Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Five Ways a People-Friendly Marketing Plan can explode your home business profits

How a people-friendly marketing plan can explode your home business profits

There is only one home business concept that works based on the principles of leverage and residual profits…namely, the network marketing home business. It is popular with 95% of home business owners who take a look at all the benefits of plugging into a huge, successful company. Your job, and basis of recurring income through multiple levels, is to help market their product(s).

And, here is the 1000 pound gorilla in the room. Most of us are not professional marketers or salespeople and yet we are expected to produce like silver-starred leaders in order to make commissions. People who are business professionals feed us complex marketing plans that are easy for them to implement. But for non-marketers, it’s an almost indigestable burden…too many bits and pieces, links and connections.

And yet, the network marketing home business is also based on the founding principles that it is the only home business where average people with above average dreams can start a profitable venture from home.

So how do we match the powerful marketing gorilla with the regular champ who understands how leverage, residual and duplication work in this unique home industry and believe in equality of opportunity. We, too, deserve a piece of the multi-billion dollar information economy.

You must “employ” a PEOPLE FRIENDLY MARKETING SYSTEM for continuous profits...


It doesn’t matter if YOU have no idea where to begin, what to share, or how to sell. You may already have a full time job and don’t want to spend time learning something new. Maybe, you have just basic computer skills to send an email and share a website.

  • levels the playing field so every person who wants a home business in tough economic times can get a fair education and a running start to learn and apply…advance from beginner to mastery levels with standardized training and marketing plans that everyone can this system duplicates so will your profits
  • low capital to start (as low as $40 monthly product purchase qualifies you for commissions)..fits into any budget. No inventory to load up. Want a unique, no competititon product. Potential to earn 5 or 6 digit or more annual income paid weekly and monthly, matching bonuses
  • transform few hours a week into excellent cash flow. You don’t want to work twice as hard…you want to use basic leverage with information tools to expand your time and knowledge beyond 40 hours a week without actually being there...
  • reduce natural learning curve to basic three steps you can start right now... who wants to spend months learning a lot of moving business parts. Everyone learns at their own rate and its not up to you to teach the system. The ONE and ONLY Missing Factor is Fully Integrated.
  • deserve substantial tax savings. Note many people pay for their home business costs from tax savings accountant actually said you need to be brain dead not to have a home business. Why aren’t you collecting your share of tax refunds?


1. AVOID volumes of material...they can be very expensive, monetized by gurus, utterly time-consuming that no one will gladly say "I CAN DO THIS!"

  • too complicated to explain training and marketing materials
  • too much time to learn
  • too many objections rising from information overload
  • too difficult for beginners to meet expectations

2. AVOID starting a home business without a simple marketing plan and outline of what you need to do to make profits. Make sure these questions are fully answered to your satisfaction:

  • Who will help me?
  • What do I have to do?
  • What do I have to invest?
  • What can I make?

Run away from any home business that does not have a clear marketing plan (preferably on one page) in plain view with which you are comfortable. The most common reason that most home businesses fail (and others) is a lack of marketing.

Run towards a home business with a well-defined 3 STEPS MARKETING PLAN that everybody can do if you want massive, democratic duplication and multiplying profits. Be sure you see the whole GAME PLAN and how you can win!

To check out a truly revolutionary home business marketing plan whose time has come...let me know what you are looking for and how we can help...


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