Nothing else comes close to the potential of a network marketing home business for all the right reasons...leverage professional expertise, duplication, residual income cashflow, success, retirement security, lifetime independence. Once a networker always a networker because we don’t easily accept the status quo and dream of possibilities for our children and grandchildren.
I am still reaching for my dream aspirations but there is nothing finer than to sit and talk about potential and prosperity and what I can do_______ with time and money freedom. Sure beats complaining and worrying about economic circumstances that are beyond our control.
So it bothers me to see this industry over the years develop a dominant hierarchy as all institutions tend to do. A bit of calcification and "barnaclization" has set into this ship of state build on simple routines. And now it is the upper crust, the captains, if you wish, that are setting the standards for success based on their experiences, partnerships, resources and their money to buy massive advertising.
No wonder public perception keeps a wary eye on a home business model where only 3 to 5% are as successful as they wish. Would you start a home business with those odds..I hope not.
Another statistic is that 85% of successful networkers are former small business owners who are well experienced with standard business principles of marketing and communication which they can now transfer into a multiple-level arena and make multiple profits all the way to the bank.
Along with well-honed business skills, they can probably be described as having magnetic profiles capable of drawing others into their sphere of influence. Some “gurus” actually use the term “biological components” and label successful people as Demonstrators of Higher Value or DOVH’s.
Other regular people are termed as Demonstrators of Lower Value or DOLV’s. Can you believe this terminology is really happening and continues to appeal to those “alpha’ recruiters?
I don’t know about you but this definitely smacks of some kind of discrimination or inequality in an enterprise built on the foundation of democracy and freedom.
So here are some tips for DOVH’S to build and duplicate their home business. It is called “passing the test” and seems like a lot of physical components to bring the structure together.. (Susan Boyle need not apply)
- be fit and healthy..shows more self-respect
- be a good fashion sense conveys a lack of social intelligence
- be confident..self-controlled able to maintain and stare down eye contact
- be cheerful with a ready smile and sense of negative vibes
- be aware of natural attention or validation by others as a leader..stay unaffected ..
- be the first to lead interactions and conversations…speak with volume and confidence
Now here are two real issues…
First, for too long now these human dynamics by top leadership rulers in this industry have kept the majority of people eating humble pie believing they need to be super models. In order to achieve, they are offered whole mentorship programs, modules, training seminars and more out-of-pocket expenses. Not only does the average networker suffer trying to meet unrealistic expectations but we can’t sponsor others to do this leadership attraction model.
Second, the network marketing home business is the only true democratic home business where equality of opportunity is based on a simple marketing plan. It is duplicating a simple business system, a one page blueprint, that makes 97% of networkers able to do and believe in.
And, for goodness sakes, it doesn’t matter your condition (or objection), irrespective of race, gender, age, size or shape, education, training, status, poor or rich, white color, blue collar, executive, student, or teacher.
Everyone has equality of opportunity because everyone can share a simple blueprint for business duplication.
This is the real founding principle of the great grassroots industry.
How simple can it be?
Check out a fair, standard curriculum called Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits .
Have a look at Home Business 101: 3 short videos that define, compare and motivate…
What more can you do, if you have no more what if’s in your vocabulary?
Your questions and comments are appreciated,
Believing in your success,
Annemarie..No Excuses Allowed Team
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