Everybody needs to read this short essay...can't be said more honestly without bias or hype. Now you can't pretend that you didn't have the chance to find out more.
The concepts are complex with far-reaching implications.
Once more, I have tried to find a simpler way to implement these ideas into a manageable format that everyone can use. My mission is always to build a democratic home business for everyone who wants one based on the MLM or network marketing model.
Your comments and questions are always important, even if your opinions are different. A good discussion clears the air.
By Grahame Brown:
Unless you have been living on a Pacific island for the past few months, without the benefit of modern communications you will know that the world is facing an economic meltdown of unprecedented proportions.
Politicians from around the world are constantly talking about a global solution to the crisis, but what that don’t want to tell us is that our old ways of earning a living have fundamentally changed and will never ever be the same again. If they were to tell the truth they know that there would riots in the streets like we have never witnessed before (look what happened at the G20 summit in London recently) and so they are trying to sell us all on the notion of a soft landing for the troubled economy over the next 5 to 10 years.
The reality is that a soft landing for the economy is going to be almost impossible to achieve despite what the politicians tell us and that things are likely to get much worse before they get better.
So why would people riot in the streets? to understand this you need to look back to the late 18th and early 19th centuries; up until this point in time 97% of the world’s population made their living through agriculture, but with the dawn of the industrial revolution there was a huge shift towards machine based manufacturing, creating an “implied contract” that if you learnt a specific skill, did a good job, and was a loyal employee of the “machine” then the machine would look after you for life, this in turn has created a dependence mentality amongst the vast majority of the world’s working population.
Over the next 5 to 10 years, layoffs will continue to be commonplace on a global scale, the scariest most unsafe place to be, now and in the foreseeable future is working for someone else, as companies continue to downsize and weed out the non-performers hiding in their organisations. Salary and income reductions will be rife and more and more people will be expected to do the same work for less money, what’s more there will always be someone waiting in line to do your job for a little less.
The world of work will move almost entirely towards a “performance based income model” if you were previously earning a salary of 50K per annum, your company will say to you that your salary is now 20k and that the remaining 30K can be made up by achieving specific performance related targets. This will create unprecedented pressure on earning a living and the “hiders” will be among those rioting in the streets.
Now the performers out there will say, “I have no problem with achieving targets, bring it on” but they will have the added pressure of their targets being raised year on year making it harder to make the same amount of money for the same work. They will continue to do this until they can’t work any harder, all the time knowing that there are 8 other people standing in line ready to take their job. Not only that but their employer will almost certainly place a cap on the amount of money that they can ultimately earn.
In short the contract between the workers and the “machine” is being broken irrevocably, and over the next 5 -10 years two groups of people will emerge, those who sit and become bitter and angry and wish for things to change,and yes maybe even riot in the streets, and those who capitalise on the situation, create real wealth for themselves and take control of their lives.
The key is to be a part of the second group and at the same time be an advocate for change by helping as many people as possible move from the first group to the second, by showing them, with compassion, that there is a better way.
Outside of becoming a professional entertainer, athlete or top level executive, the only real opportunity for creating real wealth, is through business ownership, but this in itself is high risk, and for the most part carries a very high cost of entry, creating insurmountable barriers to the average person, already pushed to breaking point by the current economic situation.
So what are the options?; well you could choose to stick it out in the new performance based economy and hold on as long as possible, without getting burnt out, you could try to join the ranks of the elite income earning groups mentioned above, you could start a traditional business with all the inherent risk and high cost of entry, or you could consider a fourth option, that of non-traditional business ownership.
Network Marketing is a non-traditional business model, which has a low cost of entry, that is performance based but with no cap on earnings, where there are no politics and where you have complete control over your situation. It has all of the advantages of traditional business ownership without the inherant risks and barriers to entry.
Your chosen Network Marketing company, does all of the heavy lifting and provides all of the required infrastructure for a fraction of the cost of starting a traditional business, all you have to provide is your passion and leadership and a willingness to learn some skills in order to be successful.
In order to successfully transition to this model you will need to;
- Recognise what’s happening in the economy, and that there isn’t going to be a soft landing, despite what the politicians may tell us.
- React to what’s happening ahead of everyone else, remembering that “ he who panicks first panicks best”
- Learn a new set of skills, over a 5 year period, after which you will have complete control over your life.
- Help as many other people as possible, transition to this group through education and compassion for their current situation.
To the average person, who has been defending the old broken way of earning income all of their life, this will be a challenge to their entrenched way of thinking, so naturally you will be met with a certain amount of resistance. The challenge is to take these people by the hand with compassion and say to them; “I know that you have bought into the old model of earning an income, but that model is broken, and I am building my life raft before the flood comes. I have found a better way, and we need to talk so that I can explain it to you”.
You need to commit everyday to rescue people from the broken matrix and a broken existence, giving them the choice of staying mad and becoming an activist or of learning some new skills and taking control of their lives once and for all.
Despite the seemingly obvious advantages of the non traditional business model The network marketing space has had a reputation for being a shady underworld populated by desperate and super pushy amateurs, who are prepared to lie to their family and friends in the hope of making a fast buck, but over the past 10 to 15 years this has changed, due to people recognising that network marketing is the best way to have a business and a life of meaning, and who have come in and said we are going to be professionals.
Over the coming days and weeks I am going to examine each of the misconceptions and stigmas associated with the Network Marketing Profession, with the aim of educating people both inside and outside of the space, so that they have a better understanding of what we do as Network Marketing Professionals, in the hope that they can then make informed choices as to whether Network Marketing represents the best career choice for them in the new economy.
Until next time
Warm regards
Grahame Brown
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