Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Do You Push, Pull or Just Educate and Empower about Home Business?

Do You Push, Pull or just Educate and Empower about Home Business?

Here is another article that underlines why so many home businesses in our industry end up in the brambles in the ditch with the unhappy entrepreneur crying “No More, This *……* just doesn’t work!
It is written by an internet marketing guru with a media empire and these “promotional pillars” are absolutely imperative for good marketing. The two main strategies are defined as:

A “push” promotional strategy makes use of a company's sales force and trade promotion activities to create consumer demand for a product.

A “pull” selling strategy is one that requires high spending on advertising and consumer promotion to build up consumer demand for a product.

A quick point by point summary of Low cost 'PUSH' Strategies include
…Affiliate Programs
…Follow Up Landing Pages By Phone
…Direct Mail with Phone and E-Mail Follow-Up
…Advertising…the frequency of your advertising determines how well the rest of the 'push' strategies work.

A quick point by point Low Cost 'PULL' Promotional Strategies include:
…Viral Promotional Products such as writing small re-printable reports for others to promote with your link or logo or sending out news releases
…Social Networking to plug your branding, links and logos
…Blogs to personalize your story and links
…Discussion Forums where you can respond to posts with helpful answers to discussion lists in your niche market
…Seminar Networking where you attend seminars and connect with others.

Now to make sure these are followed make sure you maintain a daily check list and do it.
Or find someone who can help you do the daily chores and outsource these tasks to others.

STOP! Give me a Break!
OK…I’ve been there, done that...and I ended up in the brambles in the ditch! WHAT A JOB! I want get away from working for a boss including myself! Not to mention the time commitment and endless expenses.

What I want, and what is available now, is a simple 3 step marketing plan that covers all the essential information with a professional inbuilt training component to save me time and money.

No PUSH…No PULL. I share a No Excuses Allowed Team philosophy and the rest is up to people to learn and decide. AND THIS HAS MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE!

Your comments and questions are important. What kinds of marketing strategies have worked or not worked for you.


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