..income calculator shows you the profits upfront…explode recruiting efforts

This is the ONLY life that leads to security. It's the only life that brings people stability, safety, financial freedom and long-term happiness.

Change means re-adapting status quo or taking a leap of faith..but our team will make it fun, friendly and very profitable..Would you allow 6 inches and $9 month block your vision for unlimited potential?

Questions and comments are always important...call it self-empowerment.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Home Business Information: 3 Simple Lessons..Present Economy, Old Moral, Exciting New Solution

Home Business Information: 3 simple lessons...present economy, an old moral, a new exciting solution with Own Your Channel

Your only limits to your realization of tomorrow will be your doubts of today.

Let us start with the premise that a profitable home business is the necessary lifeboat in the uncertain financial insecurities of the 21st century for many families for many reasons. As always, it is best to have the right information or blueprint before starting a home business…to see the big picture that can best meet your needs and long term security. In reality, in terms of understanding, there is both a highly complex volume of instructions or this simple summary and analogy of why you need a successful home business and what works best for everyone.

LESSON 1.. current stormy economy with no sunny breaks

Many economists say the US economy is still on a rough road which will grow by a paltry 2% a year for the next decade based on recent downturn and longer-term changes. At their January convention, they reached a consensus that the return to stronger growth patterns will be difficult. You can read the entire article or review the main points here.


  • labor force will continue to grow slowly
  • higher taxes, less credit access and increased regulation will affects innovation and productivity by smaller companies
  • technological breakthroughs are difficult to predict
  • overhanging debt at the household and national levels
  • serious trade imbalance
  • real estate construction will continue to contract and lenders may take further write-downs
  • less capital for private small business to borrow and restrain in hiring workers
  • changing demographic with aging baby boomers who may postpone retirement
  • consumers make permanent changes in their spending habits as a result of the recession

The point is that there isn’t much we can do as individuals with the national economy and world-wide changes.

But there is something we can do about our personal economy with the right successful home business plan…a return to free enterprise and grassroots capitalism accessible by everyone.


So it seems we have no control over all this unpredictable economic turbulence. However, is our only choice to be held for ransom, overwhelmed and confused? Or is there something small and democratic we can all use to find true entrepreneurship and make money from home?

Perhaps, this simple fable presents a different context to consider.

Once when a Lion was asleep a little Mouse began running up and down upon him. This soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and opened his big jaws to swallow him. "Pardon, O King," cried the little Mouse: "forgive me this time, I shall never forget it: who knows but what I may be able to do you a turn some of these days?"

The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him, that he lifted up his paw and let him go.

Some time after the Lion was caught in a trap, and the hunters who desired to carry him alive to the King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him on.

Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the sad plight in which the Lion was, went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the King of the Beasts.

"Was I not right?" said the little Mouse.

Little friends may prove great friends.

Simple tools may create great multiple streams of income.

So, here is the creative comparison. The Lion represents The Economy...whose survival depends on being all powerful…all variable to serve its pride of share holders...maximize profits...minimize costs...with less concern for individual well-beings. Now, we will either be victimized by it (The Economy) outright, live in fear with every bill payment or learn to manage and co-exist respectfully with it.

Now, what a coincidence that your small but vital connection is also called the “mouse.” It’s usually grey and can be held in your hand, be nimble, with the amazing ability to communicate worldwide. It can connect you to new ideas, home business opportunity, experts, and webinars to share valuable information in the comfort of your own home

The point is a simple mouse can help tame the all powerful lion-like Economy..no longer the victim but a victorious, efficient home business entrepreneur.


First, you need to acknowledge that changes are here to stay and you have no control over the powerful forces out there…it’s a jungle out there and the biggest seem to survive best…but we are all entitled to equal opportunities.

Second, you need to know something as simple as a mouse can connect you to a host of opportunities, market trends, even multiple profits especially in network marketing (mlm) home business models..

Third, avoid the complications...the jungle of information, mistakes, expenses, lost time. Make sure you see the big picture before you start with a simple step by step system to win as big as you want. Understand how to set the proper compass points to reach the destination that will last a lifetime for your children and grandchildren. Address the problems of duplication and marketing. Understand how independent team ownership builds the one and only team you will ever have to build and continue to earn multiple incomes.

Watch this compelling whole story video now
 The point is if you think you can or if you think you can’t…you are usually right…Henry Ford

Questions and comments are always welcome.

Do you want a simple generic overview of the network marketing home-based industry? Check out Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits.

Home Business Satisfaction with Own Your Channel..Right Time, Right Order, Right Team

Home Business Satisfaction with Own Your Channel...Right Time, Right Order, Right Team

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. Oprah Winfrey

Welcome to a new decade…never before in history has a business opportunity held the potential to have such a positive impact on the lives of its customers…Paul Zane Pilzer.

Are you missing out by self-denial choice or simple lack of information?

Here are three things to think about:


Americans' job satisfaction falls to record low - Yahoo! News


Read the entire article or here is a quick summary..

Even Americans who are lucky enough to have work in this economy are becoming more unhappy with their jobs, according to a new survey that found only 45 percent of Americans are satisfied with their work for a variety of reasons:

  • Fewer workers consider their jobs to be interesting…any effect on productivity
  • Incomes have not kept up with inflation…household incomes have shrunk since 2000
  • Soaring cost of health insurance has eaten into workers' take-home pay
  • Less than half of workers feel secure in their jobs
  • Slightly more than half say they are satisfied with their commute to work (even as commute times have grown longer), like their co-workers and/or are satisfied with their boss.
How would you rate your job satisfaction in comparison?


You've probably heard the old story...and it is never more important than to hear it one more time..

teacher puts an empty jar on the table. Next to it, she has a pile of sand, a pile of pebbles, and a pile of rocks. Then she asks the students how to fit them all into the same jar. Many try, none succeed. Finally, the teacher reveals the simple logic.
First, you put in the big rocks.
Then the pebbles.
Then the sand.

The point is that you can fit in everything you want to do if you've got the sense to "invert your order."

The rocks represent the big things in life…like security, free time,health, family,

relationships, faith, self-satisfaction to be the best you can be…

The pebbles represent other main things that matter in your life such as work, school, car, home

The sand signifies the remaining “small stuff” and material possessions like TV, clothes, trips

Imagine now that this jar signifies your life. The rocks are the truly important things, such as family, health and relationships. If all else was lost and only the rocks remained, your life would still be meaningful. The pebbles are the other things that matter in your life, such as work or school. The sand is everything else, the small stuff, the material possessions. If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same can be applied to your lives. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are truly important.


The point is you can make money in any network marketing company if you have a large enough team.

Instead of finding a company and then building a team, we first build our team and then find multiple companies that want access to OUR channel. In other words, we keep our team membership as our own independent valuable asset. This one team can now join more than one mlm company and earn money from multiple opportunities simultaneously. This business strategy magnifies your earning potential by using the work you performed once to create revenue streams in multiple companies. Power comes from numbers. 

  • Build this home-based team independently of any company affiliation.
  • Make it cost effective..a mere $9 a month for back office and replicating website…start-up money no longer an objection.
  • Provide a compelling video to explain the process with an unbeatable income calculator…know how much profit you will make before you join…no risk
  • Understand it’s not about product details, testimonials, industry knowledge, masterminds, branding, internet expertise, marketing expenses…it’s about knowing 3 motivated people who want the same thing as you do.
It’s about taking a few minutes to watch a compelling video and getting your questions answered.

It’s about getting your priorities right and working with like-minded people who care. It’s about believing you are at the right time, the right place and deserve better.

It's about making this decade the best you can be for yourself and your family.

Your questions and comments are always important. Be sure to check out a special Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits ...generic, comprehensive overview of what works in this special network marketing home business. 

Standing by..we believe in you,

Home Business Success with Own Your Channel: Two Great Gifts..Wisdom and Self-Belief

Two great gifts: Gift of wisdom from the 1900’s and gift of fearless self-belief to home business success with Own Your Channel.

“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” (Oliver Wendell Holmes)

In the spirit of sharing here is one gift of wisdom as we celebrate this one special holiday among many others. It is the story of how one man earned $5 million dollars in the early 1900’s when the common working wage was about $400 a year, a lawyer earned $2500 annually, and a 4-cylinder, five-passenger car was $1250.
He repeated one action over and over again.
His fortune allowed him to found a small seminary to train Baptist ministers. That school soon grew into Temple University, one of the first universities to offer affordable education to working-class Americans: it stands today as the most visible example of his legacy and vision.

His name was Reverend Russell Conwell. In an era when many Americans would pack public halls to hear speeches given by great citizens of their day, Russell Conwell read his world-famous lecture hundreds of times over and over again. It was titled "Acres of Diamonds," and it was delivered more than 6,000 times to audiences.

His speech told the story of a farmer who sold his farm so he could travel overseas searching for diamonds. After a lifetime of searching, he returned home penniless, having never found treasure.

In the meantime, one day, the man who purchased his farm noticed a sparkle in the stream running through the property. He waded into the water and found – a diamond!

Turns out, the farm was sitting on one of the world’s largest diamond mines, which made the new owner a fortune beyond his imagination or dreams.

The point of Conwell’s speech: you can find a fortune literally in your own backyard, if you just take the time to look for it.

The reverend concluded his talk by saying: “Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas. They are in your own backyard if you but dig for them.”

So what gems can we gather from this story a century later?
Several, actually, if we dig deep enough.

Gem #1: the perennial lesson that the rewards of work, education, and finding the riches of life can be found “in one's own back yard.” I would add “within your mental framework.” It doesn’t matter what your walk in life. There are no physical obstacles to stop you.

Gem #2: the resources to achieve all good things…opportunity, service, achievement, and fortune are in your hands…no need for a futile search to emulate them in other backyards.

Gem #3: just imagine how the resources of our Information Technology are infinitely more available now than compared to a 100 years ago…We now have an electronic virtual transmission of the power of knowledge or “intellectual distribution” without boundaries or limitations. Within the reach of our fingertips, we can share valuable social networking, a new brilliant reverse logic to a standard way of networking, a compelling video..a webinar..an unprecedented opportunity..and joint ventures.

What if, you repeated one action over and over again with the power of a phone or keyboard.

It starts by sharing a simple link to a couple of expert videos.

But it’s not the Grinch we must avoid…but rather the “kink to the link”..if you wish. This gift of information is invaluable only if you see the purpose and others also see the value.

This first gift of wisdom is priceless only if we also offer the second gift of self-belief both to ourselves and to others. We need to avoid the "kink" of assumption of not looking or negation by inaction.

The second gift is something we can only open from within. Imagine if you can wrap yourself as a present and “present” yourself to your family, your community and, now essentially, the world. What would your “presence” offer to those who “open” your thoughts and actions? Is it heroes of hope or enemies of fear?

Once more, let Jim Rohn’s wisdom help to “face the enemies within” and secure the reasons to discover change, hope and success.

We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear.Maybe some of our fears are brought on by your own experiences, by what someone has told you, by what you've read in the papers. Some fears are valid, like walking alone in a bad part of town at two o'clock in the morning. But once you learn to avoid that situation,you won't need to live in fear of it.

Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions.
Fear can destroy fortunes. Fear can destroy relationships.
Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives.
Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us.

Let me tell you about four other enemies we face from within.

The first enemy that you've got to destroy before it destroys you
is indifference.

What a tragic disease this is. "Ho-hum, let it slide. I'll just drift along."
Here's one problem with drifting: you can't drift your way to the top of the mountain.

The second enemy we face is indecision.
Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise.
It will steal your chances for a better future. Take a sword to this enemy.

The third enemy inside is doubt.
Sure, there's room for healthy skepticism. You can't believe
everything. But you also can't let doubt take over. Many people

doubt the past, doubt the future, doubt each other, doubt the

government, doubt the possibilities and doubt the opportunities.
Worse of all, they doubt themselves.
I'm telling you, doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success.
It will empty both your bank account and your heart.
Doubt is an enemy Go after it. Get rid of it.

The fourth enemy within is worry.
We've all got to worry some. Just don't let it conquer you.

Instead, let it alarm you. Worry can be useful. If you step off the
curb in New York City and a taxi is coming, you've got to worry.
But you can't let worry loose like a mad dog that drives you into a
small corner.
Here's what you've got to do with your worries: drive them into a small corner.
Whatever is out to get you, you've got to get it.
Whatever is pushing on you, you've got to push back.

Do battle with the enemy. Do battle with your fears.
Build your courage to fight what's holding you back, what's keeping you from
your goals and dreams. Be courageous in your life and in your actions.

Now you have two gifts: the gift of valuable information..how to be an entrepreneur..how to join a team of veteran successful business people.
the gift of self-belief with no timidity, no worry, no doubt, no indifference, no indecision. The mental apparitions of excuses and fears will no longer constrict your physical abundance.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

What would you do if you had a simple message of opportunity and prosperity to share over and over with others?

What legacy would you leave if you had a fortune?

Your questions and comments are always important.

PS..Check out a Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits  ..generic, comprehensive overview of the network marketing home business...what works..what doesn't.


HOME BUSINESS MARKETING: Home Business News with Own Your Channel Done Right..the Bad, the Good, the Best

HOME BUSINESS MARKETING: Home Business News with Own Your Channel Done Right..the Bad, the Good, the Best

Home Business News with Own Your Channel Done Right..the Bad, the Good, the Best

Home Business News with Own Your Channel Network Marketing Done Right..the Bad, the Good, the Best

“Don’t become a victim of yourself. Forget about the thief waiting in the alley; what about the thief in your mind?”Jim Rohn

The bad news is that this recession has caused an unemployment rate that hovers about 10%. Joblessness has wreaked financial and emotional changes and hardships for countless people. The good news is that Own Your Channel offers real stewardship and opportunity to become self-employed with a profitable home business. The best news is that change begins at a personal level..and no one can calls us to action like Jim Rohn.


Recently a New York Times/CBS Poll surveyed 708 unemployed adults. You can read the entire article and actual people.Poll reveals depth and trauma of joblessness

Unemployment has caused major life changes and mental health issues for millions of Americans, a New York Times/CBS News poll found.


Now here are some of the realities faced by unemployed workers which applied to nearly half of them

  • borrowed money from friends or relatives
  • cut back on doctor’s visits or medical treatments and did not have health insurance
  • suffered from depression, anxiety, insomnia
  • encountered more difficulties with conflicts and arguments
  • had trouble maintaining even the basic necessities ,paying house payments and other bills

  • faced rising foreclosures and evictions

  • more embarrassed and ashamed of being out of work (men more so than women)

  • majority were rethinking career choices, moving, retraining

  • took on additional hours or another job to make ends meet (or spouse)

Does receiving unemployment benefits cover basic necessities…61 percent said no.

Does the job market look promising for future security… 39 percent anticipate improvement, 36 percent expect it will stay the same, and 22 percent say it will get worse.

Who or what is to blame for this high unemployment rate?

The highest blame went first to government and politicians (37%), banks (8%), globalization (8%) and other causes

Another interesting note: Approximately 30% people in a nationwide poll said their salary had been cut due to bad economic conditions.


So is there a silver lining in this stormy economic prediction?

A network marketing home business is an ideal solution but it must be done right. The normal sequence must be reversed. Given a choice, what sequence would you choose:

a) join a top network marketing company ($50 for kit)..order autoshipment product ($100 -200 monthly (or more)..training/marketing materials ($100 or more)..time commitment steep learning curve..then build your team hoping others will pay the cost in dollars and hours.

b) build a home business team ($9 a month). When the team is large enough then join a top network marketing company and make calculated profits from Day 1. Your training/marketing is all about telling others one simple truth: if you have a big enough team, you'll make money in ANY network marketing company. 

A compelling video explains how this works.


Only you turn that first page away from Bad News. Only you can look in the mirror and decide to choose to make changes. You need to believe you deserve better..no way to blame others..no one else to lift your veil of frustration..no excuses with a legitimate, healthy home business you can start to build for $9 a month.

And while you’re looking in the mirror..repeat these words by Jim Rohn:

Each of us has two distinct choices to make about what we will do with our lives. The first choice we can make is to be less than we have the capacity to be. To earn less. To have less. To read less and think less. To try less and discipline ourselves less. These are the choices that lead to an empty life. These are the choices that, once made, lead to a life of constant apprehension instead of a life of wondrous anticipation.

And the second choice? To do it all! To become all that we can possibly be. To read every book that we possibly can. To earn as much as we possibly can. To give and share as much as we possibly can. To strive and produce and accomplish as much as we possibly can. All of us have the choice.

To do or not to do. To be or not to be. To be all or to be less or to be nothing at all.

Like the tree, it would be a worthy challenge for us all to stretch upward and outward to the full measure of our capabilities. Why not do all that we can, every moment that we can, the best that we can, for as long as we can?

Our ultimate life objective should be to create as much as our talent and ability and desire will permit. To settle for doing less than we could do is to fail in this worthiest of undertakings.

What if: the economic recession will continue to track on and you choose only to blame others and make excuses

What if: a simple video can explain a new and exciting home business opportunity with extraordinary income?

What if: repeating Jim Rohn’s words a few times a day will change our belief system and empower our future.

What if..a simple Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits covers the essential basics and training?

What if..you never try and another year passes by...

What if..we take the chance to talk about your dreams, achievements and what you would like to accomplish. Your comments and questions are always welcome.