Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How Own Your Channel (OYC) Answers the 3 Big Questions for Network Marketing Home Business Success


There is a revolution happening in the home business network marketing industry..and the timing couldn’t be better. Our national economy is is crunching, jobs are bleeding, wealth is disappearing, and financial security is like a volley ball...depending on who is spiking it. It only makes sense when nothing else seems to, to build a personal economy based on free enterprise principles and basic human values.

The Network Marketing business model has been a foundation for many home based business entrepreneurs.

Its founding principle allows the average person with above average dreams and low-start-up capital to build long-term residual profits that can equal professional incomes from the comfort of their homes.

No wonder so many people have hopes and try..and so many don’t make it...for a variety of reasons. It is time stop doing what doesn’t duplicate or work. It is timely to bring this industry back to public acceptance and respect based on satisfactory performance.

And often, when the student  is wanting, the teacher appears.

So, with perfect timing, a new company called Own Your Channel is becoming a major player in helping networkers achieve the kind of success they are looking for and deserve.

Here are THREE important answers that can make all the difference in your network marketing success.

1. Why should I become member of OYC..two huge benefits

  • you own your sales distribution channel outside of any company. Your valuable asset is the people you contact...they don't belong to any company
  • your team can now join multiple companies. You can be in two, three, even four companies collectively and earn money from your single team in multiple opportunities simultaneously. This business strategy magnifies your earning potential by using the work you performed once to create revenue streams in multiple companies.

2. How does it work..SIMPLICITY

  • keep it more requirement other than to get 3 personally sponsored people
  • keep it cheap.. $25.00 to join the co-op and a monthly fee of $9.00 to cover the cost of webserver hosting services
  • keep it smart.. leverage your single home business team..not overload of details…payplans, products, testimonials, etc
  • keep it profitable…because you are bringing in a readymade will earn money from day one as well as cover the sign up fees and the monthly autoship. As your group grows, you will become more and more profitable.

3. WHAT IF, I MISS assuming or only knowing this much...

Well, bring out your old weather worn tools, maps and hard hats because the competition blows fiercely, especially with internet function.

Probably, you will work the “hard” way building your downline membership. You will take massive amounts of time and money to build your framework with contacts who may or may not follow your construction plan. You will be at the mercy and “stormy” wiles of company’s policies and if something may be left without a ship to sail. What a pity if you had to start again from scratch.

The power of Own Your Channel comes from numbers.  We can move together as one group, and, even, dictate terms when it comes to negotiating with new companies we add.  This will allow us to override policies and procedures that may present conflicts with our business plan.

I can only imagine what Ferdinand Magellan, as the first European, thought as he viewed the Pacific Ocean for the first time. Probably, with the same breath, I view this extraordinary home business opportunity. Every family now has access to a profitable home business in network marketing based on the time proven concepts of leverage and duplication..

Be one of the first to catch this last free enterprise system. Watch the video whatever else you do today.

Your questions and comments are always important. We are standing by to help you.


"If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around." -Jim Rohn

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Serious Questions Need Truthful Answers about Network Marketing Home Business

Serious questions need truthful answers about network marketing home business

What if, I can show you how you can start to build a home business for $9 a month with the potential of making thousands per month…then doubling or even tripling that income with no extra effort?

There is only ONE way you can logically achieve this potential..through the concepts of leverage and duplication found only in the network marketing home business industry. may already have some opinions about network marketing or MLM (personal or hearsay)..also known as direct consumer marketing or referral marketing.

You may have heard a truckload of criticisms BUT also, at the same time, you may have wondered how people continue to make “truckloads of money” working from home...and how can I make it work for me and my family.

The exciting news is that this time-proven industry has naturally evolved with new technologies and brand new changes. You now have the option of re-evaluating your options:

a reverse equation…a change of sequence has emerged…and this will make all the difference.

QUESTION: What is the one simple truth about network marketing?

ANSWER: The one simple truth is this: Your income is determined by the size of your team. Small team… Small money. Big team… BIG money! And it’s true for EVERY company, regardless of their market or product. Some companies do pay better than others but this fact is true for EVERY company.

QUESTION: What is the most important thing I need to do?

ANSWER: The most important thing to focus on is to how to build a team because the size of your team is the ONLY factor that determines your paycheck. If you can’t build a team..why bother with hype and training?

QUESTION: Shouldn't I focus on selling product(s) as the most important thing?

ANSWER: It’s critically important to build a team FIRST BEFORE trying to sell product

Make sure your team or sales channel is in place. You can’t sell products with an imaginary team.

QUESTION: How do I build a home business team first?

ANSWER: A new company called Own Your Channel will provide the infrastructure you need to grow your team first OUTSIDE (independently) of any specific network marketing company.

QUESTION: What are the benefits of having your own home based team?

ANSWER: You now have ownership of your own is your own sales distribution channel if you wish. You are now able to use it for more than one product from one company. You can now earn money from multiple network marketing companies using the same team.
PS..Where do you think Walmart would be today if they had spent all that money building stores and then decided to sell a single product from a single company?

QUESTION: How can I double or triple (or more) my money with the same effort?

ANSWER: You only have to build your team or channel ONCE. Because you are independent of any single company you may join other companies. For example, let’s say over time you join 4 companies with your team. You will have quadrupled your profits and it didn’t take any more effort to build four companies than it did for one. That’s a heck of lot easier than quadrupling the number of people on your team…agree?

Brilliant logic and compensation!

QUESTION: Agree, sounds very logical and brilliant and I can sure use some extra cash and definitely some long-term security. By the way, how much is this going to cost me..

ANSWER: $24 to register for back office management and then a mere $9 a month. You can build your team cheaply and quickly. When you are ready with large enough numbers, then you can plug into a network marketing company and make money from Day1.

QUESTION: How do I get started? I’m ALL in..I won’t put my life's potential on hold for $9 a month.

ANSWER: Why don’t you first check out some more information about Own Your Channel at my website:

There are a couple of short videos explaining this business in detail. It’s literally changing the market. I’m looking forward to anwering any questions or comments.

Annemarie   250 365 6916

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to Promote Home Business Success with Own Your Channel..BIG IDEA

How to Promote Home Business Success with Own Your Channel (OYC)

Here is a BIG IDEA whose time has come.

Never promote another network marketing company...what’s that you say..

You can now choose to market your own home business team..not somebody elses


1.Here’s how OYC business model can take this straight to the bank:

Do you know 3 people serious about making some extra money from home or building long term financial independence?

Everyone knows 3 good people.

(But should you want to build a bigger team (which means bigger money), the Project will provide advanced tools which allow you to market in Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and other social network sites. You will be given step-by-step instructions on how to use these tools. No degree in computers required)

2. Here’s what you don’t need to do..anymore

  • spend a lot of money to start a network marketing home business and expect others to follow your example
  • spend weeks or months to learn about products, testimonials, compensation plans and marketing strategies and meetings
  • spend $100’s or $1000’s on training by experts to be Magnetically Attractive to followers only to be burdened with endless hours of online marketing and competition

Why are we spending money to market another people’s companies? I do not need to buy large numbers of brochures, newspapers, books, or DVD’s anymore.

Why are we made to feel we need self-development courses to be someone “special” or unique? We are special enough...we have diverse backgrounds, cultures, education, skills but with some basic effort we can also access market resources, more democratic free-enterprise systems and definitely deserve more control over our own economy in troubled times.

Own Your Channel offers you a thriving team of entrepreneurs and the necessary tools for management and training to access multiple companies and their payplans.

I truly feel I am standing on a hill…unencumbered, enlightened, supported with the vista

of financial opportunity all around me..and all I have to do is ask:

“Bob, when it comes to network marketing, there is one simple truth. And it’s true for

EVERY company, regardless of their market or product. The one simple truth is this: Your income is determined by the size of your team. Small team… Small money. Big team… BIG money!

Why don’t I give you my website so you can get some more information on Own Your Channel. There are a couple of short videos explaining this business in detail. It’s literally changing the market. I’ll give you a call tomorrow to answer any questions you might have.”

Annemarie 250 365 6916

Who do you think might say..Sorry, not interested in a home business team for $9 a month.

Friday, October 9, 2009

How to Start Home Business..two serious conclusions about network marketing and a brand new idea

How to start Home business..two serious conclusions about network marketing and a brand new idea..part 1

There have been many blogs here about the network marketing model as the greatest simple home business. We have talked about the founding principle, three main business concepts, a simple marketing formula as well as things to watch for and things to run away from. We have looked at network marketing from different channels but never from owning your own channel…it’s a “road not taken” yet..and this will make all the difference.

Network marketing as a viable business model has much to offer, but first a major problem needs to be addressed..

How difficult is it to sponsor people directly into mlm companies?
Is this the reason why it seems nearly impossible for the average person to succeed?

Thank goodness, no one can assume they know it all and learning is here are TWO serious conclusions from a friend and mentor about a simple, effective answer. Learn  how you can start a network marketing home business to ensure success on your terms.

Conclusion #1:

My first conclusion was this: no matter what the company is or what products it ships or what markets it targets, there is one thing that is true for EVERY network marketing company. And that is,


Since network marketing, like any business, is based on sales volume, it is safe to say no other variable even comes close to approaching the importance of the size of your team. Yes, some companies pay better than others and that no one wants to sell snake oil, but the truth is that the best product in the world can’t replace a large and active distribution channel. No real business would buy product and then warehouse that product while they developed a distribution channel. They’d build the channel first, and then buy the product.

Conclusion #2:

My second conclusion was that spending time and money building a large distribution channel (or sales channel) couldn’t be justified if the business model required selling a single product from a single company. Where would Sam Walton be today if he had spent billions of dollars building Walmart Supercenters all over the country only to put a single product on the shelf? He’d be out of business. Why do we assume we can do what he could not do? In other words, building a business around a single company is seriously flawed.

 If we are going to build a sales team (or channel), we should maximize our investment and put multiple products on the shelf.

So the results of my research are:

1. There is no other factor as important as the size of your team or sales channel. The size of your team determines the size of your check. Because of this fact, it seems to be putting the cart before the horse by joining a company before you start building your team.

2. You cannot justify the expense of building a sales channel (team or downline) if you plan to sell a single product from a single company.

A new idea is born:

It all boils down to one simple truth: if you have a big enough team, you'll make money in ANY network marketing company.

“Own Your Channel” (OYC) has created an entirely new approach to solve this problem. Instead of finding a company and then building our team, we first build our team and then find multiple companies that want access to OUR channel. In other words..

 you keep your asset..your team. It may be the only team you may ever have to build.

We invite you to check this new business concept over is brilliantly logical to multiply maximum is grassroots capitalism like it was meant to be from the beginning..

1. Start a business with almost no financial risk

2. Build a large direct sales organization (channel) that you control

3. Use that channel to distribute multiple products from multiple companies

4. Achieve your financial goals by taking the power (and the money) away from corporate America and putting it back in the pockets of the people who are actually doing all the work

Here is the roadmap to take back small business ownership in America! Come join us, and learn how you can participate in the dream of self-determination and financial independence.

Standing by to help answer questions and comments,
250 365 6916 may have to click the link twice. Be sure to request times for conference calls so you can hear directly from administrators..