Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Home Business in Network Marketing..the Second Most Important Word to Make Profits

Home Business in Network Marketing..the Second Most Important word to make Profits
..stop the frustration..

Make sure you get this statement loud and clear..

Network marketing home business is based on 3 UNIQUE CONCEPTS that are different from any other home business... LEVERAGE   DUPLICATION   DEMOCRATIC MARKETING

Get this right..expand your possibilities, and those you partner with.. limited only by your vision for your family's financial independence

Get this wrong..and you will flounder, as will your partners, to a wall of depressing excuses and possible dead end. It is the uninformed leading the uninformed.. or the hyped leading the
short-termed hyped. This doesn’t work. And the last great free enterprise system of equal opportunity will disappear in a puff of frustration and denigration.

The most important word in a network marketing home business is LEVERAGE to maximize your time and knowledge by sharing information tools by experts. For example, listening to a doctor with over 20 years valuable expertise in the nutritional field will have its own residuall benefits, undoubtedly.

Now, what if you want to share this valuable information and make some income as well….Then you need to harness the second most important word DUPLICATION.

Your income potential depends directly on your duplication system.

You must be able to duplicate the upline and your downline must be able to duplicate you.

Its not the company, product, compensation plan, marketing tools, master minds or 3-way calls.

How would you explain the term duplication to other people? Here are a few starting pointers:
Duplication in network marketing:
  • main obstacle that stands in your way of passive income
  • the foundation of any hope for passive residual income
  • based on your efforts to follow your upline to help and grow your downline
  • key to new people is to see that the system is easy to run..a streamline system where everything is done the same way, over and over again
  • process with all links operating the same way..if broken..often means loss of organization and loss of income
  • can function well with simple steps or be a doomed process when people don’t follow upline’s direction or try to re-invent the wheel
What kind of standard marketing systems are there?
These days, most systems include some sort of online marketing tool since most people have access to the internet, or else a multi-media tool like a DVD or a CD for people to listen to. Then there are group conference calls to plug into, and the three way calls with your upline. There are also systems to drive prospects smoothly along the process, which is as hands off for the network marketer as possible.
The one system I strongly recommend running away from is where you are expected to BRAND yourself as an expert. Avoid these kinds of frustrated calls for help from your downline:
 I have been trying for 4 months and have spent over $6000 on ads, radio, newspaper, purchased 300 leads, Prewebb articles, bandit signs, and have gotten over 700 prospects to talk with but it is very evident that I need to be able to keep the flow going without spending the money.
The other alternative is to make money when my website is viewed to fund my expenses such as you have laid out. I am not very internet savy so I need specific help to how your plan works and how to get it up and running."
And the response from his mastermind guru:
So here's my advice...
A jack-of-all-trades is a master of none.
In order for you to produce leads at a reasonable cost, (which is from $1.00 to $5.00 per lead), you have to pick ONE single method of advertising, and stick with it until you master it.
And I'd say you've "mastered" something, when you can produce as many leads as you want, at the cost you want, AND be able to teach that skill to someone else.
You can choose from:
• Pay-Per-Click (Google Adwords)
• SEO (articles and blogs),
• Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube)
How frustrating, debilitating and unnecessary is this?
TO CONCLUDE: Make sure you get this statement loud and clear...
Network marketing home business is based on 3 UNIQUE CONCEPTS that are different from any other home business. LEVERAGE   DUPLICATION
Make sure you are part of a team that follows a simple 3 Steps Duplication Process
It takes less than 30 minutes to check out a few previous blogs with a few simple steps.
Draw your two Simple Circles to Home Business Success.
Check out HOME BUSINESS 101 VIDEOS…about how network marketing works
Check out a Straight-Line Home Business..no excuses allowed...no regrets followed
Forward your questions and/or aspirations by phone or email.
Standing by to help...Annemarie  amarie10@gmail.com

Monday, September 21, 2009

Home Business Experience..You Don't Want To Miss This Fishing Trip Analogy

Home Business Experience...you don’t want to miss this fishing trip analogy

Recently I had the good fortune to be part of my family’s fishing expedition. The experiences offered many lessons for the home business entrepreneur whether just looking for an opportunity or just starting or deeply involved. Fishing is such a great analogy to weathering life’s choices...but without vision and effort there can be no results.

What if I had decided not to go on this trip based on a dozen excuses why I didn’t want to go..too expensive, too far, no skills, no time, too old, too many variables..what if the weather turned stormy? These trials and tribulations, successes and memories would not exist for me today. The pictures you can view on my facebook profile would not exist to share.

The greater the pity for loss of no effort..the greater the lesson in believing you can do it.
JUST DO IT..whether a fishing trip or a home business..but do it by planning and knowing you can be successful.

THE IDEA…my brother read about this fishing resort and special discount at the end of the season…never experienced Ocean Fishing before..the reports were great about excellent catches, so why not try a family trip…planned 3 months in advance

THE PREPARATIONS... Follow company’s procedures for a 4 day trip, obtain licenses, reserve accomodations, prepare personal belongings, travel to destination…9 hour drive plus ferry journey to Eagles Nest, lovely bed and breakfast location…another 4 hour mountainous drive to picturesque Uculet Inlet.

THE START... 4:30 AM buffet breakfast... 6:00 AM Departure every day... follow the “feed ball” that salmon and halibut also follow...a two-hour boat trip to reach “feeding shelf” about 200 feet down...actual fishing time was about 2 and a half hours to ensure return trip back on time to docks…all fishing rods and bait set, safety regulations reviewed.

THE EXPERIENCE...went out four days and other than the first morning...the weather held steady with lots of sunshine, brisk sea breeze, and brilliant white clouds...basic method was jigging or mooching one stop at a time...interesting interactions with 20 other people, many with no experience, all flipping and running lines...but nothing unmanageable or quickly untangled..a marvelous on-deck multi-talented crew...there was always someone to help

THE SUCCESS..29 salmon and 44 halibut.

THE PROBLEMS...the first morning was touch and go as to whether the boat would even go out...
swells were 15 feet high...other fishing boats disappeared into “troughs”...too difficult to hold both rod and railing...least amount of fish caught...a few sea sick...so glad to see the docks…don’t want to do this again..however…let’s try one more time.
The last morning...drenching rain on the docks...don’t want to go out but got to support the team and it turned out brilliant and calmest once we were out to the open ocean

THE EXTRAS...watching an early morning hazy, golden sunrise on vast ocean waters…seeing gray whales arch against the steely blue and wave their gigantic tails…visiting Long Beach and to watch the surf…visiting the primeval, magnificent Cathedral Forest…great camaraderie..shared meals, drinks, laughter, tall tale stories of the ones that caught away... wouldnt want to miss this trip in hindsight


A home business starts with an idea…your vision is do something better for you and your family. You get help in making preparations…plan to follow a clear map of what you need and what to do. Follow necessary steps.
Of course, at first, you need to learn and practice the techniques, the conversations.
You will cast your line out many more times with no strikes knowing there are vast numbers of people also interested in natural health and extra income.
Of course, you must expect problems..there will be times when you may doubt your sanity as your emotions and results ride high and low without a steady balance.

But what if, you never venture from the shore..playing safe covered by a dozen excuses?
What if, you miss out on the adventure..the dream of success?

For goodness sake... set aside 30 minutes today to get started on your home-based venture. Just 30 short minutes! Do SOMETHING in those 30 minutes that will move you a little bit closer to that trip and dream of a lifetime.

It takes less than 30 minutes to check out a few previous blogs with a few simple steps. Draw your two Simple Circles to Home Business Success.


Check out HOME BUSINESS 101 VIDEOS…about how network marketing works
Check out a Straight-Line Home Business..no excuses allowed...no regrets followed

Forward your questions and/or aspirations by phone or email.

You have the power and ability to design whatever
kind of life you want. I sincerely believe in you but it doesn’t matter what I believe. You have to believe like all these talented people you can take action..as simple as reading and sharing


Friday, September 18, 2009

Home Business..You've Got Talent if you can Follow 3 Simple Steps

Home business..you’ve got talent if you can follow 3 simple steps

It is such a thrill to watch talent shows like America's Got Talent and this season’s final performance was exceptional.

One theme seems to shine through these discoveries and performances. It is when the underdog realizes he or she has an unrealized talent finally, suddenly shared, appreciated and applauded.

It’s like a middle-aged Susan Boyle who never was given the chance to sing and now “wild horses” can't hold her back.

It's about a beautiful opera singer who overcame cancer, a recycled-instrument percussion group from New Hampshire who never gave up on their dream, amazing Texas Tenors and the unbelievable singing siblings of true Voices of Glory with a young sister only 9 years old, and a septenarian grandmother with a priceless wit.

And its like Kevin Skinner, a chicken catcher or farmer from a small town in Kentucky with such the saddest expression and a heart-felt voice about life’s basic emotions who won the top prize.
A stronger contrast of possibilities is hard to imagine from the quiet hills of Kentucky to the glitz of Las Vegas headliner..it boggles the mind.

But that is the very nature of possibilities and following one’s dream.

And therein lies a valuable lesson for home business opportunity seekers or entrepreneurs..

We all have talent…maybe not in the same league as singing or dancing that has been perfected with years of practice and perseverance.
But we all have ability in speaking and sharing and caring about making a difference.

We all deserve something special in our lives..an acknowledgement..a self-satisfaction ..a celebration of more time and money..more freedom to live life on our own terms.
A successful home business can permit us to do that.

We may not have the time, commitment and development to become a sports star, sales professional or other kind of celebrity. We may not have the faces or bodies to succeed in certain fields.
But I believe we all deserve something different from a life routine that may feel limited, dull, repetitive, boring, even faceless. We all deserve to at least have a CHOICE to leave something for future generations.

We deserve to follow our dreams, too.
Here is what one well know writer, Stuart Goldsmith, has to say about your dreams:

"You probably had the glimmer of a dream when you were a youngster, but this was soon knocked out of you. Your parents undoubtedly called your dream unrealistic. Then, to the sound of a points-lever being pulled, they suggested to you that you get a 'practical' education in order that you might follow your dream at a later date.
"I am not implying any malevolence here, you need to remember that your parents, and all preceding generations did not have the luxury of fancy life-planning. The name of their game was survival. To survive you needed money. To get money you needed a good job. To get a good job you needed a good education. They pulled those levers on you for the best of intentions, but the result was a disaster for your fledgling ambitions."
This message was reinforced by teachers, friends and career advisers..Throughout these years, you learned the trick of suppressing your dream. You simply could not maintain this dream in the face of such ordered opposition and so you buried it in a secret place within you.
"Then the pace of life started really to heat up, and problems started to come at you like a pack of hungry jackals. No time for fancy, childish dreams now. All of your energies were involved, and probably still are involved, in fighting off the pack of slavering dogs.
Dreams are... well, for dreamers.
There is a life to be lived, food to put on the table, a mortgage to be paid and other people to worry about. If you even remember your dream, you probably fool yourself into thinking you'll pick it up later, when the family has grown up, when you are retired. Some time.
"The tragedy here is that most people's dreams become so deeply buried they not only forget what they are, but even forget that they had a dream in the first place.
"Certainly, few people can put a name to their dream. Instead, they sit in the sidings, rusting away, perhaps (if this is not pushing the railway analogy too far) hoping that some bright, gleaming locomotive will arrive one day to pull them to safety. Is it any wonder that they are depressed?"

I’m not sure to what degree you can relate to these thoughts.

But one thing is for certain. YOU are the locomotive, my dear friend. The help you are waiting for is YOU. Only you can do the work needed to get the locomotive moving forward. Only you can squander your time waiting for the "right train."

Success of a dream does not depend on hopes, prayers, affirmations, or ceremonies.
Realization of a dream does not depend on reading a thousand positive thinking books or listening to a hundred seminars to pull you through.

No magic or luck or supernatural force will shine upon you.

You need to click the start button.
You don't need a complicated "engineering" degree. You need to take the first few steps and share simple tools with people who also want to change.
You don't want a pile of excuses, like logs, to obstruct you. Excuses do not exist in reality..just as mental manifestations...

Don’t keep putting off that dream until tomorrow because days will turn into weeks, months and then years. And sometimes it turns out we don’t have a lot of time left.

A wise man once said: "MOTION BEATS MEDITATION"

Tomorrow is today, my friend. For goodness sake... set aside 30 minutes today to get started toward your dream. Just 30 short minutes! Do SOMETHING in those 30 minutes that will move you a little bit closer to that dream.

It takes less than 30 minutes to check out a few previous blogs with a few simple steps.
Draw your two Simple Circles to Home Business Success.
Check out a
Check out
HOME BUSINESS 101 VIDEOS…about how network marketing works
Check out a Straight-Line Home Business..no excuses allowed...no regrets followed

Don't let your present day excuses become the regrets of a life that may have been.
Please don't look back at age 40, 50, 60... or whatever, with regret for the things you didn't do.

You have the power and ability to design whatever kind of life you want. I sincerely believe in you but it doesn’t matter what I believe. You have to believe, like all these talented people, you can take action..as simple as reading and sharing

I look forward to answering your questions or just sharing your aspirations..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Home Business..30 minutes to help remove regrets from your life

Home Business 30 MINUTES to help remove regrets from your life

Time goes by so slowly..and time can do so much…


This week, a great actor, Patrick Swayze, succumbed to cancer after a valiant fight. He personified strength, grace, loyalty, courage, dignity a true “cowboy mustang spirit". His iconic roles in Dirty Dancing and Ghosts are part of our culture..the nobility of dedication..the love we take and which remains long after we’re gone..

In the end, in fragility and a dimming of his indomitable will to live, what if someone had asked him, Do you have any regrets?
What do you think he would have said?
Getting sick? Dying too young? Letting excuses stand in his way?

I doubt he made excuses or left any regrets and therein lies another lesson.

BIG QUESTION: Do present-day excuses become future regrets?

I’m really passionate about helping people succeed with a simple home based business built on an exceptional healthy product that every family needs. By now, I think I’ve heard all the excuses:

I'm broke.. in a bad financial situation. I’m struggling to pay off credit cards.
For starters, then, Live UNDER your means and don't go into debt for ANYTHING. If you can't pay cash, you can't afford it.
Don’t complain about your situation and then never do anything to change it.

Expecting changes to comfortably arrive on your doorstep, gift-wrapped, won’t happen.
Wishing changes to accumulate in your bank account balance, won't materialize.

Waiting for changes, the government, the spouse, the boss, the union, God or any other person, place or thing, doesn’t work.

The plain unequivocal truth most people don't want to hear is... YOU are the only one who can affect a change in your life.


Here’s another common excuse..I have no experience or skills.
Bottom line: there is no excuse for anybody not making enough money at this time and place. There is plenty of opportunity out there.
Often I find that the people who complain they aren't making enough money are really only doing the minimum to get by. If they REALLY wanted to make more money, they could easily take the actions necessary to make more.

Keep a tally for ONE DAY on how you spend your time.

A surprising number of people say they’re not interested in doing this. It would seem that watching mindless TV every day has more priority than learning a new money making skill or starting a side business. If you ever learn how to watch TV and increase your income, let me know.

A final excuse is that a lot of people really don’t know what they are looking for.
Maybe they have lost the ability to dream. They give up after experiencing the normal disappointments and setbacks of life. It seems less painful to give up on your dreams and expect nothing than to hope for something and be disappointed.

Most reasonably intelligent people, I believe, do not wish to waste their potential and settle for so much less in life than they are capable of achieving.
Don’t take years to figure this one out.
When is "some day" going to be today?
When is "one of these days" going to be YOUR day?

Your biggest regrets in life won't be the things you did... your biggest regrets will be the things you didn't do.

Read that again and take it to heart.Trust me.

Look, it's better to give your dream a shot and when you can look back you can say at least I TRIED. It really hurts to know you had the talent, intelligence and determination (the most important of the three) to achieve your dream but you never even made the effort because you listened to the dream stealers.

And here's what doesn't make any sense at all. Those dream stealers will most likely be your family and friends. The very people you would think would most want your success and happiness!

I don't think they do it deliberately to hurt you. I think they do it for a couple reasons.They really believe they are giving you sound practical advice to keep you from getting hurt or disappointed.
If you succeed (or even just start the process of pursuing a dream) it's just too hard for them to cope with because the implication is that they could do it, too. They too could be pursuing their dreams and improving their lives. But instead they choose to spend their free time watching TV or hanging out with their friends. They'd rather avoid you or bring you down than be faced with your silent accusation every day that they could have a successful life, too.


Wouldn't it be a shame if you died not having achieved anything of note? Not ever pursuing or accomplishing any of your dreams and goals?

Take a quick poll of ten friends and acquaintances..
What kind of plans do they have for their future?
How many want to leave their MARK to future generations?

Note how many of them have ambitions, drives, and enthusiasm beyond sleeping, eating, shopping, mowing the lawn, washing the car, watching sports and other existences.

It's sad to say but if the truth be told, 98% of gravestones..if they were to be honest, should simply state:
"Here lies John W. Doe. He was born... he consumed... he died

I’m not sure what Patrick Swayze’s epitaph will be. But he did achieve his excellence, he did embrace the wind, he did blaze across our imaginations and dreams. He will never die in our memories.

It takes less than 30 minutes to check out a few previous blogs with a few simple steps. Draw your two Simple Circles to Home Business Success.


Check out HOME BUSINESS 101 VIDEOS about how network marketing works

Check out a Straight-Line Home Business..no excuses allowed...no regrets followed

Forward your questions and/or aspirations by phone or email.

Don't let your present day excuses become the regrets of a life that may have been.

Annemarie amarie10@gmail.com