Friday, July 31, 2009

Home Business Shocker..and a simple way to avoid the SHOCK

HOME BUSINESS SHOCKER..and simple way to stop the shock

You undoubtedly have used Google Search to find specific information...just type in a word or word phrase you are looking for and Google Search Engine will present pages of related topics and links.
Therefore, one of the best ways of doing market research is to check out what Google.Adwords.Keyword Tool shows about certain keywords and frequency of searches. The more popular...the more searches… greater the marketplace.
It’s common realization that the marketplace for home businesses is booming, especially in our redefining, readjusting economy.

So this statistic came as a profound SHOCK. You can check it out for yourself.

How many people search the internet by typing the words home business on the average per month?
The answer is 2, 240, 000 searches per month…that’s a lot of investigation and/or interest.

How many people search the internet by typing the words home business education on the average per month?
The answer is approximately 750 searches..

In other words, the ratio breaks down that for every 3000 people who are thinking about a home business..there is ONE person who is also thinking about some kind of primary education to explain how a home business works.

HELLO! What’s wrong with this SHOCKING picture?

Imagine 3000 students in a classroom all eager to build their BIG CHANGE money-making vehicle of some kind...but only ONE person will look at the mechanics. This unbridled methodology is doomed to fail! How many ways can you make a wheel?

No curriculum can exist that way through some kind of automatic osmosis. No one can expect a graduate’s mastery or performance from a primary level student. No new “dreamy-eyed” person coming into a home business without proper foundational comprehension and skills will function like a self-branded, social media expert. After a short time..when hype fizzles..only frustration and failure remain.

Now it is also a fact that the most common home business is based on network marketing for many reasons. At least 95% of home business owners are network marketers. It is estimated about 15 – 20% of successful networkers come from previous small business backgrounds and have well-honed business skill.

(This leaves about 80% of home-based networkers with limited skills but they are expected to function with the necessary skills of communicating, marketing, sales, motivation and more. This topic will be covered more in the next blog.)

The main point is that HOME BUSINESS EDUCATION MUST PRECEDE HOME the same way that an engineering course must precede building a bridge.

The main answer here is that a PRIMARY EDUCATION PROGRAM must be presented about how this Network Marketing Home Business works. It must be based on a common basic understanding that is easily shared even with non-business people.

Here are examples of primary instruction:

  • Begin with basic vocabulary, concepts, strategies, comparison, self- evaluation and summary
  • Provide a simple training component easily shared with a growing team to explain the duplication principles of this business model. This is mandatory to explain the main concepts related to leverage. Example: Slide presentation: Network Marketing in the Modern Information Age with a Simple 1 – 2 – 3 Marketing Plan.
  • Ensure that the divergent but necessary elements for networking success are amalgamated into ONE simple journal, including self-concept development, to save months of research and avoid mistakes: Example: E-Book: 105 Tips How to Plug into our Information Economy through Network Marketing
  • Connect to a simple online marketing system to expand contacts beyond warm market, uses auto responders loaded with sales messages for automatic follow-up, as well as provide ongoing communication training
  • Provide time flexibility to fit into variable time schedules… not based on conferences schedules. Example:This ABC Primer can be easily accomplished in under 30 minutes with the Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits. NOTE: A picture is worth a thousand words…visual learning is critical to see complex meanings.
  • Has to be low-cost for the average networker to afford: online system, leads, training and support so everyone can get into positive cash flow
  • Eliminate the biggest roadblocks to success which are excuses, “I don’t have any money, I’m too busy, I can’t, I won’t. “ A life framed with excuses is a wasted future. More explanation in reason # 7 Check out slide 28.

BOTTOM LINE: Minimal cost, minimal time, maximum basics, maximum duplication ..the real creation of a true self-franchised individual

HOME BUSINESS EDUCATION becomes an integral part of the Home Business Viral Marketing Formula

Profits = Leveraged Message + Democratic Plan x Duplication

The Leveraged Message is complete and consistent, the Democratic Plan is kept simple, and the Duplication is knowledgeable, exciting without excuses

Profits become part of your life story and legacy.

As always, comments, questions and opinions are always appreciated. Another excellent source of primary education is Home Business 101 (3 videos..introducation, comparison and mindset ) and Home Business 102 (4 videos on Goal Setting


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How to Start a Home Business...Do Not FAIL this TEST..pass with success

HOW To Start a HOME BUSINESS…Do not FAIL this to pass with success

..the most important TEST you must take to increase your network marketing success

Home businesses are booming for many's the signs of the times..losing jobs.. less job security..need more secure income.. need to eliminate debt..need to save for future

Some are highly successful..some average..some doomed to failure. The greatest challenge is probably getting started right and following a proven roadmap or blueprint that works.

The majority of home businesses are based on network marketing principles…plug into a large, successful company, help to market their products and be able to earn handsome commissions through both direct and indirect referrals..Watch a short video that best defines network marketing.

If you’re serious about building a serious home business with the potential of making 5 or 6 digit income per month or year… then you must be able to pass this TEST.

You want to make sure you KNOW these answers to these questions when you start a network marketing home business in order to increase your chances for success.

The good news is it is easy to pass because the answers are provided in a great simple resource called the Mini-Program fro Maxi-Profits…56 visually- complelling slides


  1. Where can I find a home business with the potential to make $1000 a week...why a home business (slide 3)
  2. Where can I find a one-of-kind product that the marketplace desperately needs..why the wellness industry works so well (slides 45,46)
  3. How can I use my time wisely and focus on what is important…part-time income (slide19)
  4. How can I begin to earn income quickly… 4 fastest home business trends (slide 11)
  5. How can I increase my profits ..check out Duplication Equation (slide 31)
  6. Why is “Information Distribution” steadily replacing “Physical Distribution?”…our economic reality is changing (slides 8, 9)
  7. How would I describe benefits network marketing, including skeptics ... (slides 13,14,18)
  8. What is more valuable than fixed wages per hour and how can I illustrate it... (slides 15,16)
  9. How do I explain these important business concepts about leverage and residual income?(slides 20, 21, 22)
  10. How can I relate the value of leverage to internet marketing ...(slide 23)
  11. Why must I use a simple-to-follow marketing system...essential factor directly related to profits (slides 25, 29)...neat car analogy
  12. Why I don’t need any special skills or business background? already have people skills combined with network marketing benefits...see above slides
  13. What about if I don’t like the idea of selling …single biggest misconception that this business is about sales…it is about education for a better lifestyle (slide 43)
  14. How can I best explain how residual income will reduce debt..see 6 month chart (slide41)
  15. How can I train new people in the simplest possible way even if they have limited business experience?...plug them into the Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits…
  16. What is the best way to deal with objections or excuses... common excuses and answers …(slide 28)
  17. How can I avoid expensive training and or consultants but still learn from master networkers…use ONE PRESENTATION TOOL with no critical elements missing
  18. How can I make better plans to manage my time on a part-time basis overview of decision-making charts …slide 6
  19. How can I best plan to set my goals …use Getting-Started-Right Checklist and 1-2-3 Steps Read and Share Marketing Plan (slides 39, 40)
  20. Who will help me…you will work with a personal sponsor, top team of networkers, administrative staff
  21. What are the 2 main factors that help to change mindset ...(slide 34)
  22. What part does personal development play in personal success... (slide 47)
  23. How do I maintain my belief system for success ...recite 10 Successful Operatives (slides 48, 49)
  24. How simple or viral can this home business training really become...(one slide #50..brilliant straight-line summary)
  25. How can I start to apply income tax strategies?...many resources…simple outline at the end of ebook 105 Tips: How to Plug into our Information Economy through Network Marketing

Did you pass? Do you want to? Do you have strong enough reasons to want to try?

Do you see why this home business can work based on basic information tools and a simple marketing plan that everybody can do?

What if, a simple Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits will put you on the road to brand new and exciting lifestyle.

What if you believe with all your heart the founding democratic principle built on equality, dignity and success. You deserve better…irrespective of race, age, gender, status, training, background.

We trust and believe in you. Just read and share.

Your questions and comments are always important...

Standing by to help,


Change your perceptions, change your thoughts, change your actions...change your results
There is no "secret" to success…just building blocks to an educated mind. A mind once stretched will not return to previous dimensions.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home Business Four BIG Questions for Network Markting BIG Profits

Home Business Four BIG Questions for Network Marketing BIG Profits

BIG = Business Income Generation

The last few blogs have incorporated a home business viral marketing formula. It will be reviewed again at the end.

Right now, the focus is on the key to success in this simple marketing system called Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits. It is a short, comprehensive, curriculum guide to show how the network marketing industry works at a generic level. It standardizes one training tool for everyone with a minimal learning curve and maximum results.

The program is based on 60 slides that cover a wide range of topics. There is an e-book with 105 tips and a bonus section on rich and famous success strategies for science…no excuses..

Imagine the power of information you hold in your hands with ONE program ONE hour

  • professionally designed, with visual images to explain complex meanings
  • low cost …100% guaranteed refund with four FREE excellent bonuses
  • time- efficient…one hour to's all you really need to know to get started
  • comprehensive…7 years of training rolled into one information tool with ALL critical points

GREAT don’t have to spend years in learning about network marketing through trial and error, time and expense.
Your friends and business partners do not have to spend years in learning this business and complaining it doesn’t work

WELCOME to a MARKETING PLAN that is simple and exponentially profitable.

Imagine if you had to try and explain why it is so important to start a home business in changing times.

How would you answer these FOUR BIG QUESTIONS:

  1. What are the four ways in growing an income?
  2. What are the four fastest growing trends in a home business?
  3. What are the four main questions to ask about a network marketing business?
  4. What four factors will help to change your mindset to positive beliefs and actions?

How would you explain these issues...many may be unresolved objections..

  • how are economic reality is changing (slide 8)
  • how information distribution is now an institution (slide 9)
  • what is more valuable than fixed wages based on hours worked (slide 13)
  • what is different between linear and residual income?(slide 15)
  • what is the most important word in home business? (slides 20, 21, 22)
  • what is the essential factor directly related to how much profit you will make? (slide 29)
  • what is the greatest benefit of a simple marketing plan (slide 28)
  • PLUS many more facts, planning pages, and the most important slide 50..the straight line home business diagram..worth the $64,000 answer

Why is this STARTER MANUAL or GUIDE is so CRITICAL to your network marketing home business...

1. it is simple enough so everyone can do has to be people-friendly

2. it addresses the three basic business concepts that make it work

Without will spend endless time and money explaining or defending this home business model..
With will save time, money, make a difference and multiply your profits in a very fair, democratic way, the RIGHT WAY this home business is meant to work.

The Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits is the ONE and ONLY ESSENTIAL INFORMATION TOOL that will duplicate again and again and make as much money as you want.

It is the ONE and ONLY generic curriculum guide that will return democratic opportunity to this industry. This is the meaning of true leverage, simple duplication, massive multiplication of income.

So let's review the viral marketing home business formula and plug in the Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits ( Note: For a change, it’s not the other way around..Maxi-Program for Mini-Profits)

P = LM + DP x D

Profits = Leveraged Message = Democratic Plan x Duplication

PROFITS= residual income based on working once and getting paid multiple times

LEVERAGED MESSAGE…professional information tools to work on your behalf 24/7 beyond physical limitations of how much time you have and where you are

DEMOCRATIC PLAN…keep marketing plan to 3 factors to minimize learning curve and easier to understand and share

DUPLICATE… marketing plan is shared by masses of people looking for extra income from home. They key to success in this simple marketing system is the Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits. It is simple-to-follow, time-efficient, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, and time efficient and practical for everyone to use.

Sure you can choose to spend literally thousands of dollars on programs, training manuals, life “consultants", or the currently popular “branding” your internet presence…but this expenditure of time and money will not be duplicated by your next customer.

What will duplicate your profits and build your dream home business with network marketing are three words:

Check it out..take it for a people you care about and say,
“Are you interested in making some extra money from home? I’m checking out a home business based on a simple plan and income where I can get paid over and over ....It’s very exciting because I can do this..everyone can do this…It’s a simple presentation to get the basic facts...check it out and let me know what you liked about it.."

Standing by to help with questions, comments or opinions,

Annemarie..No Excuses Allowed Team

Monday, July 20, 2009

Home Business Voted as Best Concept and how Viral Marketing Formula can Help

Home Business Voted as Best Concept for 21st Century and how Viral Marketing Formula can Help

This is a two part blog..
PART ONE: read about the home business opportunity first
PART TWO: read about a marketing plan to build a home business like this as huge as you want. You control the residual cash flow from a small spring to a torrential water-fall.

Let’s see how you can do this.


Chews 4 Health has recently been voted by Lifetime Networks as the "best home-based business concept of the 21st century"...Let’s take a closer look at a few reasons why..

Chews-4-Health is a delicious tasting, doctor formulated, natural chewable dietary supplement derived from the most nutrient rich sources from around the world.

At Chews-4-Health Inc., you are part of an elite group called “TEAM MEMBERS.”

We are so different from the typical “MLM” company (Multi-Level Marketing) we’re not even in the same category! In fact, we are a trademarked NCM™ company (National Co-Op Marketing).

With our “Chews-4-Wealth Success System”, you may have an opportunity to be part of of a national CORPORATE advertising network. This “strength in numbers” gives you the opportunity of taking your Chews-4-Health business to levels that are difficult to attain by other home based businesses.
Chews-4-Health, Inc. has made it easy to benefit from taking the product and, at the same time, earn income from a data base of Team Members and customers signing up throughout your organization. Some companies require their distributors to purchase HUNDREDS and even THOUSANDS of dollars worth of product to qualify each month. We have designed a program that allows you to build a business for as little as $39 per month. In addition to retail profits, depending on how many boxes you choose to have shipped to you each month, you will also receive 4% to 12% commissions from the “Two-Infinity” business plan (see “Two-Infinity” section for qualification requirements).

Another way you can generate profits is by selling your Chews-4-Health product retail and to online customers. The product retails for only $44.95, which means being a Team Member means provides you an attractive retail profit of up to $14.95 per box, and this doesn’t even include the residual income you earn from your “two-infinity” business or co-op advertising program.

Five Streams of Income
Chews-4-Health, Inc. gives you the opportunity to generate four streams of income:
1) 50% mark up retail profit.
2) Two-Infinity compensation.
3) Three Generation FASTSTART Bonus, up to $120.00.
4) Matching “Two-Infinity” bonus.
5) Shared profits in a national advertising Co-Op.

For a limited time you can get a FREE box of Chews-4-Health and try it for yourself!


The Home Business Viral Marketing Formula is based on five factors:

  • a network marketing home business is the only opportunity where people can start a home business with minimal capital and make a potential high profit by making a difference
  • there are only three basic principles that make it work so, theoretically, the business model shouldn’t be that hard to master
  • address any misconceptions about mlm industry with generic education about how to achieve a better lifestyle...not just buy product
  • simplify a simple read-and-share process that everybody can do instead of complex marketing systems that the majority of people do not have the time to learn for success
  • use a standardized handbook to level the same playing field…the same objectives..the same success ratio

P = LM + DP x D

PROFITS = Leveraged Message + Democratic Plan x Duplication

PROFITS = residual income based on working once and getting paid multiple times

LEVERAGED MESSAGE…professional information tools to work on your behalf 24/7 beyond physical limitations of how much time you have and where you are

DEMOCRATIC PLAN…keep marketing plan to 3 factors to minimize learning curve and easier to understand and share

DUPLICATE… marketing plan is shared by masses of people looking for extra income from home. They key to success in this simple marketing system is a short, comprehensive curriculum guide to how this industry works. It is simple-to-follow, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, and time efficient and practical for everyone to use.

YOUR HUGE OPPORTUNITY…step brightly into a new future...

What if, you integrate a 3-steps simple marketing formula and an amazing network marketing company like Chews-4-Health to start a successful home business?
What if, you had extra money and extra time and a sense of satisfaction to follow your dreams…create your own visions..who would you help?
What if, you make assumptions with stick-to-itiveness to old habits and never take a look?

Check these sites out and call me today..

Annemarie..No Excuses Allowed Team
250 365 6916

The future belongs to those who change with the power of 3-steps education and belieif in your dreams..YES YOU CAN!

Learn More
250 365 6916

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Favorite Home Business Story and how the Viral Marketing Formula Can Help

Today, I am sharing one of my favourite business stories by Al Schreiter...veteran network marketer and educator...simply because this story can't be told better. He has a wealth of experience to share and I hope you will read more of his reports.
As you read, remember you have an exceptional viral formula system to help simplify, accelerate and build your network marketing home business success story. It's based on

Profits = leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication
When you finish reading this story, reread my previous blogs to merge both contents together.
Then get excited..very excited about this grassroot potential based on education, empowerment and change..

Your comments and questions are always appreciated...

No Excuses Allowed Team
The future belongs to those who change with the democratic power of 3 steps education and belief in your dream..YES YOU CAN!


Let me give you an example of one of my favorite stories. This story is
designed to get the prospect to think long-term, and to believe that he
can succeed in the business.

Imagine you're at work one day... and your boss comes to you and says,
"Bad news, we're going to have to fire you. Business is bad. And the
economy stinks."

You feel depressed. No more career. No more regular paychecks.
And then the boss says, "You know what? If you were to work just one
extra hour overtime every day for free, from 5 pm. to 6 pm., Monday
through Friday, we'll let you keep your job and you can continue
collecting your same paycheck."
Now, what would you do?

Well, most people would say, "Well, I will work the extra hour of overtime
just to keep my job. I know I will be working the extra hour for free, but it
is important to keep my present job."

And then the boss says, "Well, I know it's kind of bad news for you but
there is some good news. If you work an hour of overtime, Monday
through Friday for no pay, just one extra hour a day... at the end of two
years, we'll let you retire at full pay."

All of a sudden, how do you feel?
You feel like saying,
"Wow! Excellent! What an
opportunity! Just work one hour
overtime for free, Monday
through Friday, and two years
from now... I retire at full pay!"

So what would happen?
You're working overtime and six months later one of your friends says,
"Hey, why don't you quit doing that? You're working an hour overtime and
not getting paid for it."
You say to your friend, "No way! I only have 18 more months to go and
then I'm going to retire!"

A year from now, maybe your spouse says, "You know what, dear?
You've been working that free hour of overtime for the past 12 months.
Why don't you spend more time here at home instead of working that
hour overtime?"
You say, "No, no, no! Just one more year and I can retire at full pay."

And you would be at work faithfully, Monday through Friday, working that
overtime so you could retire. And you would be excited about the

Well, we have the same opportunity to retire with our network marketing
We ask people to spend one hour a day, Monday through Friday building
a network marketing business. And all you have to do is... talk to some
And you don't have to worry too much about what you say,
or how good you are because you know what? You'll get better.
The longer you do network marketing, the more you'll learn.

So maybe after the first month you say, "Gee, I really don't know what to
The second month you get a little better and say, "Well, I know a few things about
this Wonderful Company.”
The third month you get better at this and say, "I think this is a neat
business. You might want to look at it."
And the fourth month you get better and better.

Just invest an hour a day. And at the end of two years you might be
pleasantly surprised and say, "You know what, I can replace my full-time
income and retire for the rest of my life."

So... would you take advantage of this opportunity?
If you are like most people, you will want to take advantage of this
wonderful opportunity... but, you won’t do it.
Here is why you won’t do it:
A little voice inside of your head is saying, “But what if it doesn’t work?
What if I waste an hour a day over those two years? What if I’m not good
at this? I don’t know anyone who has retired in network marketing. I only
know people who retired with a pension from a job. This might not be a
sure thing.”

Yes, you’re going to have some doubt. You will have a belief problem.
And that's pretty natural.
So here is what we are going to help you with your belief.
To encourage you along the way, every so often we're going to
send you a check in the mail --
just to keep your spirits up as you build your two-yearbusiness.

When you get these occasional checks, you will say, "I know it works! I've
got these checks to prove it."
And that is why you want to start your business today.
* * *
See how this story relates to the prospect? The prospect is seeing
himself and living within the story.
That is why I love to use stories. Prospects forget the facts, the
percentages, and the ingredients, but they will always remember the
Want more magic words and stories? Go to
and enjoy the best of Tom "Big Al" Schreiter.
Tom "Big Al" Schreiter is the author of many books and audio trainings
on how to recruit more distributors.
36 years of experience of testing exactly what to say and do to get
prospects to join.
Download seven free mini-reports on the magic words and phrases of
network marketing at: http

Friday, July 17, 2009

How to Start a Home Business..You Don't Know What You Don't Know

How to Start a Home Business..You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know…

Starting your own home business may be a life-long ambition. Now may seem like the right time for a great host of reasons. It is crucial to set some things up right from the start in order to minimize wasted time, money and energy. Often, a major stumbling block is that the actual destination never matches the vision of success.

To improve your chances of self preservation and home business success here are 3 things you must know as a would-be entrepreneur:
  1. You don’t know what you don’t know
  2. You must pursue other people’s time, talent and resources
  3. Believe in the power and process of information tools

It is simple enough to make these 3 directives...but, expectedly, it is far more difficult to implement them. The main reason is the proliferation of talent, resources, and information tools which brings the focus back to the first statement...when you don’t know what to look do you know when you found it?

One of the best comprehension exercises, is to compare and contrast two ideas side-by-side. Here is a quick comparison that can help this “do your due diligence to make a decision” process. Perhaps you have pondered these possible home business proposals yourself..

FIRST EXAMPLE: Information Resource Tool: Instant Long-Term Cash-Flow Curriculum
(synonyms have been used for actual words from the sales copy but the meanings are the same for this program...similar ones are seen constantly)

  • make $15,000 monthly on autoplilot after 90 days
  • ground-floor secret
  • benefits..anyone over 18..anywhere in the world…no longer an employee
  • formula for success: know what to promote...know where to promote...know how to promote
  • key to success…right mindset
  • course consists of live webinar class every day with personal development coaches and an “empire” of online knowledge
  • work less than 3 hours a day
  • REAL CLINCHER... “without ever talking to anybody”..actual words

SECOND EXAMPLE: Information Resource Tool: Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits

  • professional slide presentation and e-book of 120 tips
  • generic overview of unique network marketing home business model
  • benefits…simple marketing plan…cash-flow projection…personal affirmations..inbuilt training simple to share with new people
  • formula for success.. fair and democratic plan for massive duplication
  • key to success...simple to understand and you can do it
  • WHAT WORKS..Education...get the facts
    Self-Empowerment...see yourself winning
    Change...welcome and exciting in the Information Age

Now you’re ready to plug into an extraordinary network marketing company, share products and home business opportunity based on leverage, duplication and residual cash-flow

Last 3 pieces of advice for new home business opportunity seekers:
1. Do your research…ask your questions…compare and contrast
2. Build a trusting relationship first with a potential sponsor..let them show you they are keenly interested in working and helping you
3. Avoid the worst thing by saying “Yes” to something you don’t understand. It also matters if you say “No” to something without proper education that can change your life’s story.

Your questions and comments are always important.

Standing by to help,

Annemarie...No Excuses Allowed Team

PS: For video overviews about network marketing definitions, marketing plans and mindset

For video overviews on how to set 2 goals for self-development, motivation, marketing

For tax advantages of starting a home business by famed tax expert, Sandy Botkin

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Home Business Viral Marketing Formula removes the BIG obstacle rock

Home Business Viral Marketing Formula removes the BIG obstacle rock

In a recent survey, nearly 70% of people said they would be interested in a home business…and what smart foresight is an economy shifting rapidly into future yet-to-be-tried variables. With 1.3 trillion dollars in pension funds recently disappearing, what other unknowns will hit us?

But yet people wait for the right opportunity surrounded by obstacles and excuses. The most common question is how do I start a home business? followed by who will help? how much will it cost? how much can I make?

Imagine these questions are rolled up into a big OBSTACLE ROCK sitting right in front of you making you unsure or afraid to make the next move..

Here’s a short fable to consider:

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the
peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded.

After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand!

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition but we must take that first step with a serious attitude...

What if you can discover a hypothetical “purse of gold coins” in the form of a simple viral network marketing home business formula…would you ignore it..pass it by..continue to complain about conditions OR would you check it pushing or straining guaranteed!

Today, you can make one of the best decisions for a home business just by looking and listening:

Start today to learn more about the simple viral marketing formula for home business

P = LM + DP x D
Profits = leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication

Tomorrow, you will learn more about National Co-op Marketing and how this unique

home business marketing model will help brand your business unbelievably.

Your comments and questions are always appreciated. What kinds of obstacles are preventing you from starting a profitable home business? I look forward to showing you one way to a successful home business in the wellness industry with many outstanding national co-op marketing advantages.

In health and profits,

Annemarie..No Excuses Allowed Team

Monday, July 6, 2009

Independence Day or Excuses Day with a Simple Viral Marketing Formula for Home Business

Independence Day or Excuses Day with a simple Viral Marketing Formula for Home Business

There are few events more spectacular than watching a dark night sky brilliantly explode with fountains of color cascading in symphony with music.
It is a great symbolization of a proud, free spirit that can soar and expand as far as hope and imagination can fire up beliefs, heritage, and the pursuit of liberty and happiness.

But after the fireworks and the loyalty to country and history and freedom, how can we continue the beliefs of doing more, being more and fulfilling a life’s dream.
After the celebration, how can we keep celebrating our emotions?

We can fill our minds with independent attitudes or we can hobble new ideas with passive excuses.
Again, a brief visualization might be helpful here of two imaginary characters.
Attitude Al is a tall strong character (constant reinforcement) with a direct stare and strong hand shake.
Excuse Eddy is small, sinewy (constant wear and tear) with wavering stare and weak handshake.
Now, together, they share a common refrain:

Excuses cannot destroy a talent.
The smallest of excuses can destroy a great attitude.
One strong attitude can defeat a host of excuses.

Here are some key attitudes that will lead to greater self-independence not irritated by excuses:

  • you are a positive and constructive human being
  • you are born with natural talents to be discovered and used to the best of your abilities. A talent can be as basic as reading and sharing information.
  • do not fight or foreclose your natural ability because other people may not see the same things you do or approve your dreams
  • do not be afraid of pursuing success because it may seem too hard..then simplify it.. or too easy..success shouldn’t have to be difficult..does it?
  • expect challenges...they help built your character and give you stories to share. Take a few minutes to acknowledge the obstacle or problem but spend most of your time talking about a solution.
  • concentrate on your strengths, not your weaknesses...we all have both. You don't see
    Michael Jordan sitting around trying to decipher a strand of DNA…his strengths are sports and business.
  • focus on the future. Set a clear picture in your mind of where you want to be three years from now and take action to move towards that image. Why spend more time than necessary on worrying about the spent currency of the past? Spend your time wisely today to finance your future tomorrow.
  • do what other successful people do in order to learn how to use your mind to exert mental control over situations. Make a habit of looking for the answers to your questions
  • be cheerful most of the time with a Positive Mental Attitude. There is a lesson to be learned from all situations to help you expand, grow and become better
  • get a pen or pencil and paper...success can be as basic as thinking on paper. Take some time to write out every detail of an encountered problem and then the most logical next step to solve it. Make a list of goals and ideas. See great lesson plans on setting TWO GOALS.
  • practice, drill, rehearse, practice, drill, rehearse...fight through fears and “what-if’s” to eliminate excuses and recondition the mind to your betterment.
  • get energized, excited and optimistic! Get your dreams buzzing so you can hardly stand the possibility..sort of like watching fireworks. Be brilliant, even if your talent is just reading and sharing, and be practical to share this brilliance.

A profitable home business based on a valuable product the whole family needs and long term residual income is a well proven brilliant business concept based on three fundamental principles of network marketing.

Start today to learn more about the simple viral marketing formula for home business

Profits = leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication

You have a Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits that synthesizes the main facts
You have a simple 3-steps plan you can read and share
You have the true fortune creation key with duplication in a network marketing
home business

Your comments and questions are always appreciated. What are your key attitudes and excuses..and who is winning the battle. I’d love to show you one way to a personal independence.


There are only two steps to success - discover your brilliance and
perfect it. Doing this will allow you to receive the wealth you
truly deserve.

"The only waste of human resources is letting them go unused."

-- Mark Victor Hansen

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Some business philosophy from a young alder to an elder about network marketing home business

Some Business Philosophy from a young alder to an old elder…what really matters for network marketing home business success..

There is so much energy about a successful home business floating around me, that I find connections in almost everything I see and think.

I love to garden in my spare time…there is something primeval and universal about digging the soil, planting a tiny seed, and watching a mature plant evolve bearing fruit or vegetables.

Of course, in organic soil, farm unpasteurized manure, there will appear weeds so weeding becomes a necessity just as having to clean pots and pans if you wish to prepare for the next delicious meal.

Now you have to picture my is built within two walls set into a hillside…The walls are built from hollowed out concrete blocks. The hollow parts have been filled with pebbles for weight and stability. And granted over the years some dirt may have settled through the pebbles to rest on another open block.

Now the other day while weeding, I paid more attention to an alder seedling, a baby tree, growing out of the hole in one of top blocks. The wonder was that there was anything inside the hole to support growth of any kind..but here was this little broad leaved tree with the will to start the impossible. Survival here depended on the sparest of circumstances with minimal soil and nutrients. But somehow it had taken root and developed a series of branches now standing about a foot above the cement block.

Whether or not, I chopped it down…you will have to read more..

The code to survive..the code to live.. to expand beyond the seed.
Being a tree, it has a genetic code that synthesizes with the sun, water and minerals in the soil.. There was no subconscious thinking that it wouldn’t be able to grow here. Nothing hindered it’s presence with a little support of soil and water.

But we are human and beyond our common cellular structures of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and minerals, we also have strong wills to survive, to live, to expand beyond the basics, to fulfill potential of doing all we can do within a limited timeline.

Being human, we also have evolved genetic neural codes based on far more powers of moving, thinking, and imagining. We have a conscious and a subconscious mind that is often stronger than the reality around it. It is our subconscious mind filled with old habits, like conditioned robots, that will stop us if it thinks we are not capable of doing something. We use logic to measure what our journey may be like without actually doing it. We grow tendrils of self-esteem that will help to flower our ambitions or wither them at the bud.

Being human, we stop and admire even a young alder’s strong will for survival in the poorest of conditions. There were no excuses as to why it shouldn’t try...and even succeed beyond it's cement enclosure.

Being human, we grow and analyze our excuses. You may think a profitable home business will not grow for you for a variety of reasons. Maybe you think I’m a victim of poor and unfortunate circumstances. I don’t have good enough skills. I don’t deserve more. I can live fairly happily within limitations.

But a home based business opportunity can start even with the most basic of circumstances.. the simplest of tools..and yield a magnificient enterprise.
Like the little alder seedling, there is no need for fancy places, extravagant expenses, or elaborate husbandry.

All you really need are three basic elements found in the viral home business formula.

Profits = leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication

You have a Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits that synthesizes the main facts
You have a simple 3 steps plan you can read and is easy to absorb
You have the true fortune-creation key with duplication in a network marketing
home business.

In the end, the little alder was chopped down by a very sorry elder. But its message will always be

Make your life a masterpiece..imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do…Brian Tracy
Questions and comments are always welcome..what kinds of circumstances are circumscribing your potential to be all that you can...

Friday, July 3, 2009

How a Dream Home Business can be destroyed by ANTS and a viral anti-spray that helps

How A Dream Home Business Destroyed by ANTS (Automatic Negative Thinking Statements)
..and how a viral anti-spray can help

A definite strategy to help people focus on their goals is to visualize having achieved success already. It works for sports stars, motivational speakers, Olympic athletes, entertainers, movie producers and more. It should also work for people looking to start a profitable home business.

Visualize now that you have achieved your goals for an awesome network marketing home business. You are using a healthy wholefood product for your family as the basis for your commissions. You are following a simple 3 steps plan to share with others and continue building more income by sharing information. Every week you receive a growing residual check and your bank account is starting to look a lot greener, too. Your credit card debt is diminishing. You are starting to plan for a few extra things for your taking a nice vacation or maybe buying a new car. You are saving business related receipts for major tax savings at the end of the year.

Best of all, you sleep better and worry less about a shifting economy because you’re building your own personal economy step by simple step.

Actually visualize this dream as much on a physical scale as you can... Close your eyes and actually see the big house with less mortgage and a nice new car in front, and maybe a flower garden..a beautiful sunset..

Now visualize this. This brand new home business dream is being attacked by little bits of automatic negative thinking statements…

Each little statement gnaws a little hole and creates a little dust. At the end, there is only a large pile of dust where once stood a magnificent dream of great potential and finacial stability.

Do you have these ANTS attacking your dream home business…

..costs too much...$40 is too much to start a bona fide home business
..daily schedule won’t fit hour to preview business model
..too much information at one time...reduce to one primer
..can’t track goals...too many variables..what about setting just 2 goals
..motivation is to find an hourly once get paid once
..just don’t understand residual income...self-education is priceless
..not sure I want to spend months training for the basics in one hour
..unclear marketing plan..not sure what I need to so…cut it 2 three steps
..monetary goals are too high...inch by inch everything’s a cinch
..will wait for a better time...dreams don't have to wait a lifetime partner doesn’t accept this...educate your partner..take 1 hour
..too many bells and whistles...just use one primer
..not a good communicator...can you email a powerful conference call
..not a good speaker...can you read a one page summary
..not sure whether this is sales…educate first..value is inherent
..afraid of psychologically trying something new…money back gurantee
..not sure how this works to are just the messenger..use professional information tools to tell the story for you
..not sure whether my personal motivation is sustainable…success will create your excitement
..not sure my friends and/or family will understand...some will/ some won’t/ it’s their loss / move on
..not sure it has worked for others...applied non-democratic marketing plan
..not sure how to balance family life with new much quality time are you spending now
..not sure I need extra money a good job or in training..that’s great news but where do you want to ne in 3 to 5 years.
..not sure about price range and profits...check out 6 month cash flow projection
..not sure I’ll be supported when I need help…business is built on co-operation and being as self-franchised as possible
..not sure I can be successful..time to reset your mindset based on simple practical steps..our success is vested in your success
..not sure I can handle high-tech is still a relationship building home you care first
..not sure I know enough people…the world is your backyard
..not sure I can emulate a top earner...this is a home business model based on every day people duplicating each othernot duplicating a top eaner

As you know, I speak with many home business opportunity seekers and these are some of the actual ANTS I have had to stomp on. It is always so sad when these sad little excuses end up controlling an extraordinary program and dream. So many don’t even read the free report about the Simplest Home Business in the World…at least dip your toes in the cool waters of network marketing principles. Some miss basic lessons in defining network marketing, comparing plans and how to set up a straight-line home business (Home Business 101)

The bottom line for a successful home business is best summarized by a viral Einstein-like formula

PROFITS =leveraged message + democratic plan x duplication
P = LM + DP x

1. LEVERAGED MESSAGE…use professional information tools to work on your behalf 24/7 beyond physical limitations of how much time you have and where you are
2. DEMOCRATIC PLAN…network marketing is based on the founding principle that average people with above average dreams can start a low-cost, part-time home business and can earn potential high profits based on the principle of duplication I CAN DO This..YOU CAN DO THIS
3. DUPLICATION...the key to high profits in network marketing is the duplication of a simple marketing system. The key to success in this simple marketing system is a short, comprehensive curriculum guide to how this industry works. It is simple-to-follow, low-cost, generic, standardizes content to handle questions and objections, and time efficient and practical for everyone to use.
How about you?
Share some of your dreams and will show you how to keep ants away!