Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Believe in your Dream for Home Business..don't cry "why not me"..celebrate "I can do this"

Believe in your Dream for Home Business..don't cry "why not me"..celebrate "I can do this"

Today I’m going to pay tribute to Susan Boyle, a middle-aged, unemployed Scottish woman from a small village who had a dream but nobody gave her the chance until ….
Watch her introduce herself and watch performance for yourself…


So, of course, you wipe away a few tears about an extraordinary song from a beloved musical composition from an unbelievable talent and indomitable human spirit and unquestionable skepticism but "there is no average."

The power of a dream shakes you to your very being.

I want a dream like that…don’t you? Not necessarily on a stage in front of judges in a nationwide competition with a mesmerizing, God-given vocal talent. Very few can be blessed with a seemingly inborn physical ability and natural love of singing or any other aptitude.

But what about an emotional, psychological need to be the best we can be if only we had more money and time freedom?

What if my dream was basic to have a simple home business that provided me with as much income as I desired, small or large, dependent on how much time I spent.

What if this home business was based on the network marketing concept? What if I had a simple 3-step business plan that explained the business model about leverage, residual income and duplication? What if, with daily affirmations, I had no more excuses about the level of self-confidence, self-belief and success I can achieve.

What if my home business was based on a one-of-a-kind healthy product for my family. I could put my trust in a doctor with 20 years experience in nutritional science. I could believe in Mother Nature’s pharmacy with whole foods and sea vegetables.

I don’t have any more what if’s blocking my dreams of independence. I will never allow 2 words to obstruct my way to a better lifestyle. What are your obstructions?

I’m also here to help every middle-aged person, every Susan Boyle without the voice, who wants more to celebrate her life…to listen to applause, both internal and external.

If you have a strong enough dream...I can show you the home business model (Part 1 of 3), marketing plan, education tools and self-empowerment to get you ready for CHANGE that you richly deserve.

I believe in you.

Your questions and comments are always appreciated.



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