Saturday, May 30, 2009

How to Increase Home Business Productivity Not Dam IT

How to increase home business productivity not dam it

I guess I’m human and dedicated enough when I see the words FREE HOME BUSINESS TRAINING I will open up the email…never knowing where some valuable suggestive nugget might be found about making more money or talking to more people. Especially, if possible, to also save yourself money and time..all under the veneer of free. (It’s true parents raised in the First Depression brought their families up to believe a penny saved is a penny earned.)

But folks, nothing is free. As it turns out, the course materials were free to access but the TIME required to master the content was not mentioned. But I have climbed that EveryTraining Mountain…hour by hour, notebook by notebook, teleseminar by teleseminar.

And when I felt I had reached the top of self-belief and support of others, and looked around, no one had followed me!

The sad truth is very, very few people will scale that mountain even if it is absolutely free to start and continue to work their buns off hoping that many more will also want to do the same…

But judge for yourself. Here is the free content as outlined:

Get free access to private internet marketing coaching calls dynamic, fun, and informative LIVE network marketing training sessions and TELECLASSES

Get an upgraded affiliate status – so you can refer people and get higher commissions paid back to you .

Get a free residual income website to generate products, leads, business tools and affiliate commissons

Get a free replicated Blog with over free100 templates available you can personalize

Get a free attraction-marketing and list-building system designed to help provide value and build "know-how" in the minds of your prospects.

Get free access to a cutting-edge collection of network marketing articles and e-books, Cds and Dvds; jam-packed with business building strategies and techniques that the pros use every day.

Get more internet marketing courses, tools, and resources to make income online always have discounted prices on the hottest industry-related products and services, so you can stay up to date with the digital age.

Get top quality sales Leads - If you like buying leads, never worry again if you're getting the best and most effective. You can even listen-in from time to time, as we call them "Live and In Your Face!"

Get Educated by hardcore internet marketers and have been building teams online for years…Never get left behind!

Wow! I get tired just reading about all this gear, trails and mountaineers!

The real truth is the network marketing home business is about duplicating a simple business system by average people, always has been, and always will be a democratic way to build residual income.

The only real way to increase productivity in this unique home business model is to offer a 3 steps marketing plan that can be delivered in one hour with inbuilt comprehensive training and no loss of critical information. The way to dam productivity is to build a mountain of information in front of it.

It starts with education of facts and principles about how network marketing works. It includes a strong personal component for self-empowerment and change. It concludes with an extraordinary home business opportunity.

Your questions and comments are always welcome.


Crested Butte South Home said...

You don't get much for nothing. But you get a lot for something. You seem to have a bias against the "free" information/calls/trainings/videos/coaching...seeming to think that the average person cannot take the what's there and bring it to the next level. I have been down the road you speak about and have had a totally different experience. I believe that people can be motivated and inspired and educated but much that can be accessed for free. Then it's those who have the inherent desire and internal motivation to take action who can use what they've learned and move forward. The number of people who have done this in my realm is high. And they are the people who I truly want in my organization..those who grab the proverbial bull by the horns and run!!

Thank you for provoking interesting thoughts and stimulating conversation!!

Deborah Tutnauer, LCSW

helpfulmindstreamforchanges said...

Hi Deborah,
I appreciate your opinions and experience and good writing. And I wholeheartedly agree with the objectives of education, internal motivation and ride the "bullish" challenges to financial victory. My whole point here was to show that TIME to learn all this material was hard to encompass and TIME is MONEY.
In the specific network marketing home business, successful DUPLICATION of a business plan must be TIMELY and EFFECTIVE with masses of people. More and more, I see the value of a democratic marketing plan limited to 3 steps not 10 steps.
Your comments are always appreciated,

Crested Butte South Home said...

I agree with the time factor...yet I also feel that if network marketing is going to be your career of choice, then putting in 6-12 months of hard work in terms of education and training should be expected. No one starts any kind of career, professional or business without a period of learning. Long term success in this industry requires a long term and committed mentality.

I've enjoyed the dialogue.

Deborah Tutnauer, LCSW

helpfulmindstreamforchanges said...

Thanks Deborah,
90% of networkers start part-time as an adjunct to current job. Most people (public) do not understand the 3 proven business CONCEPTS that make this unique business work.
Here is a formula:
P=m(d)x 2
Profits =message x duplication x democratic(multiple times)

It may still take you 6 months to reach a 6 figure income, but your odds for success are greatly simplified and improved.