Monday, June 8, 2009

Home Business viral marketing formula for more magnificent factor

Home business viral marketing formula for network more magnificent factor...Part 3

To start a home business is an important venture to be made as equitable as possible to every person who wants extra income from home.
You want a business plan based on a valuable product that will draw customers and produce results.
You want a network marketing home business by affiliating with a large, successful company that will do your market research, manufacturing, shipping, tracking and accounting.
You also need a marketing plan that will define your goals, set a strategy and stay the course.
You are looking for

  • a low-cost investment with high profits potential
  • a time effective system so you can save time and money

Network marketing provides a unique home business model based on 3 essential tried-and-true business concepts in order to leverage information to earn long term residual income based on its duplication with customers. Nothing more, nothing less.

Please refer to the last 2 blogs for an explanation of a simple marketing plan based on essential network marketing business concepts as a formula:

P = LM + DP x D

Profits (residual income) is relative to Leveraged Message that is part of a simple Democratic Plan easily Duplicated massively.

However, you may say one factor is missing…your own personal vision, who you want to be, how you want to live, how you want to help…in other words.. your magnificent obsession…

Ask yourself this question: "If it weren't for money, time and
personal responsibilities, what would I really love to do with my life?"

Do not allow conditioned excuses or old habits put into a force field of inertia or assumed knowledge.

Do allow a simple formula P=LM + DP x D guaranteed to show you a new direction.

Your questions and comments and magnificent obsessions are always appreciated.
No Excuses Allowed Team

No one can say it better than this excerpt:

Your Own Magnificent Obsession

by Denis Waitley

All enduring motivation must ultimately come from within the
individual. That is why the words empower and envision are so vital
to team performance. It must be your inner power and your own
personal vision that propels you, not that of your leader.

The success of your efforts depends not so much on the efforts
themselves, but rather on your motive for doing them. The greatest
companies and the greatest men and women in all walks of life have
achieved their greatness out of a desire to express something
within themselves that had to be expressed, a desire to solve a
problem using their skills as best they could. This is not to say
that many of these individuals did not earn a great deal of money
and prestige for what they produced. Many did. But the key to their
successes was that they were motivated more by an inner magnificent
obsession, a passion, than by any thought of profit or identity…

You can't commission a masterpiece. Human greatness can't be
externally motivated. It must be compelled from within. A
magnificent obsession is the way you want to live, not just the
things you want to own. A magnificent obsession is the person you
want to be, not the title on your office door or business card. A
magnificent obsession is the mind-set that you have, not the
diplomas or awards you earn. It is the worldview you claim as your
own, not the collection of stamps on your passport. It is uniquely
yours, like your fingerprint or handwriting.

Ask yourself this question: "If it weren't for money, time and
personal responsibilities, what would I really love to do with my
life?" You and I need to answer it from our own individual
perspectives, not simply answer "to help my company, family or
country." In addition to these shared visions, autograph your
career and life with your own signature.

By personalizing your passion, you will experience the unlimited
power from within!

-- Denis Waitley


Reproduced with permission from the Denis Waitley Ezine. To
subscribe to Denis Waitley's Ezine, go to
Copyright 2009 Denis Waitley International. All rights reserved


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