Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How to Demand and Get some Empathy in the Greatest Simple Home Business

How to Demand and Get some Empathy in the Greatest Simple Home Business

If you are serious about a profitable home business, the time has come to go on offense and demand some empathy.

Our current economic problems face real systemic causes that won’t go away or return to “glory days” of good paying jobs for a lifetime of honest work and retirement benefits. Many of us are searching for a simple, profitable home business by looking at the network marketing model for many reasons. But our decision-making process should not be based on desperation or promise you-the-moon sales pitches but on careful education and deliberation of multiple factors. And the final decision should be based on fairness for all because the key to this simple home business is duplication of a simple home business..nothing more, nothing less.

Network marketing is the only true democratic home business model based on the founding principle that an average person with above average dreams can start with minimal capital and earn high potential profits by helping others to do the same, irrespective of age, gender, status, background, or education.

You know what you want is what most of us want...an equal opportunity for stress-free living with family and friends with future security. Together, we are open to making progressive rational decisions but we do not want our emotional feelings or dreams to be on the frontline of a sales pitch.

Too many times, I have seen this mantra in action: stir up the WHY you want to get a home business and we’ll show you the HOW you can do it... Give us your dreams and we’ll sell you a business plan that turns out, too many times, to be unachievable for the average person.

Too many times, I have heard well-trained, strong-willed sales types “selling a dream” by demoralizing a person to feel so poorly about their potential that their only way out is to purchase their promise of hope. They are directed to pay the highest prices for the highest hopes possible. Then after spending a few hundred dollars they receive a few hundred hours of training material and ongoing calls. This will, supposedly, not only inspire confidence in themselves but have enough left-over enthusiasm to spread their promise of high hope to other people.

This is insane and unjust to prey on people’s emotional needs with a business system that defies logical implementation by the average non-business person.

Let’s add some empathy to this home business.

Empathy can be simply described as seeing through another person’s eyes and walking in another person’s shoes.

It is the basis of our democracy. As networkers we can share a great capacity to care, to feel what others feel, to understand what others are facing and what their lives are like
Our network marketing business is set up on principles that I can only make money if I help or empower you first to make money.

A democratic home business plan must be able to perform fairly for everyone, not just veteran networkers or the rich and powerful or autocratic leaders.

Autocratic means controlling power is held by a single, self-appointed leader versus democratic where the masses of people have the power. The point here, is there are too many home business systems advocated by top leaders that appeal to other top leaders with equal abilities. These complex marketing systems are fashioned to groom other top leaders so they can also become “I am an expert brand..so follow my rulings.”

NEWSFLASH: network marketing is not about duplicating self-branded experts..it is the only home business model that comes close to an equal opportunity for regular masses of people.

It provides both a social and personal responsibility to make the future better by making people better, more self empowered, as well as protect people from unfair practices and expectations.

Make sure you demand these functions of a democratic home business plan:
  • standardize training about business concepts that make network marketing work
  • help to self-empower people to begin to change old mindsets
  • provide a strong platform in order to evaluate an excellent network marketing company with cutting edge products and compensation plan
  • implement a marketing plan based on four essneetial words for duplication I CAN DO THIS!
  • accomplish all this at an unbelievable low cost and a time commitment of an hour or so...

This is the answer to sharing empathy in this democratic home business.

We will always remain unique individuals, genetically different to start with, then shaped by our cultures, education, parents and events to perceive the world true to our natures. We will always, undoubtedly, live in an unequal society with too many conditions...too many various communities, groups, social causes and conditions. But we can all share our dreams and hopes with an equal opportunity for a better future.

As a professional networker, I believe in the grassroots principles of this great simple home business to live our real dreams and experience freedom.
Your thoughts and experiences are welcome...and I promise I will "tread gently" on your dreams




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