Monday, April 6, 2009

How to Achieve Success in Home Business with Two Goals

How to achieve success in a Home Business with Two Goals...

Success In Home Business is achieved to a large degree by the clarity and effectiveness of our goals. We know that. We know that mentorship, focus and action plans are the keys to success.

So we set out to clearly define a chart of goals to take us to where we want to go. But the more we goals we set up, the more difficult the journey becomes…the more excuses materialize, the more obstacles distract us, the more challenges and doubts question our rationale.

First let’s look at a set of goals commonly prescribed for home business entrepreneurs:

1. Identify Your WHY…to get you through the “tough” travelling days in any business

2. Prepare a Dream List and pictures of an exciting lifestyle you want

3. Write down your goals and review them on a daily basis to focus your efforts

4. Break your goals down into action steps. First, imagine your goal is achieved and work backwards through the steps to actually realize it. Keep track of these steps in order to repeat them consistently.

5. Get multiple “Accountability Partners.” In other words, make sure your team members
keep you on your toes with regular motivational calls.

6. Review your goals once at night and again in the morning. You want to train your subconscious mind on a consistent basis to achieve your dreams and desires.

7. Repeat the process. Goal setting should be a continual process not a once a year process. Try and apply more challenging targets and bigger dreams.

Second, what if we can set up just two goals and join them with a straight line…the shortest distance between two points or goals:

GOAL #1: Reasons I don’t want to be here (current reality)

GOAL #2: Reasons I want to be there (future lifestyle, if money and time were no objections)

Now what’s the easiest, straightest way to travel from HERE to THERE:
  • Educate and Empower ...I understand the business concepts about this home business and I CAN DO THIS! Use the resource Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits
  • Plug into a successful network marketing company for valuable products and commissions.
  • Use a simple 3 Steps Marketing Plan for leverage, duplication and long term residual income
  • Enjoy a lifestyle with time and money freedom

    It doesn’t get simpler than this for focus, motivation, action steps, and home business success.

Your questions and comments are always appreciated.


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