Friday, July 3, 2009

How a Dream Home Business can be destroyed by ANTS and a viral anti-spray that helps

How A Dream Home Business Destroyed by ANTS (Automatic Negative Thinking Statements)
..and how a viral anti-spray can help

A definite strategy to help people focus on their goals is to visualize having achieved success already. It works for sports stars, motivational speakers, Olympic athletes, entertainers, movie producers and more. It should also work for people looking to start a profitable home business.

Visualize now that you have achieved your goals for an awesome network marketing home business. You are using a healthy wholefood product for your family as the basis for your commissions. You are following a simple 3 steps plan to share with others and continue building more income by sharing information. Every week you receive a growing residual check and your bank account is starting to look a lot greener, too. Your credit card debt is diminishing. You are starting to plan for a few extra things for your taking a nice vacation or maybe buying a new car. You are saving business related receipts for major tax savings at the end of the year.

Best of all, you sleep better and worry less about a shifting economy because you’re building your own personal economy step by simple step.

Actually visualize this dream as much on a physical scale as you can... Close your eyes and actually see the big house with less mortgage and a nice new car in front, and maybe a flower garden..a beautiful sunset..

Now visualize this. This brand new home business dream is being attacked by little bits of automatic negative thinking statements…

Each little statement gnaws a little hole and creates a little dust. At the end, there is only a large pile of dust where once stood a magnificent dream of great potential and finacial stability.

Do you have these ANTS attacking your dream home business…

..costs too much...$40 is too much to start a bona fide home business
..daily schedule won’t fit hour to preview business model
..too much information at one time...reduce to one primer
..can’t track goals...too many variables..what about setting just 2 goals
..motivation is to find an hourly once get paid once
..just don’t understand residual income...self-education is priceless
..not sure I want to spend months training for the basics in one hour
..unclear marketing plan..not sure what I need to so…cut it 2 three steps
..monetary goals are too high...inch by inch everything’s a cinch
..will wait for a better time...dreams don't have to wait a lifetime partner doesn’t accept this...educate your partner..take 1 hour
..too many bells and whistles...just use one primer
..not a good communicator...can you email a powerful conference call
..not a good speaker...can you read a one page summary
..not sure whether this is sales…educate first..value is inherent
..afraid of psychologically trying something new…money back gurantee
..not sure how this works to are just the messenger..use professional information tools to tell the story for you
..not sure whether my personal motivation is sustainable…success will create your excitement
..not sure my friends and/or family will understand...some will/ some won’t/ it’s their loss / move on
..not sure it has worked for others...applied non-democratic marketing plan
..not sure how to balance family life with new much quality time are you spending now
..not sure I need extra money a good job or in training..that’s great news but where do you want to ne in 3 to 5 years.
..not sure about price range and profits...check out 6 month cash flow projection
..not sure I’ll be supported when I need help…business is built on co-operation and being as self-franchised as possible
..not sure I can be successful..time to reset your mindset based on simple practical steps..our success is vested in your success
..not sure I can handle high-tech is still a relationship building home you care first
..not sure I know enough people…the world is your backyard
..not sure I can emulate a top earner...this is a home business model based on every day people duplicating each othernot duplicating a top eaner

As you know, I speak with many home business opportunity seekers and these are some of the actual ANTS I have had to stomp on. It is always so sad when these sad little excuses end up controlling an extraordinary program and dream. So many don’t even read the free report about the Simplest Home Business in the World…at least dip your toes in the cool waters of network marketing principles. Some miss basic lessons in defining network marketing, comparing plans and how to set up a straight-line home business (Home Business 101)

The bottom line for a successful home business is best summarized by a viral Einstein-like formula

PROFITS =leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication
P = LM + DP x

1. LEVERAGED MESSAGE…use professional information tools to work on your behalf 24/7 beyond physical limitations of how much time you have and where you are
2. DEMOCRATIC PLAN…network marketing is based on the founding principle that average people with above average dreams can start a low-cost, part-time home business and can earn potential high profits based on the principle of duplication I CAN DO This..YOU CAN DO THIS
3. DUPLICATION...the key to high profits in network marketing is the duplication of a simple marketing system. The key to success in this simple marketing system is a short, comprehensive curriculum guide to how this industry works. It is simple-to-follow, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, and time efficient and practical for everyone to use.
How about you?
Share some of your dreams and will show you how to keep ants away!

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