"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
- Henry Ford
Are you still thinking about starting a home business to get more money now and plan for a more secure future. Many people have already started on this journey and are watching a new stream of income grow every month.
But you are still looking how to start and that often means having to break through you own mental roadblocks to success. When you look around, you will not see any physical obstacles to stop you other than your personal mindset. Can I? Can’t I? What if? How do I stay focused? How do I measure success? Who will help? Cost? Time? Profits? Obstacles Gallery!
Recently I read an interesting article by a success mentor, Bob Cox, titled “Blast Through 5 Roadblocks to Success” about his own personal challenges which I thought offered different viewpoints. Here is a summary of the points to hopefully diminish similar obstacles you may be facing.
Obstacle #1: Do you worry about Perfectionism…
Do you insist on getting it done right to your standards..."paralysis by analysis"
But your perception of perfectionism may be more than what is expected.
In fact, 10 percent of a project - the time it takes to get things "perfect" - takes just as long to complete as the first 90 percent.
Project goals change all the time. So it's better to come within 90 percent of an idea of perfection and save a little time for the inevitable changes.
Bottom line: Stay in motion. Aim for good, push through the modifications that arise, and then... aim for better and repeat the process until the desired results are achieved.
Obstacle #2: Do you fail to have Good Listening Skills
Do you become easily distracted if the person is taking a long time to make a point?
Here are some tips to become a more active listener:
Your ears are for hearing... your mind is for listening.
Listen for ideas and central themes (even take notes).
Don't interrupt. Wait your turn to speak.
Circle any points in your notes that you want to emphasize when it's your turn.
Judge content... not delivery.
Obstacle #3: Are you reluctant to ask others for ideas
Do you think it is a sign of weakness to ask for help on a venture or project?.
It's better to keep an "open box" mindset.
Be willing to ask for alternate ideas and solutions. You may even be surprised at how many good ideas other people have.
And don't forget to thank them. By developing this success habit, you will have lots of extra resources to draw on whenever you're stuck on a problem.
Obstacle #4: Do you understand the Team Concept...
Do you fail to compromise with a know-it-all attitude wanting to the team leader?
In time you will undoubtedly develop leadership skills; however, when learning new ideas, allow others to explain the opportunity..how the project works, how to keep the momentum, share success testimonials.
In a series of earlier blogs you were shown how to set two goals between HERE and THERE.
Join them with a straight line…the shortest distance between two points or goals.
This time label it obstacles to success and add words like listening skills, team concept, perfectionism and any other words that can set up roadblocks
GOAL #1: Reasons I don’t want to be here (current reality)
GOAL #2: Reasons I want to be there (future independent lifestyle
Will you allow these obstacles to stop your reality from reaching your dreams?
I sincerely hope not and we are standing by to listen and help.
Now what’s the easiest, straightest way to travel from HERE to THERE.
1. Educate and Empower ..I understand the business concepts about this home business and I CAN DO THIS! Use the resource Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits
2. Plug into a successful network marketing company for valuable products and residual commissions.
3. Use a simple 3 Steps Marketing Plan for leverage, duplication and long term residual income. Enjoy a lifestyle with time and money freedom
It doesn’t get simpler than this for focus, motivation, action steps, overcoming obstacles and home business success.
Your comments and questions are always appreciated.
In addition to the above, you may have roadblocks of your own that you encounter on a regular basis. Here's a simple three-step process to help you navigate through them and keep yourself on the path to success.
1. List three of your personal roadblocks to success. BE HONEST. It's difficult to admit your "shortcomings" or "issues," but that's the only way this technique will help you.
2. Write two or three paragraphs about why these roadblocks are a problem for you and how they are inhibiting your success.
3. List at least three ways to push through, jump over, toss aside, or take a detour away from these roadblocks that keep holding you back from achieving your goals.
Bob Cox
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