Monday, June 29, 2009

Why You Should build a Home Business without the Wolf with Prevention in Mind and the Cure-in-one-Call

Why You Should Build a HOME BUSINESS without the wolf, with prevention in mind, and the Cure- in-one-call

This week, 3 very different messages crossed my desk and yet they are all uniquely connected to home business opportunities…past, present and future. Here are brief summaries and their connection to home business in network maketing in today’s uncertain economy.


I’ll huff..I’ll puff..I’ll blow your house down..big bad wolf
In the fairy tale, the first two pigs learned their lesson and soon built their own houses of brick, and they all lived happily ever after. But as you know, the Three Little Pigs is just a fairy tale. In real life, people ask the government to rescue them with taxpayer money, and then they rebuild their straw and stick houses all over again. The fairy tale continues, lessons are not learned—and the wolf lurks in the darkness.
All over the world, people are asking, “What are our leaders going to do?” I believe a more important question is, “What are you and I going to do?” More specifically, “How can you and I build our own house of bricks…Robert Kiyosaki’s new book

CONNECT: You got to build a profitable home business because the future is uncertain with too many bad wolves prowling around challenging age-old traditions and securities.


In the late 1980’s an important infomercial was advertised to try and make America a better place for kids. It was beautifully produced video about helping parents talk to their teenagers about drugs. The script was written by Dan Kennedy, and a team of professional copywriters and even hosted by Nancy Reagan.

Guess how many people were convinced to get a video in order to talk to their kids about drugs based on orders received…Zero


Because it was about preventing the problem...not actually curing it. Who would want to think that their kids might need this program? "My kids would never take drugs...I'll never have to worry about this problem."

CONNECT: Why wait until more emergency difficulties or more major pain backs you into a corner to look for alternative home business income? Do preventative education now and learn all you can about setting up a profitable home business opportunity.


The power of a message struck me like never before. We know there are mountains of home business opportunities out there...each one promising the easy path to the gold freedom.

And so it happened that I heard a presentation of one program that had all the elements of a great home business…In fact, it had been voted best home business concept for the 21 century by Lifetime Networks based on a recent survey.

Personally, if I had to design a dream home business, I couldn’t think of anything better than these benefits:
  • part of the booming Wellness Industry based on natural preventative products (versus waiting until you get sick and then trying to find help in the health system…
  • based on nutrient rich whole food super fruits and sea vegetable supplement
  • low cost to qualify for commissions $40 for valuable product everybody needs
  • no cost website with all the information plus back office for customer updates /support
  • national co-op marketing campaign making the product a household word
  • endorsement by Beauty Spaces (inner nutrition for anti-aging) and Kids Spaces (best supplement for children)
  • five income streams, including retail sales

Most of us realize that a successful, time-efficient, profit generating home business is a good thing..a few extra hundred dollars a month would absolve most bankruptrices (report). It is a smart preventative measure even if you have a good job now and trust your status quo will stretch into long golden years as planned.

But what if it doesn’t turn out the way you planned?

Will you continue to put your financial security into someone else’s hands?
Isn't it better to set up some preventative steps now by taking a closer educational look at what works in the network marketing industry?

Don’t wait until you’re facing financial mayhem. Some people tell me they can’t even put together $40 a month to start a home business and qualify for commissions. It's hard to sell the virtue and goodness of a home business until you experience it for yourself.

Don’t wait for the waters to part before you and a bridge to appear to better understand the prosperity available for you.

Don’t wait until some big bad wolf breathes down your chimney while your house is still standing.

Do check out an amazing home business opportunity cure-in-one-call

Do check out a simple 3-steps plan and viral marketing formula

Comments and questions are always appreciated...

Annemarie...No Excuses Allowed Team

Sunday, June 28, 2009

How to harness the most powerful word in network marketing home business

How to harness the most powerful word in network marketing home business

Recently, this question was posed to a small party of guests.

What is the most important word in home business based on the network marketing home business model?
The answers of course were varied as expected reflecting personal viewpoints.
I wonder what you would have said? Here are some answers:

Money… making lots of money
Success… and respect in other peoples eyes
Stress-free lifestyle..not having to worry about the next paycheck
Dreams..doing something I never thought I could do
Friends…making new friends with common goals

You..what are you looking for and how can I help
Profits..and more money to help my family…

Of course, all these answers have some weight in why to start a home business. I would have added superior products generally compared to mass produced store shelf products.

But the answer that allows for the above words to materialize as results was not mentioned. These words are like spokes in a big wheel that do drive home business success. But it is time to acknowledge the hub, the center from which these results radiate like money, success, stress free lifestyle, dreams, and friends.

Let’s set this scenario. Imagine the expertise of this doctor. Just imagine what it would take if you had to repeat his experiences to have equivalent knowledge:

  • renowned educator and lecturer in the field of nutrition for over 20 years
  • post-doctorate certification from Harvard Medical School and a member of the Naturopathic Medical Association
  • authored three books and appeared on numerous radio and television shows
  • produced best selling CDs on nutrition have been heard by over a million people
  • evolved his first nutritional company to sales of 20 million per month
  • created a new corporate infrastructure and vision of unlimited wealth
  • formulated a full-spectrum nutritional product combining the best superfoods from land and sea
  • initiated a multi-million dollar national co-op advertising campaign with radio talks show hosts, TV and magazine endorsements

How many people do you know would be able to have such a successful biography?

I know in a lifetime I wouldn’t be able to do this but through the power of this one is my privilege to share this knowledge in a few minutes..

Now imagine my excitement to tell other people about this famous doctor, his company and new product. One word, one concept will give me the power to share these valuable ideas:

  • first to market competition
  • five streams of income
  • endorsements by top radio show hosts
  • weekly Health Expert on Lifetime TV (100 million viewers)
  • endorsement by Kids Spaces as best nutritional product for children
  • endorsements by Beauty Spaces by top dermatologist as premier anti-aging product
  • national co-op marketing campaign to brand product in mainstream
  • new customer one... get one free

And more…what amazing information!

The powerful word that allows me to share this knowledge is LEVERAGE….

LEVERAGE IS DEFINED as sharing INFORMATION TOOLS with high value and low cost. It is a true business asset t compress time, knowledge, step-by-step system to get faster results.

The bottom line is I don’t have to spend decades becoming a nutritional doctor. I don’t have to spend hours describing this product or home business program. I simply pass on an information call by the doctor directly to tell the story for me.

How huge is that!

Lastly, the component leveraged message is an important element in the viral home business marketing formula. Now, perhaps, you can better see why.

PROFITS = leveraged message x democratic plan x duplication

Talk about FINANCIAL LEVERAGE in tough times. A simple 3-step program educates, empowers and plugs you into a successful network marketing company with the leverage power of this incredible doctor and entrepreneur.

Imagine a retirement with real golden paychecks to match the sunsets.

This world is evolving into an unimaginable different place and those who are prepared to LEVERAGE the INFORMATION ECONOMY will inherit its abundance.

Comments and questions are always appreciated,

Annemarie..No Excuses Allowed Team

Friday, June 19, 2009

How the Home Business Viral Marketing Formula Blasts the Secret Weapon

How the Home Business Viral Marketing Formulator Blasts the Secret Weapon

It’s late Friday morning…drizzling outside, just baking a blueberry and black cherry buckle…and time to have some serious fun.

If you have followed my blogs, you understand my passion for the network marketing home business done RIGHT at the grassroots level. I am from humble farm roots and I particularly enjoy talking with others who may consider themselves from humble roots but with the grandeur of being of an oak tree.

I particularly espouse equality of opportunity regarding the democratic right to earn extra money in a tough economy. The one and only way to standardize a home business opportunity is with the network marketing business model.

The founding principle is that average people with above average dreams can start a home business with low capital and enjoy high profit potential by making a difference. The 3 basic operatives for success are leverage, marketing plan and duplication.

So, I particularly feel mental pain, in various degrees, when I read certain terms or associations with this unique industry such as “high-priced, private, secret training” marketing strategies. There is absolutely nothing high priced, private or secret about a fair, democratic,profitable network marketing home business.

So, just as a creative thinking exercise, I’m setting up a dialogue between two different network marketers:

Person A who believes in a viral marketing approach and democratic potential…will call him Victor or Victoria

Person B who believes in branding himself as an attraction marketing expert and let’s call him Martin or Martina. He (or she) is showing a "secret weapon."

Please remember as you read this... that the really,really interesting fact is that Martin(a)’s actual words are drawn from a sales copy promoting an attraction marketing program..

Martin(a)..You need to act fast ..this is right for’re lucky to get in

Victor(ia)..I don’t like selling..let me educate myself and when I’m ready (if) I’ll call you back

Martin(a): You need to sharpen your skills and develop yourself

Victor(ia): I can talk and communicate very clearly…life channels continue to develop me..don’t imply I’m less worthy

Martin(a): We have MP3 recordings, Powerpoint Slide Presentation, PDF transcripts
...over 40 hours of valuable training

Victor(ia): I only need a professional slide presentation with images that communicate a thousand words…easy to read and share in less than an hour

Martin(a): We’ll show you how to cause a stampede to your website

Victor(ia): I’m not interested in driving or managing herds..just ordinary, honest people looking for something better

Martin(a) We spend $100,000 a month on our advertising campaign

Victor(ia) Not the's a turn-off when you promote how great you are

Martin(a): You can build your first Google Adwords in 4 Easy Steps and a CD

Victor(ia): Not interested

Martin(a): We will simplify your Pay Per Click Adwords by making sure your keywords, text ads, and landing pages are closely related to search engines

Victor(ia): For your information, I’m already quite web savvy..but even after a year of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)strategies from top Internet Marketing specialists…I still struggle with indexing, ranking, back links, minimizing costs because “internet spiders” take a long time in evaluating any website and its worth in the internet community.
Don’t make it sound too casual...absolutely not interested.

Martin(a): Well, the BAD NEWS is we have to limit this program to the first 1000 people and the last program vanished in 2 minutes…

Victor(ia): Amazing Reskin would be proud

Martin(a): You may have trouble getting your hands on it because it is at an incredible discount because the full mentoring program is just under $3000

Victor(ia): My hands are full now..not my bank thanks

Martin(a): Well, I have a little confession actually. I got the original _______system a year ago but just didn’t know how to really put it into practice..and I’m hoping this new program will accomplish exactly what I envision for my home business success.

Victor(ia): Let me give you some real helpful, hopeful advice. The basic fundamental principle in a network marketing home business is to make sure your prospects and new business partners can achieve equal or more success than you can. The hope is to accomplish this by fully integrating a simple viral marketing formula that works for all people…not just for those who can afford 100,000 monthly advertising fee.

PROFITS =leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication

P = LM + DP x D

The theory is that the more material you produce, the longer the process, the more objections, the less duplication, the less previous blogs for more details

1. LEVERAGED MESSAGE…professional information tools delivered in one hour
3. DUPLICATION…key to success in this simple marketing system is a short, comprehensive curriculum guide to how this industry works. It is simple-to-follow, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, and time efficient and practical for everyone to use.

Martin(a): Well, I would genuinely get a kick out of helping you.
Victor(ia): I don’t believe I’m the one getting kicked today.

Your comments, questions and dialogues are always welcome…and especially any other ways we can return to the grassroots principles of this great home based industry and stop the “secret weapon...high priced...attraction marketing promoters.

No Excuses Allowed Team

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Home Business..viral marketing more put-downs, ever again

Home business...viral marketing described more put-downs,ever again.. part 6

In the last few blogs, you have been introduced to a viral marketing formula for a network marketing home-based business. A couple of people have questioned the meaning of viral marketing..and this is a good thing. We undoubtedly also share the feeling that there is far too much hype on the Internet today how do you separate the useful information from the buzz and what to believe.

You will also read a contrasting statement from attraction marketing that I consider a put-down… a literal slap in the face that I will not accept anymore, never again.

First, what is viral marketing:

  • a method of advertising products or services by passing a message to friends, associates and family members
  • the message creates exposure and potential for geometric growth to 100’s or 1000’s or more people
  • this exponential exposure with extremely low cost and time efficiency grows quickly

Second, how does Viral Marketing work...based on a single product or message

  • must be as low cost as possible
  • must provide tangible, measurable benefits
  • must be easily transferred throughout the target community
  • speed of duplication is based on simplicity and value

Third, why Viral Marketing can build Your Network Marketing Home Business

  • based on successful duplication of simple plan..nothing complicated or too expensive
  • does not rely on the skill set or knowledge base of your team members
  • benefits have tangible value so nobody has to convince or sell anybody
  • delivery is highly time efficient so everybody can do it
  • speed of growth adds excitement and value to product or tool

So, in summary, viral marketing has tremendous potential in sharing worthy products and / or services that create results and excitement that everybody should be able to do or duplicate.

In effect, this is the essence of network marketing to achieve massive duplication and potential growth to help people and communities.

So, here is a statement from an internet millionaire that raises my temperature like a hot day on the lake because it splashes cold water all over the potential of viral marketing. And, I must confess that there was an earlier time when I would have wilted with a blistering comment like this, actually thinking “I can’t do this”…but not anymore.

He makes some valid points about gaining long-term knowledge based on initial failures and the big goal of becoming a master networker and copywriting specialist that takes time, dedication and money ($100,000 over 10 years plus $1000’s more monthly for training).
Then he makes this comment (paraphrased):

You can be successful in network marketing if ONLY (his emphasis) you have the right personality AND you are willing to establish yourself as a leader. You see… in network marketing, you WILL have to talk to people.
So, if you do not ENJOY talking to people (and, yes, selling) you should not be in MLM or network marketing!

I’m glad I can simmer down because it’s only one point of view, although commonly shared by several gurus engaged in self-branding or attraction marketing. But, from my experience, it is my choice not to let this one comment block my goals for a successful home business using a simple formula as a basis for viral marketing.

PROFITS =leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication

P = LM + DP x D

1. LEVERAGED MESSAGE…professional message easily shared with people

2. DEMOCRATIC PLAN...simple 3 steps marketing plan that everybody CAN DO. Can you read and share…if you’re not a great speaker, how about an average reader or better?

3. DUPLICATION…key to success in this simple marketing system is a short, comprehensive curriculum guide to how this industry works. It is simple-to-follow, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, time efficient and practical for everyone to use.

Check the previous blogs for more details

In conclusion, you will also need to make a stand and the viewpoint you want to take.

The value of a profitable home business, more income, more time freedom is immeasurable.

Will you limit it by an attraction marketing proposition that only the “big talkers” have the right to succeed?

Or will you believe in the democratic right of viral marketing to spread the good news that every family deserves a successful home business in tough economic times.

Questions and comments are always welcome.

I am committed to your viral home business success.

No Excuses Allowed Team
Poverty mentality is a wasted life in the Information Economy...are you getting your share?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Home Business review: how one formula, one decision can change your life

Home business one decision, one formula, one day can change your life..Part 5

In the last 4 blogs we have looked at a home business based on network marketing principles. We have compared two different home business marketing plans. We have drawn on the wisdom of a personal vision (Denis Waitley) and the gift of time (Brian Tracy). We have minimized the parts that are difficult and maximized the main features that determine volume of cash flow unique to this special home business model.

Two exclusive features stand out:
  • distribution model where average people can start a home business at low cost with high earning potential through leverage of time and expertise
  • duplication model where a defined marketing plan determines high earning potential through a simple sharing process..I Can Do This..You Can Do This…

We described a formula that meets the criteria..simple, efficient, comprehensive, low cost, with unlimited residual profits.

You have to make a decision now. What will it take? What if one decision can change everything for you. Some people wait years, decades, even their entire lifes hoping that something will change…to hope boldly what others may not believe. But you can't put hope into your wallet.

What about if all your waiting and hoping can be found in one unsuspecting moment. One realization, one action, one seemingly insignificant step can put you on a completely different path ... and ultimately fashion your own dreams.

The good news is you don't have to wait for some external circumstances to activate them. You have the power to create the kind of conditions you want to transform your life. This is your life’s journey and only you can run the course to the best of your abilities and self-worth. The switches are yours to start or stop.

What is stopping you from starting:

  • a personal evaluation that circumstances in your life are less than ideal
  • own personal emotion that you are worthy of something more, you deserve better for yourself and your family
  • personal beliefs that you are a strong and ethical and you will not allow excuses to control your life potential
  • laser-like focus on the time..there will never be a better time to act because the word IF doesn’t exist in reality, just in shadowy doubts of your mind

Take the action as soon as possible, before the feeling passes and before the idea dims ….without action, the wisdom is wasted… Jim Rohn

Take the action today, right now, to plug into a profitable home business based on an extraordinary wellness product ..a win-win situation from every facet.


PROFITS =leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication

P = LM + DP x D

The best way to visualize it is as a straight line going from where you are to where you want to be. The theory is that the more material you produce, the longer the process, the more objections, the less duplication, the less profits

…use professional information tools to work on your behalf 24/7 beyond physical limitations of how much time you have and where you are

…network marketing is based on the founding principle that average people with above average dreams can start a low-cost, part-time home business and can earn potential high profits based on the principle of duplication I CAN DO This..YOU CAN DO THIS

...the key to high profits in network marketing is the duplication of a simple marketing system. The key to success in this simple marketing system is a short, comprehensive curriculum guide to how this industry works. It is simple-to-follow, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, and time efficient and practical for everyone to use.

How fair, democratic with unlimited potential is this.

Questions and comments are always welcome about what works, or doesn’t, for you..or why procrastinations are controlling your life.

No Excuses Allowed Team
Poverty mentality is a wasted life surrounded by abundance..

As a special treat, the following excerpt is by Jim Rohn, one of the best known business philosophers.

The Time to Act

by Jim Rohn

Engaging in genuine discipline requires that you develop the
ability to take action. You don't need to be hasty if it isn't
required, but you don't want to lose much time either. Here's the
time to act: when the idea is hot and the emotion is strong.

Let's say you would like to build your library. If that is a strong
desire for you, what you've got to do is get the first book. Then
get the second book. Take action as soon as possible, before the
feeling passes and before the idea dims. If you don't, here's what
happens -


We intend to take action when the idea strikes us. We intend to do
something when the emotion is high. But if we don't translate that
intention into action fairly soon, the urgency starts to diminish.
A month from now the passion is cold. A year from now it can't be

So take action. Set up a discipline when the emotions are high and
the idea is strong, clear, and powerful. If somebody talks about
good health and you're motivated by it, you need to get a book on
nutrition. Get the book before the idea passes, before the emotion
gets cold. Begin the process. Fall on the floor and do some

You've got to take action; otherwise the wisdom is
wasted. The emotion soon passes unless you apply it to a
disciplined activity. Discipline enables you to capture the emotion
and the wisdom and translate them into action. The key is to
increase your motivation by quickly setting up the disciplines. By
doing so, you've started a whole new life process.

Here is the greatest value of discipline: self-worth, also known as
self-esteem. Many people who are teaching self-esteem these days
don't connect it to discipline. But once we sense the least lack of
discipline within ourselves, it starts to erode our psyche. One of
the greatest temptations is to just ease up a little bit. Instead
of doing your best, you allow yourself to do just a little less
than your best. Sure enough, you've started in the slightest way to
decrease your sense of self-worth.

There is a problem with even a little bit of neglect. Neglect
starts as an infection. If you don't take care of it, it becomes a
disease. And one neglect leads to another. Worst of all, when
neglect starts, it diminishes our self-worth.

Once this has happened, how can you regain your self-respect? All
you have to do is act now! Start with the smallest discipline that
corresponds to your own philosophy. Make the commitment: "I will
discipline myself to achieve my goals so that in the years ahead I
can celebrate my successes."

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn


To learn more about Jim's best-selling CDs, books and videos/DVDs,
as well as receive 20-60% off on all, including Take Charge of Your
Life, The Five Major Pieces and Building Your Network Marketing
Business, go to Also while you are there
review the complete Jim Rohn archive of articles, vitamins for the
mind and Q and A. Copyright © 1999, 2006 Jim Rohn International.
All rights reserved worldwide.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

How a Home Business Viral Formula can Help You Get Older and Better

How a Home Business Viral Formula Can Help You Get Older and Better.

We all get older. No one would argue with that. But how many people actually do something every day that brings them comfort and relevance? How many people can live out a lifetime with memories left over to last several more lifetimes with family and friends.

I attended my cousin’s funeral this morning. She lived 82 years, married to her husband for 61 years, raised 3 children and was loved by a score of grand children and great grandchildren. She was a Mom, mother, homemaker and gardener in the same home all her married life, and a favorite place for her family to visit. And it was her grandchildren who gave the eulogy and poems of remembrances.

A good simple life fulfilled by what was important to her. Can we also say we are doing the things that are important to our legacy?

I’m sure there are many people who would love to spend more time at home especially as the children are growing up..for their memories are woven from together times and appreciation.

A part-time home business can be the answer for more time freedom and a sense of satisfaction of making a home, sharing events and special occasions.

A recent survey showed 65% of people said they would be interested in a home business, part-time or full-time. Only 5% indicated an interest in more information about a network marketing home business.

There is a major disconnect here because a network marketing home business is the only opportunity where people can start a home business with minimal capital and make a potential high profit by making a difference.

We know the foundation of network marketing works because of the great number of many different people who are successful. After all, there are only three basic principles that make it work so, theoretically, the business model shouldn’t be that hard to master.

The problem for this disconnect is twofold:

  • lack of public education and acknowledgement of how this simple home business works
  • complex marketing systems that the majority of people do not have the time to learn for success

Let’s address both problems by providing a simple educational primer and a simple marketing formula that everybody can do.

Let’s give everyone the same handbook..the same playing field…the same objectives..the same changes for success..

P = LM + DP x D

PROFITS = residual income based on working once and getting paid multiple times

LEVERAGED MESSAGE…professional information tools to work on your behalf 24/7 beyond physical limitations of how much time you have and where you are

DEMOCRATIC PLAN…keep marketing plan to 3 factors to minimize learning curve, easier to understand and share

DUPLICATE… marketing plan is shared by masses of people looking for extra income from home. They key to success in this simple marketing system is a short, comprehensive curriculum guide to how this industry works. It is simple-to-follow, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, and time efficient and practical for everyone to use.

YOUR BIG QUESTION...What if, a simple formula can start a successful home business for you. What if you had extra money and extra time and a sense of satisfaction to follow your dreams.
What if you could write your own eulogy in time. What would you like to say?

Your questions, comments and experiences are always appeciated.

Sincerely, Annemarie

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Home BusinessViral Marketing Formula with the Magnificent Gift of Time

Home Business Viral Marketing Formula for Network Marketing Success with the magnificent gift of time ...Part 4

Yesterday we talked about the magnificent obsession of having a passion…what makes you rise to the best you can be with no regrets or to fulfill the one life we have to live.

Today we look at the magnificent gift is time..

Brain Tracy says it best:

Time is your most precious resource. It is the most valuable thing you have. It is perishable, it is irreplaceable, and it cannot be saved. It can only be reallocated from activities of lower value to activities of higher value. All work requires time. And time is absolutely essential for the important relationships in your life

So how does time relate to the network marketing home business viral formula

P = LM + DP x D

Profits = Leveraged Message + Democratic Plan x duplication

The time-saving, time-maximizing, time-reduction value is clear as a bell.

Time is limited and delegated to the most important principles of this unique home business.

  • 1. PROFITS
    ...based on residual income..get paid long term based on initial efforts
    …use professional information tools to work on your behalf 24/7 beyond physical limitations of how much time you have and where you are
    …everybody who wants a low-cost, part-time home business can have a successful home business based on the proven principle of duplication
    ...the key to high profits in network marketing is the duplication of a simple marketing system. They key to success in this simple marketing system is a short, comprehensive curriculum guide to how this industry works. It is simple-to-follow, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, and time efficient and practical for everyone to use.

How time-efficient and democratic is this.

Precious time is not spent jumping through hoops, traversing the internet jungle, magnetically branding yourself, writing articles and blogs, studying copywriting skills, testing SEO ad words, mailing lists, selling, persuading, following, training and banging your head against misperceptions.

Precious time is spent hanging out family, visiting friends, catching up on old times, watching your children’s events, reading, updating studies of interest, doing hobbies, golfing, fishing, relaxing, going on retreats and holidays..just watching the garden grow...if that is your choice.

Precious time builds memories that will live forever.

Put time in your hands and money in your wallet by checking out a simple network marketing home business plan.

Your questions, comments and special times you remember are always welcome to share.


As a special treat you can read more intensively about

The Three Factors of Time by Brian Tracy

Organize Your Life Around Your Family, Your Career and Your Personal Goals

You need to stand back on a regular basis and analyze yourself, your life and your time usage. You need to become a master of your time rather than a slave to continuing time pressures.

The Starting Point Personal time management begins with you. It begins with your thinking through what is really important to you in life. And it only makes sense if you organize it around specific things that you want to accomplish.

You need to set goals in three major areas of your life.

First, you need family and personal goals

These are the real reasons why you get up in the morning, why you work hard and upgrade your skills, why you worry about money and sometimes feel frustrated by the demands on your time.

What are your personal and family goals, both tangible and intangible?

A tangible family goal could be a bigger house, a better car, a larger television set, a vacation, or anything else that costs money. An intangible goal would be to build a higher quality relationship with your spouse and children, to spend more time with your family going for walks or reading books. Achieving these family and personal goals are the real essence of time management, and its major purpose.

The second area of goals is your business and career goals.

These are the "how" goals, the means by which you achieve your personal, "why" goals.

How can you achieve the level of income that will enable you to fulfill your family goals?

How can you develop the skills and abilities to stay ahead of the curve in your career?

Business and career goals are absolutely essential, especially when balanced with family and personal goals.

Personal Development Goals

The third type of goals is your personal development goals.

Remember, you can't achieve much more on the outside than what you have achieved and become on the inside. Your outer life will be a reflection of your inner life.

If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and your career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development. You must build yourself if you want to build your life.

Perhaps the greatest secret of success is that you can become anything you really want to become to achieve any goal that you really want to achieve.

But in order to do it, you must go to work on yourself and never stop.

Action Exercises

Here are three things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, develop the habit of stopping on a regular basis and thinking about what is really important to you. The more often you stop and think, the better decisions you will make.

Second, decide clearly upon your personal and family goals. Write them down. Discuss them with others. Be clear about why you are doing what you do.

Third, take some time to think about your career goals and the steps you will have to take to achieve them. Do something every day that moves you forward in all three areas.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Home Business viral marketing formula for more magnificent factor

Home business viral marketing formula for network more magnificent factor...Part 3

To start a home business is an important venture to be made as equitable as possible to every person who wants extra income from home.
You want a business plan based on a valuable product that will draw customers and produce results.
You want a network marketing home business by affiliating with a large, successful company that will do your market research, manufacturing, shipping, tracking and accounting.
You also need a marketing plan that will define your goals, set a strategy and stay the course.
You are looking for

  • a low-cost investment with high profits potential
  • a time effective system so you can save time and money

Network marketing provides a unique home business model based on 3 essential tried-and-true business concepts in order to leverage information to earn long term residual income based on its duplication with customers. Nothing more, nothing less.

Please refer to the last 2 blogs for an explanation of a simple marketing plan based on essential network marketing business concepts as a formula:

P = LM + DP x D

Profits (residual income) is relative to Leveraged Message that is part of a simple Democratic Plan easily Duplicated massively.

However, you may say one factor is missing…your own personal vision, who you want to be, how you want to live, how you want to help…in other words.. your magnificent obsession…

Ask yourself this question: "If it weren't for money, time and
personal responsibilities, what would I really love to do with my life?"

Do not allow conditioned excuses or old habits put into a force field of inertia or assumed knowledge.

Do allow a simple formula P=LM + DP x D guaranteed to show you a new direction.

Your questions and comments and magnificent obsessions are always appreciated.
No Excuses Allowed Team

No one can say it better than this excerpt:

Your Own Magnificent Obsession

by Denis Waitley

All enduring motivation must ultimately come from within the
individual. That is why the words empower and envision are so vital
to team performance. It must be your inner power and your own
personal vision that propels you, not that of your leader.

The success of your efforts depends not so much on the efforts
themselves, but rather on your motive for doing them. The greatest
companies and the greatest men and women in all walks of life have
achieved their greatness out of a desire to express something
within themselves that had to be expressed, a desire to solve a
problem using their skills as best they could. This is not to say
that many of these individuals did not earn a great deal of money
and prestige for what they produced. Many did. But the key to their
successes was that they were motivated more by an inner magnificent
obsession, a passion, than by any thought of profit or identity…

You can't commission a masterpiece. Human greatness can't be
externally motivated. It must be compelled from within. A
magnificent obsession is the way you want to live, not just the
things you want to own. A magnificent obsession is the person you
want to be, not the title on your office door or business card. A
magnificent obsession is the mind-set that you have, not the
diplomas or awards you earn. It is the worldview you claim as your
own, not the collection of stamps on your passport. It is uniquely
yours, like your fingerprint or handwriting.

Ask yourself this question: "If it weren't for money, time and
personal responsibilities, what would I really love to do with my
life?" You and I need to answer it from our own individual
perspectives, not simply answer "to help my company, family or
country." In addition to these shared visions, autograph your
career and life with your own signature.

By personalizing your passion, you will experience the unlimited
power from within!

-- Denis Waitley


Reproduced with permission from the Denis Waitley Ezine. To
subscribe to Denis Waitley's Ezine, go to
Copyright 2009 Denis Waitley International. All rights reserved


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Home TWO marketing formulas in network marketing: to attract or to duplicate

Home business: compare two marketing formulas: to attract or to duplicate ..Part 2

Our lesson today is to compare two different marketing plans for the network marketing home business. It is based on one of my favorite classroom lessons called COMPARE and CONTRAST using a comprehension frame called a Venn Diagram.

If you have a pencil or pen, you can draw two large circles, making sure they overlap in the middle. There are now 3 subsets created for network marketing home business plans…

PART A will be for details that are different for an attraction marketing plan

PART B will be for details that are different for a democratic marketing plan

PART C is the intersection with words that are common to both marketing plans

To start, let's introduce the formulas first and then describe them more fully.

The formula for PLAN A ... attraction marketing plan

PROFITS = internet marketing + branding + advertising + mailing lists + sales

P= IM + B + A + ML+ S

The formula for PLAN B ... democratic marketing plan

PROFITS =leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication

P = LM + DP x D

Let's take a closer look at how the ATTRACTION MARKETING FORMULA works. The best way to visualize it is as a multi-layer marketing funnel. The theory is that the more hoops people jump through, the more qualified they become to buy from you..
Here is how to make profits.. .

1. Internet marketing..nothing happens until more people see your website.
  • best traffic stream is the power of social media to build relationships with people.. It is considered free but has anyone ever counted the hours it takes to socialize and prove your expertise to someone else trying to prove they know more? What a merry-go-round!
  • other options are to use search engines, pay- per- cick ad campaigns,surf exchanges and othe traffic generation methods

2. Branding...become an expert (YOU INCORPORATED)

  • set yourself apart as an compelling expert so others will want to do business under your leadership. This "magnetic " self- branding will take many stages.
  • begin building your expertise by writing articles, blog posts, videos, emails, etc.
  • advance to guest speaking at webinars, write ebooks and even coaching home study courses. Once you’re a master guru you can conduct full blown in-person seminars and joint venture with other gurus
  • gradually progress to create more advanced content to become more of a leader so you can build the biggest lists, control the traffic and maximize leads

3. Advertising..motivate people to buy your product by closing the sale. Advertising media on is a multi-step process with many OK’s to agree to go to next step

  • best way is to become a master at writing good copy
  • prepare ads that people want to read
  • learn motivational subject lines to open your emails
  • click on the links in your emails
  • read your articles or blog posts
  • watch your videos (and continue watching them)
  • ultimately buy your product

4. Mailing Lists...finding and continually building your list of prospects is a science

  • WHERE TO GET THEM..glowing referral from another marketer … pay-per-click … facebook account … purchased opportunity leads…traffic mailing list
  • WHAT KIND of prospects…regular followers of your opt-in messages (single or double), splash page or squeeze page information
  • WHY DO THEY FOLLOW YOU..give them extra value..follow-up a list first, then a downline

5. Sales is simple if you offer products that relate to your prospects needs

  • plug into affiliate programs and help market their products
  • develop your own products
    (must work because the promoters of this program made 1.3 million dollars in 3 days)

Let’s take a look at how a DEMOCRATIC MARKETING FORMULA works.
The best way to visualize it is as a straight line going from where you are to where you want to be. The theory is that the more material you produce, the longer the process, the more objections, the less duplication, and less profits.


  • leverage is the most important word in building a business asset
  • professional information tools to work on your behalf 24/7 beyond physical limitations of how much time you have and where you are


  • network marketing is based on the founding principle that average people with above average dreams can start a low-cost, part-time home business
  • potential to earn high residual profits are based on the principle of duplication.. I CAN DO THIS... YOU CAN DO... EVERYBODY CAN DO THIS


  • key to high profits in network marketing is the massive duplication of a simple marketing system..not selling so many bottles or boxes of products
  • key to success in this simple marketing system is a short, comprehensive curriculum guide that explains how this unique business concept works.
  • key is ONE PROFESSIONAL TOOL that is simple-to-follow, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, built-in training, time efficient (one hour) and practical for everyone to use.

How fair and democratic is this. Who can realistically say..I CAN NOT DO THIS!


What are the common words to both Attraction Marketing and Democratic Marketing?

simple to pick out: network marketing, home business, people, success, profits,

IN CONCLUSION…Get the basic facts about how this unique home-based industry works best and make an informed choice to follow:

Formula A: P= IM + B + A + ML + S

Formula B: P = LM + DP x D

It is the words that are different that will make or break your success in this great home business…It is the formula that will make a long, hard and expensive journey or an simple affirmation we all deserve more on an equal playing field.

Your questions, comments are always welcome. An educational debate is always healthy.


No Excuses Allowed Team

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Home Business Blog Destined to go Viral with Einstein-Like Formula

The Home business Blog Destined to go Viral with Einstein-like Formula ...Part One

What if one formula based on one program can change the face of network marketing forever:

1. more networkers will be successful based on the founding grassroots principle…
2. more public will better informed about sound business principles and improve their perception.

The time has come to bring this network marketing home business together as one whole.
No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come..Victor Hugo

One system can formulate the democratic right of every person for home business success based on the proven BIG business concept of EQUAL DUPLICATION.

It can be called destiny, a universal affirmation, when huge changes energize a huge field of possibilities of abundance not scarcity. The gateway is education and empowerment.

BE VISIONARY… in adapting to inevitable changes in a changing economy where our world of tomorrow will be very different from our past and present world.

BE PRACTICAL… in a fair democratic way because we are all in this world together with varying conditions with varying reasons, but the opportunity must be equal with no physical obstacles and no excuses.

USE VIRAL MARKETING…to help open a safe, like-minded community of home business owners based on a professional presentation and a simple to follow plan for success

The difference then will be what you decide outside the gate:
1. Go back
2. Stay where you are and hope that things will get better.
3. Walk through and get informed.

Over the last few months numerous blogs have been written about the network marketing home business model…what makes it work, or not. They weren’t about any company, product or compensation plan, or leadership teams.
They were based on the founding principle that average people with above average dreams can start a low-cost home business with high earning potential and make a difference.

You can read the entire log of blogs or here is a short overview of several themes explored:

...why you need a simple people-friendly plan

...why attraction marketing strategies can’t duplicate democratically with masses

...why two goals are all you really need to determine ambition, success, residual income, salesmanhip, communication skills, leadership quotient

...why education and self-empowerment must precede financial outcomes

...why excuses must not have mastery and how to eradicate them

...why a "golden ticket" is our right to sing and celebrate the best we can be

We even took some side trips to a gift of wisdom from the 1900’s, an old classic tale of perseverance, how to ditch the Doll (Barbie) for the Standards, a lesson in the 3-step shuffle and 10-step Cha-Cha-Cha, motorcycle maintenance, gold-panning, garlic toast and goulash, Will Rogers and more

These blogs were written in the context of today’s network marketing home-based industry...

..something’s not working where only a small minority of networkers are successful

..something’s not right where public perceptions are biased, often based on these failures while still maintaining curiosity about how so many millionaires continue to be created.

What is out-of- balance needs to be brought back into BALANCE based on three simple proven business concepts.
Like Albert Einstein said..Insanity can be defined as doing something the same way over and over …and expecting different results…
You can’t fix problems with the same strategies that caused then in the first place”

Unlike Einstein…this isn’t rocket science.
We need something different…a revolutionary marketing plan with only 3 steps...more than 3 steps will not duplicate massively.

Introducing a new contender..the Einstein-like formula to shine brilliantly for everyone

P=lm + dpxd

Profits = leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication

What does this mean?

We are talking about a grassroots principle: simplicity = velocity = results (profits)

We are talking about the relativity of three essential proven business concepts based on residual income, leverage, and duplication.
These are the terms destined to become common household words...

Profits are based on residual income paid multiple times through multiple levels. The key here is that volume of profits is based on duplication of a simple marketing plan..

Leverage is using the MESSAGE as an information tool to tell the story for you without being there. The key here is to include a short, comprehensve curriculum guide that explains how network marketing works...eliminate objections, build self-belief

Duplication of a simple marketing plan is the process by which fortunes are made in this home business. The key is a DEMOCRATIC simple marketing plan that everybody who wants extra money can say "I CAN DO THIS."

You may be thinking “What’s new? I’ve heard all this before.”

What’s new and exciting is a Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits, a generic curriculum guide which is a vital component as a leveraged message because ONE TOOL
  • explains how network marketing works..main facts
  • includes personal development, the first step in new mindset
  • provides an inbuilt training resource, for your time flexibility
  • keeps an unbelievable low cost
  • shares important information in a most time effective way (one hour)

Gone are the 100’s of hours and 1000’s of dollars for training materials, consultants, technology.
How simple and democratic is that!

Need a new vision and a practical way to achieve changes
Need practical education to format a fair and democratic home business program
Need to stand tall. Be proud. Understand that biography is not destiny.

It is not our conditions but our decisions that shape our lives most powerfully…A. Robbins

Comments and questions are always appreciated. If you don’t ask, I won’t know what you’re thinking and what you may be missing out.

If you are a veteran networker, you can check out this website geared to networkers, their challenges and solutions.

If you have never heard of network marketing as a home business, you can watch 3 videos on Home Business 101..

To your education and success,


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How to Demand and Get some Empathy in the Greatest Simple Home Business

How to Demand and Get some Empathy in the Greatest Simple Home Business

If you are serious about a profitable home business, the time has come to go on offense and demand some empathy.

Our current economic problems face real systemic causes that won’t go away or return to “glory days” of good paying jobs for a lifetime of honest work and retirement benefits. Many of us are searching for a simple, profitable home business by looking at the network marketing model for many reasons. But our decision-making process should not be based on desperation or promise you-the-moon sales pitches but on careful education and deliberation of multiple factors. And the final decision should be based on fairness for all because the key to this simple home business is duplication of a simple home business..nothing more, nothing less.

Network marketing is the only true democratic home business model based on the founding principle that an average person with above average dreams can start with minimal capital and earn high potential profits by helping others to do the same, irrespective of age, gender, status, background, or education.

You know what you want is what most of us equal opportunity for stress-free living with family and friends with future security. Together, we are open to making progressive rational decisions but we do not want our emotional feelings or dreams to be on the frontline of a sales pitch.

Too many times, I have seen this mantra in action: stir up the WHY you want to get a home business and we’ll show you the HOW you can do it... Give us your dreams and we’ll sell you a business plan that turns out, too many times, to be unachievable for the average person.

Too many times, I have heard well-trained, strong-willed sales types “selling a dream” by demoralizing a person to feel so poorly about their potential that their only way out is to purchase their promise of hope. They are directed to pay the highest prices for the highest hopes possible. Then after spending a few hundred dollars they receive a few hundred hours of training material and ongoing calls. This will, supposedly, not only inspire confidence in themselves but have enough left-over enthusiasm to spread their promise of high hope to other people.

This is insane and unjust to prey on people’s emotional needs with a business system that defies logical implementation by the average non-business person.

Let’s add some empathy to this home business.

Empathy can be simply described as seeing through another person’s eyes and walking in another person’s shoes.

It is the basis of our democracy. As networkers we can share a great capacity to care, to feel what others feel, to understand what others are facing and what their lives are like
Our network marketing business is set up on principles that I can only make money if I help or empower you first to make money.

A democratic home business plan must be able to perform fairly for everyone, not just veteran networkers or the rich and powerful or autocratic leaders.

Autocratic means controlling power is held by a single, self-appointed leader versus democratic where the masses of people have the power. The point here, is there are too many home business systems advocated by top leaders that appeal to other top leaders with equal abilities. These complex marketing systems are fashioned to groom other top leaders so they can also become “I am an expert follow my rulings.”

NEWSFLASH: network marketing is not about duplicating self-branded is the only home business model that comes close to an equal opportunity for regular masses of people.

It provides both a social and personal responsibility to make the future better by making people better, more self empowered, as well as protect people from unfair practices and expectations.

Make sure you demand these functions of a democratic home business plan:
  • standardize training about business concepts that make network marketing work
  • help to self-empower people to begin to change old mindsets
  • provide a strong platform in order to evaluate an excellent network marketing company with cutting edge products and compensation plan
  • implement a marketing plan based on four essneetial words for duplication I CAN DO THIS!
  • accomplish all this at an unbelievable low cost and a time commitment of an hour or so...

This is the answer to sharing empathy in this democratic home business.

We will always remain unique individuals, genetically different to start with, then shaped by our cultures, education, parents and events to perceive the world true to our natures. We will always, undoubtedly, live in an unequal society with too many conditions...too many various communities, groups, social causes and conditions. But we can all share our dreams and hopes with an equal opportunity for a better future.

As a professional networker, I believe in the grassroots principles of this great simple home business to live our real dreams and experience freedom.
Your thoughts and experiences are welcome...and I promise I will "tread gently" on your dreams


