Saturday, July 18, 2009

Favorite Home Business Story and how the Viral Marketing Formula Can Help

Today, I am sharing one of my favourite business stories by Al Schreiter...veteran network marketer and educator...simply because this story can't be told better. He has a wealth of experience to share and I hope you will read more of his reports.
As you read, remember you have an exceptional viral formula system to help simplify, accelerate and build your network marketing home business success story. It's based on

Profits = leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication
When you finish reading this story, reread my previous blogs to merge both contents together.
Then get excited..very excited about this grassroot potential based on education, empowerment and change..

Your comments and questions are always appreciated...

No Excuses Allowed Team
The future belongs to those who change with the democratic power of 3 steps education and belief in your dream..YES YOU CAN!


Let me give you an example of one of my favorite stories. This story is
designed to get the prospect to think long-term, and to believe that he
can succeed in the business.

Imagine you're at work one day... and your boss comes to you and says,
"Bad news, we're going to have to fire you. Business is bad. And the
economy stinks."

You feel depressed. No more career. No more regular paychecks.
And then the boss says, "You know what? If you were to work just one
extra hour overtime every day for free, from 5 pm. to 6 pm., Monday
through Friday, we'll let you keep your job and you can continue
collecting your same paycheck."
Now, what would you do?

Well, most people would say, "Well, I will work the extra hour of overtime
just to keep my job. I know I will be working the extra hour for free, but it
is important to keep my present job."

And then the boss says, "Well, I know it's kind of bad news for you but
there is some good news. If you work an hour of overtime, Monday
through Friday for no pay, just one extra hour a day... at the end of two
years, we'll let you retire at full pay."

All of a sudden, how do you feel?
You feel like saying,
"Wow! Excellent! What an
opportunity! Just work one hour
overtime for free, Monday
through Friday, and two years
from now... I retire at full pay!"

So what would happen?
You're working overtime and six months later one of your friends says,
"Hey, why don't you quit doing that? You're working an hour overtime and
not getting paid for it."
You say to your friend, "No way! I only have 18 more months to go and
then I'm going to retire!"

A year from now, maybe your spouse says, "You know what, dear?
You've been working that free hour of overtime for the past 12 months.
Why don't you spend more time here at home instead of working that
hour overtime?"
You say, "No, no, no! Just one more year and I can retire at full pay."

And you would be at work faithfully, Monday through Friday, working that
overtime so you could retire. And you would be excited about the

Well, we have the same opportunity to retire with our network marketing
We ask people to spend one hour a day, Monday through Friday building
a network marketing business. And all you have to do is... talk to some
And you don't have to worry too much about what you say,
or how good you are because you know what? You'll get better.
The longer you do network marketing, the more you'll learn.

So maybe after the first month you say, "Gee, I really don't know what to
The second month you get a little better and say, "Well, I know a few things about
this Wonderful Company.”
The third month you get better at this and say, "I think this is a neat
business. You might want to look at it."
And the fourth month you get better and better.

Just invest an hour a day. And at the end of two years you might be
pleasantly surprised and say, "You know what, I can replace my full-time
income and retire for the rest of my life."

So... would you take advantage of this opportunity?
If you are like most people, you will want to take advantage of this
wonderful opportunity... but, you won’t do it.
Here is why you won’t do it:
A little voice inside of your head is saying, “But what if it doesn’t work?
What if I waste an hour a day over those two years? What if I’m not good
at this? I don’t know anyone who has retired in network marketing. I only
know people who retired with a pension from a job. This might not be a
sure thing.”

Yes, you’re going to have some doubt. You will have a belief problem.
And that's pretty natural.
So here is what we are going to help you with your belief.
To encourage you along the way, every so often we're going to
send you a check in the mail --
just to keep your spirits up as you build your two-yearbusiness.

When you get these occasional checks, you will say, "I know it works! I've
got these checks to prove it."
And that is why you want to start your business today.
* * *
See how this story relates to the prospect? The prospect is seeing
himself and living within the story.
That is why I love to use stories. Prospects forget the facts, the
percentages, and the ingredients, but they will always remember the
Want more magic words and stories? Go to
and enjoy the best of Tom "Big Al" Schreiter.
Tom "Big Al" Schreiter is the author of many books and audio trainings
on how to recruit more distributors.
36 years of experience of testing exactly what to say and do to get
prospects to join.
Download seven free mini-reports on the magic words and phrases of
network marketing at: http

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