Do you sometimes find yourself blaming circumstances for your lot in life? Do you find yourself raising a bunch of excuses… if only my parents did this, or I was raised differently, or my teachers didn’t like me enough or I followed my friends’ ambitions. Do you find yourself looking at successful people that seem to have everything...a big house, nice car, holidays, hobbies with the kids? Maybe you feel you don’t have the psychology, the emotions, the purpose-driven life goals, or something as simple as personal ambition to get it a genetic trait or do I develop it like some kind of mental muscle.
Maybe you’re just waiting for the right opportunity, a silver platter with your name on it, a lottery ticket mentality. But there are far more chances to create your own fortune and get what you want than waiting for a “fantasy knight to save you on a magic carpet.”
As a teacher I firmly believe that every person starts each day with a positive direction in mind. Most of us think “what can I do today to be better”..not “what can I do today to be miserable, make others miserable or fail on purpose.” Most of us know what we want and have some determination to get to that destination. But it is the bumps and bruises itself along the way that throw sand in our eyes and blur our reasons.
Sometime setting goals for building ambition and motivation can be problematic in their own right. The more steps to follow, the more reasons or excuses not to try or reduce hope to excuses.
The big question is how can we simplify the process of planning and achievement so there will be less chances to give up and walk away.
So let’s say you want to start a simple, low-cost but profitable home business. Most new opportunity seekers look at network marketing for several reasons.
Here are two plans (Long and Short) to help focus and maintain your ambition.
(not everybody may want to do this process)
1. Brainstorm
Get a piece of paper and write down the important goal of home business.. Now cluster as many other ideas about why its important and how to do it. No judgments allowed at this point whether they can work or not…be as open-ended as you can be
2. Organise
Get all of those ideas you just wrote down and organize them into topic sentences…home business…what I need to do I can expect from will I market….how to increase my customer to track expenses for tax deductions
3. Budget
Do some careful research and find out how much money setting up your home business will cost you. Be sure to include products, inventory, advertising and promotional materials, rent, utilities, telephone, internet, office set-up, freight, etc
4. Check personal finances
Evaluate your current budget..what money is coming in, and where your money is going out. Can you cut back on spending (non-essentials) to save more. Are you willing to sacrifice short term pain for long term gain? Can you find a second job temporarily or get a loan?
5. Timeline
Put your home business plan of action into one document. You know what you need to do to achieve your goals and when you want to do it. Break your plan up into smaller goals, and put them along a timeline. This will not necessarily be the exact way it pans out, but if you have a rough idea of when you want to achieve your goal, you have something to work towards.
6. Steps to action
Now you are ready to carry out the steps to achieve your goals.This is where your ambition will give you optimum fuel for motivation, determination and positive attitude. Even if something unforeseen happens, do not accept failure as an excuse… go back through the steps you have taken and see if there is a way you can overcome it.
Again, you are focusing on building a home-based business based on network marketing concepts (leverage and duplication). Always remember, no other home business comes close to the potential of this industry, but it must be done right.
Draw two goal posts and join them with a straight line…the shortest distance between two points or goals:
HERE: GOAL #1: Reasons I don’t want to be here (current reality)
THERE: GOAL #2: Reasons I want to be there (future independent lifestyle
This straight line represents all the steps and psychology from the LONG PLAN…brainstorming, budget, timeline, ambition and motivation, actions
Now what’s the easiest, straightest way to travel from HERE to THERE
1. Educate and Empower ..I understand the business concepts about this home business and I CAN DO THIS! YOU CAN DO THIS! Our success is the greatest ambition to do more..
2. Plug into a successful network marketing company for valuable products and residual commissions.
3. Use a simple 3 Steps Marketing Plan for leverage, duplication and long term residual income. Enjoy a lifestyle with time and money freedom.
It doesn’t get simpler than this for education, focus, ambition, motivation, action steps, and home business success.
Questions and comments are always appreciated,
Questions and comments are always appreciated,
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