Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home Business Four BIG Questions for Network Markting BIG Profits

Home Business Four BIG Questions for Network Marketing BIG Profits

BIG = Business Income Generation

The last few blogs have incorporated a home business viral marketing formula. It will be reviewed again at the end.

Right now, the focus is on the key to success in this simple marketing system called Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits. It is a short, comprehensive, curriculum guide to show how the network marketing industry works at a generic level. It standardizes one training tool for everyone with a minimal learning curve and maximum results.

The program is based on 60 slides that cover a wide range of topics. There is an e-book with 105 tips and a bonus section on rich and famous success strategies for everyone...no science…no excuses..

Imagine the power of information you hold in your hands with ONE program ONE hour

  • professionally designed, with visual images to explain complex meanings
  • low cost …100% guaranteed refund with four FREE excellent bonuses
  • time- efficient…one hour to deliver..it's all you really need to know to get started
  • comprehensive…7 years of training rolled into one information tool with ALL critical points

GREAT NEWS..you don’t have to spend years in learning about network marketing through trial and error, time and expense.
Your friends and business partners do not have to spend years in learning this business and complaining it doesn’t work

WELCOME to a MARKETING PLAN that is simple and exponentially profitable.

Imagine if you had to try and explain why it is so important to start a home business in changing times.

How would you answer these FOUR BIG QUESTIONS:

  1. What are the four ways in growing an income?
  2. What are the four fastest growing trends in a home business?
  3. What are the four main questions to ask about a network marketing business?
  4. What four factors will help to change your mindset to positive beliefs and actions?

How would you explain these issues...many may be unresolved objections..

  • how are economic reality is changing (slide 8)
  • how information distribution is now an institution (slide 9)
  • what is more valuable than fixed wages based on hours worked (slide 13)
  • what is different between linear and residual income?(slide 15)
  • what is the most important word in home business? (slides 20, 21, 22)
  • what is the essential factor directly related to how much profit you will make? (slide 29)
  • what is the greatest benefit of a simple marketing plan (slide 28)
  • PLUS many more facts, planning pages, and the most important slide 50..the straight line home business diagram..worth the $64,000 answer

Why is this STARTER MANUAL or GUIDE is so CRITICAL to your network marketing home business...

1. it is simple enough so everyone can do it...it has to be people-friendly

2. it addresses the three basic business concepts that make it work

Without it...you will spend endless time and money explaining or defending this home business model..
With it...you will save time, money, make a difference and multiply your profits in a very fair, democratic way, the RIGHT WAY this home business is meant to work.

The Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits is the ONE and ONLY ESSENTIAL INFORMATION TOOL that will duplicate again and again and make as much money as you want.

It is the ONE and ONLY generic curriculum guide that will return democratic opportunity to this industry. This is the meaning of true leverage, simple duplication, massive multiplication of income.

So let's review the viral marketing home business formula and plug in the Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits ( Note: For a change, it’s not the other way around..Maxi-Program for Mini-Profits)

P = LM + DP x D

Profits = Leveraged Message = Democratic Plan x Duplication

PROFITS= residual income based on working once and getting paid multiple times

LEVERAGED MESSAGE…professional information tools to work on your behalf 24/7 beyond physical limitations of how much time you have and where you are

DEMOCRATIC PLAN…keep marketing plan to 3 factors to minimize learning curve and easier to understand and share

DUPLICATE… marketing plan is shared by masses of people looking for extra income from home. They key to success in this simple marketing system is the Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits. It is simple-to-follow, time-efficient, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, and time efficient and practical for everyone to use.

Sure you can choose to spend literally thousands of dollars on programs, training manuals, life “consultants", or the currently popular “branding” your internet presence…but this expenditure of time and money will not be duplicated by your next customer.

What will duplicate your profits and build your dream home business with network marketing are three words:

Check it out..take it for a spin..phone people you care about and say,
“Are you interested in making some extra money from home? I’m checking out a home business based on a simple plan and income where I can get paid over and over ....It’s very exciting because I can do this..everyone can do this…It’s a simple presentation to get the basic facts...check it out and let me know what you liked about it.."

Standing by to help with questions, comments or opinions,

Annemarie..No Excuses Allowed Team

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