Thursday, April 30, 2009

MLM: Do Most People Fail?

..important information from a Master Networker

Why does public media mute the network marketing home business?

It hurts too much to larf at these home business ideas…no wonder home business opportunity seekers are confused and real options so limited.

The big question is why does public media mute the network marketing home business for earning part-time income?

First, let’s look at what one TV broadcast had to say recently about how to earn some extra income.
Second, we’ll take a look at the network marketing industry to help polish this old institution and public image. Some would say it’s tarnished and I would agree because of the high failure rate. But I also totally believe it can and must be fixed in order to return to its grassroots capitalism foundation and provide real income for real people.

So what does larf mean? You’re not sure whether to laugh or to cry or both...could be from frustration, desperation or just hard to grasp the improbability of it all.

I listen to CNN quite a bit…even as a Canadian. Two of my favorite TV hosts are Larry King and Anderson Cooper. Recently, working from home, eating my lunch, watching the latest news, one commentary caught my attention.
The woman anchor was talking with an expert about work from home jobs as part-time side jobs people could do while under-employed or waiting for employment.

Now, I’m not using my imagination this time but there were some pretty creative ideas tossed out to comfort those looking for extra money from home. How about:

  • dog walking…rich people still spend money on pets..$17 an hour
  • neighborhood handy-man…can you replace some soles on shoes, straps on purses, a pressure ring on dishwasher, a plug on a car for a non-mechanic…I guess fees are variable here or maybe try bartering..although a fresh loaf of bread won’t pay a credit card company
  • teach a personal hobby to others…macrame / photo montage/ raw food cuisine, anyone
  • start a day care facility to look after young children…a host of guidelines in Canada
  • start a house cleaning or house-sitting service for busy, rich people again

So none of these caught my idea of acceptable return on time or investment or longevity so I checked the website recommended at…just the first page was enough.

It made me stop and wonder about how many people actually look at these kinds of sites for job opportunities. Here’s a few things I read:
80% or more of work at home jobs were scams or rip-offs…need to check out thoroughly
Some of the top 10 work at home jobs included:

  • internet programs for wealth creation
  • get paid surveys online from $40 to $250 an hour
  • make money selling adult toys
  • major dating company seeks online hosts fo $200 a week
  • get paid to assemble products and crafts
  • complete simple data entry and online forms

Now two things struck me:
All these “opportunities” were getting paid by the hour or by the number of forms or surveys completed. Work so much.. get paid so much. No money. There were only profits and not residual cent anywhere.

Does anyone know or care about the difference between linear and residual income?

Most of these “opportunities” would also involve active marketing once products and services were ready to go, such as setting up a replicated website, posting sales copy, testing it, sending out press releases, attracting traffic and potential customers. Who will help you with this?

Then another ha-ha thought struck me!

A network marketing home business is actually very different from a work at home job.

In a real business you have to start at the beginning, invest a small amount of capital, and work for huge returns that come back into your pocket. Public media somehow bypasses the network marketing industry as a viable home business to make some serious money with an outlay of as small as $40 a month that qualify you for long-term profits.

There needs to be a serious counterbalance to public information here and I believe it needs to start within the industry itself.

  • Let’s first polish up our public persona, develop more highly successful people to ask as role models.
  • Let’s eliminate the complexity of getting involved.
  • Let’s standardize the training so everyone can do it at low-cost.
  • Let’s practice the basic key concepts of leverage and duplication with a simple process..I call it the straight-line home business.

Let’s return the people to the grassroots of an equal democratic opportunity. Let’s not worry about walking dogs or cleaning washrooms.

Your questions, comments and opinions are always appreciated,


PS. How would you describe your ideal home business or work from home job.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What works best in this home business: selling or educating

What works best in this special network marketing home business: selling or educating?

I always enjoy speaking with home-based business opportunity seekers. They have so many good questions that require proper, hype-free answers. I can relate to my first efforts in starting a home business by following a program without a proper overview of how this special home business worked. I followed with “blind faith” that the master marketer would inspire more and more “followers.” Unfortunately, this home business model based on network marketing concepts doesn’t work that way.
So my main answers are to make sure new people understand the foundational principles of network marketing. This will ensure that common mistakes can be avoided, and unnecessary costs eliminated and time saved. After all, customers buying important products for personal use are the basis of long –term commissions.

One of the most common questions is related to selling. Do I have to sell anything? I have no experience. I don’t like sales. After all, customers buying important products for personal use are the basis of long-term commissions.

These concerns and fears are absolutely relevant. How about you? Do you feel that you are unable to sell, or may even see selling as negative. Perhaps you may have had a past experience where you have been pushed into buying something you didn't want, or felt hassled by a salesperson.

The process of selling is an exchange of information between two people talking…one is looking for a solution to a problem..the other is providing some answers.
Both ways, they are selling each other whether about the problem or the solution. At the end, one person will “sell” the other.."my problems are too great" or "your solution seems the right first step to take." Our consumer society shows we are always willing to exchange money to buy if we find what we want.

The fact is that there are both very good and very bad sales people! Bad sales people are only interested in what they will personally get out of the sale and will use every tactic to close the deal for their own gain.
A good sales person will not sell something to anyone unless they truly believe that they will benefit from it. They will ensure all important questions are answered and if someone is still not interested, then they will stop pushing. The good sales person will also go to any length to ensure that all customers are completely satisfied with their purchase.

But here is the $64,000 question:
Do networkers SELL a product or EDUCATE a better financial future?

Is network marketing all about really selling a product that can be bought in a local retail outlet, or does it offer the unique advantage of presenting an improved lifestyle opportunity? What other options are there?
You don’t need to “sell” a better, more financially free future...most people would be interested in "buying" and upgrading their status quo. However, first, you must educate about the key concepts to get you there.

So, on one hand, you have particular the means by which to make residual income…Note that most network marketing companies produce cutting-edge research and development products. Do your due diligence here to understand the value and benefits.

On the other hand, you have an opportunity, a decision to make to start a home business of this type that can change your life and your finances forever. You have a situation where you can identify ways in which your business can help other people to achieve life long ambitions.

It’s simple to say “no’ to a product..a bottle..a box but you have to think more responsibly about saying “no” to a home business opportunity that can build independence for you and your family.

Ultimately, the best way to make any decision is to educate first. Get your facts. Get your overview. Start to change your belief system...I can do this.
Now that you’ve been educated and enlightened, now go out and check the products and see if you are willing to “buy”.

In conclusion, this home business model is unique that allows every person the right to have a profitable home business. Go out and get educated first. Get smart and help others get smart.

Does this mean I have to be a teacher now rather than a salesperson?
Goodness, no! Use professional teaching tools to tell the story for you.

Your comments and questions are always appreciated,

Annemarie...No Excuses Allowed Team

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How to Focus Home Business Ambition Between Two Goals and 3 Steps

Home Business ambition focus between two goals and 3 steps

Do you sometimes find yourself blaming circumstances for your lot in life? Do you find yourself raising a bunch of excuses… if only my parents did this, or I was raised differently, or my teachers didn’t like me enough or I followed my friends’ ambitions. Do you find yourself looking at successful people that seem to have everything...a big house, nice car, holidays, hobbies with the kids? Maybe you feel you don’t have the psychology, the emotions, the purpose-driven life goals, or something as simple as personal ambition to get it a genetic trait or do I develop it like some kind of mental muscle.

Maybe you’re just waiting for the right opportunity, a silver platter with your name on it, a lottery ticket mentality. But there are far more chances to create your own fortune and get what you want than waiting for a “fantasy knight to save you on a magic carpet.”

As a teacher I firmly believe that every person starts each day with a positive direction in mind. Most of us think “what can I do today to be better”..not “what can I do today to be miserable, make others miserable or fail on purpose.” Most of us know what we want and have some determination to get to that destination. But it is the bumps and bruises itself along the way that throw sand in our eyes and blur our reasons.

Sometime setting goals for building ambition and motivation can be problematic in their own right. The more steps to follow, the more reasons or excuses not to try or reduce hope to excuses.

The big question is how can we simplify the process of planning and achievement so there will be less chances to give up and walk away.

So let’s say you want to start a simple, low-cost but profitable home business. Most new opportunity seekers look at network marketing for several reasons.

Here are two plans (Long and Short) to help focus and maintain your ambition.


(not everybody may want to do this process)

1. Brainstorm

Get a piece of paper and write down the important goal of home business.. Now cluster as many other ideas about why its important and how to do it. No judgments allowed at this point whether they can work or not…be as open-ended as you can be

2. Organise

Get all of those ideas you just wrote down and organize them into topic sentences…home business…what I need to do I can expect from will I market….how to increase my customer to track expenses for tax deductions

3. Budget

Do some careful research and find out how much money setting up your home business will cost you. Be sure to include products, inventory, advertising and promotional materials, rent, utilities, telephone, internet, office set-up, freight, etc

4. Check personal finances
Evaluate your current budget..what money is coming in, and where your money is going out. Can you cut back on spending (non-essentials) to save more. Are you willing to sacrifice short term pain for long term gain? Can you find a second job temporarily or get a loan?

5. Timeline

Put your home business plan of action into one document. You know what you need to do to achieve your goals and when you want to do it. Break your plan up into smaller goals, and put them along a timeline. This will not necessarily be the exact way it pans out, but if you have a rough idea of when you want to achieve your goal, you have something to work towards.

6. Steps to action

Now you are ready to carry out the steps to achieve your goals.This is where your ambition will give you optimum fuel for motivation, determination and positive attitude. Even if something unforeseen happens, do not accept failure as an excuse… go back through the steps you have taken and see if there is a way you can overcome it.

Again, you are focusing on building a home-based business based on network marketing concepts (leverage and duplication). Always remember, no other home business comes close to the potential of this industry, but it must be done right.

Draw two goal posts and join them with a straight line…the shortest distance between two points or goals:

HERE: GOAL #1: Reasons I don’t want to be here (current reality)

THERE: GOAL #2: Reasons I want to be there (future independent lifestyle

This straight line represents all the steps and psychology from the LONG PLAN…brainstorming, budget, timeline, ambition and motivation, actions

Now what’s the easiest, straightest way to travel from HERE to THERE

1. Educate and Empower ..I understand the business concepts about this home business and I CAN DO THIS! YOU CAN DO THIS! Our success is the greatest ambition to do more..

2. Plug into a successful network marketing company for valuable products and residual commissions.

3. Use a simple 3 Steps Marketing Plan for leverage, duplication and long term residual income. Enjoy a lifestyle with time and money freedom.

It doesn’t get simpler than this for education, focus, ambition, motivation, action steps, and home business success.
Questions and comments are always appreciated,

Friday, April 24, 2009

What works best for a network marketing home business...special builder or simple blueprint

What works best for a network marketing home business..a special magnetic builder or simple democratic blueprint?

Nothing else comes close to the potential of a network marketing home business for all the right reasons...leverage professional expertise, duplication, residual income cashflow, success, retirement security, lifetime independence. Once a networker always a networker because we don’t easily accept the status quo and dream of possibilities for our children and grandchildren.

I am still reaching for my dream aspirations but there is nothing finer than to sit and talk about potential and prosperity and what I can do_______ with time and money freedom. Sure beats complaining and worrying about economic circumstances that are beyond our control.

So it bothers me to see this industry over the years develop a dominant hierarchy as all institutions tend to do. A bit of calcification and "barnaclization" has set into this ship of state build on simple routines. And now it is the upper crust, the captains, if you wish, that are setting the standards for success based on their experiences, partnerships, resources and their money to buy massive advertising.

No wonder public perception keeps a wary eye on a home business model where only 3 to 5% are as successful as they wish. Would you start a home business with those odds..I hope not.

Another statistic is that 85% of successful networkers are former small business owners who are well experienced with standard business principles of marketing and communication which they can now transfer into a multiple-level arena and make multiple profits all the way to the bank.

Along with well-honed business skills, they can probably be described as having magnetic profiles capable of drawing others into their sphere of influence. Some “gurus” actually use the term “biological components” and label successful people as Demonstrators of Higher Value or DOVH’s.

Other regular people are termed as Demonstrators of Lower Value or DOLV’s. Can you believe this terminology is really happening and continues to appeal to those “alpha’ recruiters?

I don’t know about you but this definitely smacks of some kind of discrimination or inequality in an enterprise built on the foundation of democracy and freedom.

So here are some tips for DOVH’S to build and duplicate their home business. It is called “passing the test” and seems like a lot of physical components to bring the structure together.. (Susan Boyle need not apply)
  • be fit and healthy..shows more self-respect
  • be a good fashion sense conveys a lack of social intelligence
  • be confident..self-controlled able to maintain and stare down eye contact
  • be cheerful with a ready smile and sense of negative vibes
  • be aware of natural attention or validation by others as a leader..stay unaffected ..
  • be the first to lead interactions and conversations…speak with volume and confidence

Now here are two real issues…

First, for too long now these human dynamics by top leadership rulers in this industry have kept the majority of people eating humble pie believing they need to be super models. In order to achieve, they are offered whole mentorship programs, modules, training seminars and more out-of-pocket expenses. Not only does the average networker suffer trying to meet unrealistic expectations but we can’t sponsor others to do this leadership attraction model.

Second, the network marketing home business is the only true democratic home business where equality of opportunity is based on a simple marketing plan. It is duplicating a simple business system, a one page blueprint, that makes 97% of networkers able to do and believe in.

And, for goodness sakes, it doesn’t matter your condition (or objection), irrespective of race, gender, age, size or shape, education, training, status, poor or rich, white color, blue collar, executive, student, or teacher.

Everyone has equality of opportunity because everyone can share a simple blueprint for business duplication.

This is the real founding principle of the great grassroots industry.

How simple can it be?
Check out a fair, standard curriculum called Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits .
Have a look at Home Business 101: 3 short videos that define, compare and motivate…

What more can you do, if you have no more what if’s in your vocabulary?

Your questions and comments are appreciated,

Believing in your success,

Annemarie..No Excuses Allowed Team

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Looking for a Job? Pan for the mountains or in a home business?

Looking for a job..Pan for Gold…in the mountains or in a home business?

I came across an interesting article titled Lost your Job? Try Panning for Gold

You can read the entire article at Posted: April 22, 2009 by: ArticleWriter

Here is a condensed version. My comments relating to home business are at the end.

COLOMA, Calif. — There's still gold in California's Sierra Nevada foothills, and a new rush is under way to find it. Not since the Great Depression have so many hard-luck people been lured by prospecting, hoping to find their fortune tumbling down a mountain stream. The recession and high gold prices are helping to fuel the latest gold craze, especially among workers who have lost jobs. There are hundreds there now standing knee-deep in an icy creek coaxing gold flakes from a swirling pan of gravel.

Miners who locate an unclaimed area can pay a $170 fee to the federal government for access to the public land. Most claims are along the 120 miles of steep granite outcrops and rushing riverbeds that are part of California's Mother Lode, a narrow band of gold-rich terrain.Many would-be gold panners are drawn to the South Fork of the American River, where the 1849 discovery of nuggets at Sutter's Mill launched the largest human migration in the Western Hemisphere. The Depression brought another wave of miners in the 1930s.

"It's hard to keep my equipment in stock," said Albert Fausel, the third-generation owner of the nearby Old Placerville Hardware store, which was founded to sell sluices, picks and pans to the original '49ers. Back then, the price of gold was $16 an ounce. Today it hovers around $1,000.

The store's wood floors used to creak under the weight of recreational rafters and fisherman. Now prospectors are some of the biggest shoppers."A lot of people are out of jobs and know where the gold holes are," Fausel said.

Between October 2007 and September 2008, the Bureau of Land Management in California issued gold miners 3,413 permits, or claims, to search for gold. That figure compared with 1,986 claims in 2006. So far this fiscal year, the agency has issued 1,444 claims.

Many miners believe that only 10 percent of the gold in the Sierra Nevada was discovered in the original gold rush. Now they attend classes about sandbars, cracks in bedrock and low-pressure eddies behind boulders are prime places to set up sluices, special channels designed to catch gold. Spring is the best time to hunt for gold as snow melt churns streams and rivers, potentially uncovering new riches.

They are also excited by the prospect of stumbling onto buried treasure.

"I was walking my dog once and went to pick up a rock and pulled a long nugget straight out of the sand," said one grizzled miner. "It was worth about $6,500 — and that was 13 years ago."

It is a common fact that the people who sold supplies to miners were the ones who stayed rich. One of the most notable examples was denim maker Levi Strauss.

So how can we apply this information to a home business based on network marketing principles?There are a few comparisons common to veteran networkers:

  • you can compare building a successful multi-level home business to finding a gold mine that pays golden dividends…work hard to set up structure and function and then collect long term residual income…like royalties for life, in many cases.
  • you can call prospecting the act of talking and sharing informaion with people who may also be interested in finding a “gold mine.” As with claims, some will be promising, some will be empty, some may take months or years of “digging”, a few can even be a brilliant success…and become millionaires. And some "nuggets" will lie undiscovered in your ownback yard because no one thought of looking there.
  • you can call “tools of the trade” essential equipment to unearth treasures in the ground. You need hardware: shovels, picks, pans, boxes and physical labour powered by a dream. In network marketing, you share “intellectually” and use professional information tools to tell the story for you and help your prospects to open up new ways of thinking, planning, capitalizing and succeeding.

Finally, wouldn’t it be grand if you received a roadmap to the goldmine or a home business with perpetual profits? How would that change your fortune ratio?

The network marketing home business is based on a few fundamental principles which considerably simplify the road to success.

A roadmap is simple enough to draw from beginning to end. If you have a piece of paper, a pen or pencil, and the will to follow a dream to your “gold mine” we will be happy to share more information with you.
Sure beats slogging through spring run-offs..

Standing by to help,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How to set 2 Goals to overcome obstacles when starting a home business

How to set two goals to overcome obstacles when you start a home business

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
- Henry Ford

Are you still thinking about starting a home business to get more money now and plan for a more secure future. Many people have already started on this journey and are watching a new stream of income grow every month.

But you are still looking how to start and that often means having to break through you own mental roadblocks to success. When you look around, you will not see any physical obstacles to stop you other than your personal mindset. Can I? Can’t I? What if? How do I stay focused? How do I measure success? Who will help? Cost? Time? Profits? Obstacles Gallery!

Recently I read an interesting article by a success mentor, Bob Cox, titled “Blast Through 5 Roadblocks to Success” about his own personal challenges which I thought offered different viewpoints. Here is a summary of the points to hopefully diminish similar obstacles you may be facing.

Obstacle #1: Do you worry about Perfectionism

Do you insist on getting it done right to your standards..."paralysis by analysis"

But your perception of perfectionism may be more than what is expected.
In fact, 10 percent of a project - the time it takes to get things "perfect" - takes just as long to complete as the first 90 percent.
Project goals change all the time. So it's better to come within 90 percent of an idea of perfection and save a little time for the inevitable changes.
Bottom line: Stay in motion. Aim for good, push through the modifications that arise, and then... aim for better and repeat the process until the desired results are achieved.

Obstacle #2: Do you fail to have Good Listening Skills
Do you become easily distracted if the person is taking a long time to make a point?

Here are some tips to become a more active listener:
Your ears are for hearing... your mind is for listening.
Listen for ideas and central themes (even take notes).
Don't interrupt. Wait your turn to speak.
Circle any points in your notes that you want to emphasize when it's your turn.
Judge content... not delivery.

Obstacle #3: Are you reluctant to ask others for ideas
Do you think it is a sign of weakness to ask for help on a venture or project?.
It's better to keep an "open box" mindset.

Be willing to ask for alternate ideas and solutions. You may even be surprised at how many good ideas other people have.
And don't forget to thank them. By developing this success habit, you will have lots of extra resources to draw on whenever you're stuck on a problem.

Obstacle #4: Do you understand the Team Concept...
Do you fail to compromise with a know-it-all attitude wanting to the team leader?
In time you will undoubtedly develop leadership skills; however, when learning new ideas, allow others to explain the the project works, how to keep the momentum, share success testimonials.

In a series of earlier blogs you were shown how to set two goals between HERE and THERE.

Join them with a straight line…the shortest distance between two points or goals.

This time label it obstacles to success and add words like listening skills, team concept, perfectionism and any other words that can set up roadblocks

GOAL #1: Reasons I don’t want to be here (current reality)
GOAL #2: Reasons I want to be there (future independent lifestyle

Will you allow these obstacles to stop your reality from reaching your dreams?

I sincerely hope not and we are standing by to listen and help.

Now what’s the easiest, straightest way to travel from HERE to THERE.

1. Educate and Empower ..I understand the business concepts about this home business and I CAN DO THIS! Use the resource Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits
2. Plug into a successful network marketing company for valuable products and residual commissions.
3. Use a simple 3 Steps Marketing Plan for leverage, duplication and long term residual income. Enjoy a lifestyle with time and money freedom

It doesn’t get simpler than this for focus, motivation, action steps, overcoming obstacles and home business success.

Your comments and questions are always appreciated.


In addition to the above, you may have roadblocks of your own that you encounter on a regular basis. Here's a simple three-step process to help you navigate through them and keep yourself on the path to success.
1. List three of your personal roadblocks to success. BE HONEST. It's difficult to admit your "shortcomings" or "issues," but that's the only way this technique will help you.
2. Write two or three paragraphs about why these roadblocks are a problem for you and how they are inhibiting your success.
3. List at least three ways to push through, jump over, toss aside, or take a detour away from these roadblocks that keep holding you back from achieving your goals.

Bob Cox

Monday, April 20, 2009

What number will you dial for how to start a home business

What number will you dial for how to start a home business?

Many people are looking at a home business for a variety of reasons including the general overview that the economy is still on a uncertain ride accompanied by unemployment and credit card debts. Plus, even if you have a current job, there is still the desire to have some extra income, some extra savings for a better personal financial well-being. Plus what about THE DREAM deep inside you that hasn’t been given “the chance”..the one thing you would like to do if money and time were no objection.

Many home-based opportunities abound. Everyone is trying to sell you on what they think you need. But who do you call? Who will help? How can I minimize time and cost? How much do I invest and how much can I expect to make?

Here are two plans to check out and two numbers to choose to call:

PLAN A ...Call this number 123-456-7890
  • 1. Plug into a large successful company and help promote products
    2. Plug into marketing system and work with team leaders
    3. Set up your back office control center
    4. Learn how to manage a total contact lead capture and management system
    5. Set up company’s replicated website with conference calls/webinars/archives
    6. Set up marketing system site with information re different plans/consultants
    7. Set up blogging sites / write articles to introduce yourself with leadership qualities
    8. Set up profiles on social marketing pages to help promote opportunity and marketing
    9. Integrate customer/personal auto-responder messages and follow-up
    10. Now take steps 1 – 9 and train a new home business partner to follow the same system.

Can I add, good luck...been there..done that..cannot recommend

PLAN B ...Call this number 1 – 2 – 3

  • 1. EDUCATE customers/clients about home business FACTS in the network marketing industry…simple curriculum guide..30 minute slide presentation and e-book
  • 2. EMPOWER people to change their BELIEFS (habits and mindsets) to believe they can win the “big picture”…built-in component in curriculum guide
  • 3. CHANGE by plugging into an excellent company and extraordinary product.

The above three steps are then shared with other people who also want to be educated, empowered and ready to change to a better lifestyle and financial security. To truly understand the abundant potential of this home business opportunity, you must see how the residual payment matrix is not about the "product" but about sharing a simple marketing plan that everybody can do.

As well, now this process has been made even simpler, if that is possible, by sharing three short videos about defining the concept of network marketing, comparing two marketing plans and then setting up a straight-line home business with no excuses allowed.

In closing, I’ve worked my fingers to the bone using the number 123-456-7890 with satisfactory results but limited duplication or business partners. Any reasons why, do you think? I am excited to share a simple plan and number. Won’t you try it also?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I wish Susan Boyle was my Home Business Partner

I think 20 million people were blown away this week by a middle-aged woman from a village in Scotland who did what most would not do and, thereby, has set a standard for everyone of us.
She has an incredible gift of song that has taken nearly 50 years to discover but what if she had not taken that one step onto the stage?
Her story is not just about a dream that refused to be beaten down by life...but also about each of us...and what we are willing to do or not do.

She has shown us that you don't have to be good-looking, educated and talented to be successful.
We all face our public detractors or critics.
We all have our personal private critics..not right age, not right shape, gender, ethnic groups, family background, training..
We all have the potential to abandon our dreams and join the masses of cynical losers or scoffers who blame the system, the economy or other people for their failures...without taking that first step
We all know that doing the right thing always demands more courage than following a crowd.
We know that we have innate potential to help, self-develop and prosper beyond audience participation and "survival modes."

To help you get started to prepare for your Life's stage are some common ideas well expressed by Chris Widener, successfull network marketer.

When you get to the last step of mastering skills, remember that in the Information Economy there are many ways to leverage your time and knowledge and duplicate your profits in a home business.
There are simple curriculum guides to educate and empower you and excellent companies and products to share that everybody desperately needs.
There are no more excuses, if you really want the chance and change.

Thank you, Susan.

PS. What is the one thing that stands between you and sucess...tell me what you plan to do to beat it. Let us work together to help.

Words to Dreamed a Dream
I dreamed a dream in time gone by When hope was high, And life worth living I dreamed that love would never die I dreamed that God would be forgiving.
Then I was young and unafraid When dreams were made and used, And wasted There was no ransom to be paid No song unsung, No wine untasted.
But the tigers come at night With their voices soft as thunder As they tear your hopes apart As they turn your dreams to shame.
And still I dream he'll come to me And we will live our lives together But there are dreams that cannot be And there are storms We cannot weather...
I had a dream my life would be So different from this hell I'm living So different now from what it seems Now life has killed The dream I dreamed.

Take Yourself to the Top!
by Chris Widener
Everybody wants to get to the top, whether it is the top of a career, a company, the earnings scale, or the many other ways that we as individuals can define the "top' in our own lives! But with so many people trying to get to the top, how come so many people aren't moving up? I think there are some fundamental reasons why.Reasons that can be addressed and changed!

What are some things you can do to get to the top? Here are somethoughts for you this week!

First of all, define what the "top' means for you.
This is extremely important because if you don't know where you are going,you will never get there! Some people don't want to be the CEO of the company. In fact, many think they are better off than the CEO even though they don't make as much money. Instead, they think they are at the top because of less stress, weekends with their families, etc., and I see their point. It doesn't matter what others think is the top, only what you do, since you are only gauging whether or not YOU get there! So where is it for you? That is the first question for you to answer.

* Be passionate about your goal.
Passion is the energy that drives us, or, as Alexander Pope said,passions are the "gales of life.' Passion is the wind in the sail of work. Find something you love and you will find something you can get to the top of. If you don't love it, you may still make it to the top, though highly unlikely. And even if you do, there will be no joy. Let your passion carry you, because it will carry you far! Thomas Fuller put it this way: A man with passion rides a horse that runs away with him.

* The will to continue in the face of hardship.
Another reason most will not get to the top is because they simply refuse to scale the mountains of hardship that separate them from the top. If you want to get to the beautiful view from the top, you will have to climb over any obstacles. Instead, many choose to stayat base camp! One would think that Bjorn Borg, one of the greatest tennis players to ever live, would consider his skill his greatest asset. Instead, this is what he says, "My greatest point is my persistence. I never give up in a match. However down I am, I fight until the last ball. My list of matches shows that I have turned a great many so-called irretrievable defeats into victories." Continue until you get to the top!

* Love people and treat them right.
What? Love people? That's right! Why? Because if you are going toget to the top you are going to need other people. Be a jerk andyou will find people dragging their feet on you. Treat them right and you will find them helping you and even cheering you on!

* Master the appropriate skills.
Average skills will get you to the middle. Top skills will get you to the TOP! This is most assuredly true when combined with the points above. Are you achieving excellence in the skills you need?Are you growing day by day, month by month, year by year? You can always get better and getting better will take you closer to thetop! Even if you only improve a little, you can keep improving that small amount and it will eventually become a big amount! Demand the best from yourself and you will get to the top. Remember the words of Jose Ortega y Gasset: "We distinguish the excellent man from the common man by saying that the former is the one who makes great demands on himself, and the latter who makes no demands on himself."

These will take you to the top!
-- Chris Widener
Reproduced with permission from the Chris Widener Ezine. Tosubscribe to Chris Widener's Ezine, go to or send an email with Join in thesubject to Copyright 2008 Chris WidenerInternational. All rights reserved worldwide.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Home Business Debate: Communication Skills vs Duplication Roadmap

Home Business Debate..Communication Skills vs Duplication Roadmap

People's need for a successful, profitable home business has never been greater.

We know that any success is based on skillset, mindset, knowledge, plans and focus.

And the one skill that is touted as being essential is effective communication skills.
This effort is challenging, perennial, and filled with obstructions and excuses about presenting and converting potential customers. And, just, maybe not everyone feels comfortable doing this. But it also means that we, as average communicators, shouldn’t be discounted but should have access to alternative strategies that also work.

So, is there an alternative to home business with an unique model based on the key concepts of leverage and duplication?

It’s not who or what you know relative to your communication skills…
It’s more about a simple marketing plan that everyone who wants extra security can repeatedly do again and again for massive duplication.
It’s not the skilfull or unskilfull’s a piece of paper with a simple plan that duplicates. Without it, your dreams of a massive organization and passive residual profits will never be reached. With it, everything gets easy and your income stream keeps flowing.

So how do we develop the art and science of Effective Communication
  • is difficult for many dating even from poor teaching experiences in school
  • requires consistent effort and practice
  • is demanding to train others to also be effective communicators
  • includes writing well and public speaking components
  • involves psychology, emotional triggers, persuasion tactics
  • focuses on selling benefits, resistance, follow-ups

A top sales manager for a certain Brand of vacuum cleaners once said…you’re not finished “prospecting” a neighborhood until you have knocked on each door at least 4 times and communicated the need to “remove dirt in each house at least 7 times…"

How many people do you know who are willing to do this just because a top professional makes $1000’s weekly and they are led to believe they can be super communicators, too.

Of course, over time, skills of communication and leadership are naturally honed and developed. But how do you start? Besides, in the modern Information Age isn't there someting more time effective and equally efficient?

There is only one home business model that opens the door to every person to succeed with a simple marketing plan focused on helping others also achieve success...not just buy products or remove problems.

The foundation of network marketing is based on average people with above-average dreams with minimal capital (and I would add basic communication skills) who want to start a successful home business.

The principle strategies are:
  • once, get paid multiple times
  • leverage…use information tools to tell the story for you 24/7
  • duplication..simple business plan that everyone can do (democratic may not need to be based on communication skills)

The easiest way is to focus and share a one-page marketing plan or roadmap with no loss of critical components:

  1. EDUCATE …here is a total big picture of where I'm going and the facts I need to know about network marketing industry
  2. EMPOWER …here are some simple strategies to build personal belief-system and motivation.. “I can do this”
  3. CHANGE … here is how I can plug into a successful company and product that everybody needs

In the end, ability turns out to be what you are capable of doing and motivation determines what you do. Make it complicated like being an effective communicator..and you may see some "attrition;" make it more basic and you may see retention and residuals!

Always ready to help with questions or comments,





Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stop Rocking through Stormy Waters Searching for a Profitable Home Business

Stop Rocking and Rolling through stormy waters searching for a profitable home business

Stop the boat! Stop the madness! First one way..then experience, no primary navigation tools, no simple map..we are like captains of entrepreneurship lsailing into unknown waters hoping to find a successful home business.

First, were bombarded by significant trends and issues about our current economy. We know it’s prudent to look at financial alternatives. We take to heart statements like:

Total consumer debt is growing 23x faster than the entire US economy. The savings rate in the United States has dipped into the negative, something that hasn't happened since the Great Depression in 1932. In just the past 10 years, the US dollar has lost half of its value. The unemployment rate has taken its biggest jump since 1986.
In fact, the USA Today recently reported that the greatest fear in America today is running out of money before retirement. And recently, Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki in their New York Times best seller "Why We Want You To Be Rich" said:
"The rich are getting richer but America is getting poorer. The middle class is shrinking. America is becoming a two-class society. Soon you will either be rich or poor."

Second, we hear about a place called hope, possibilities and predictions.
Experts predict that in the next 10 years household wealth in North America will double, exceeding $100 Trillion, creating more Millionaires than at any point in history. According to economic Advisor to two US Presidents, Paul Zane Pilzer:
"We're witnessing nothing less than a millionaire population explosion in the 21st Century and it is all due to THIS formula. This community is a group that often picks up on trends long before the rest of the world has noticed them."

We want to learn more about these strategies and concepts that can help to build more financial security ... to live life on our terms, not someone else's ...and make a difference in our community ... just like real pioneers and innovators whose time has come.

We know there are entrepreneurs who are dramatically changing their lives using a network marketing home business model.

But the waters get rough. We are surrounded by “opportunities” all promising results, residuals and retirement. We look at the “nets” of actions and strategies to bring in these results. And top master fishermen of fleets tell us how to follow their example and spread them out to other “fisher people” looking for a great opportunity.

But this network marketing business only works by attracting other regular people, not a boatload of captains! And the more complicated the nets or marketing plans become, the less chances that other people will join you on this epic journey to financial freedom…as grand as it sounds.

I’ve been on the high seas…I’ve done the drifting, casting, catching, re-deploying. I’ve done offline “fishing” with product samples, CD’s, dropcards, flyers, publications, meetings, who do you now calls. I’ve done online “fishing” with blogs,chatrooms, social networks, leads, co-ops, list-building. I’ve gained my share of riches and I lost them because the navigation tools were too complex and the journey undefined and unfullfilled so many fell short of reaching their ideal destinations.

But the dream of financial independence still beckons us, especially in an inclement economy. But let’s avoid the stormy waters, the complicated navigational tools, the extravagant opportunities.

Let’s create and share one simple “treasure” map…a 3-step discovery process with all objections removed. Let’s build a strong, sea-worthy vessel that everyone can build and navigate. Let’s educate, empower and project a clear picture of the “land of golden dreams.”

“Dreams are worthy of pursuit or what’s living all about..”

Your questions, comments and dreams are appreciated as always,

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why Network Marketing is the best choice for Home Business

This time I'd like to share a phenomenal blog post that manages to express a comprehensive overview of past, present and future working conditions and employment opportunities...and why network marketing just may be the best choice for long term security.
Everybody needs to read this short essay...can't be said more honestly without bias or hype. Now you can't pretend that you didn't have the chance to find out more.

The concepts are complex with far-reaching implications.
Once more, I have tried to find a simpler way to implement these ideas into a manageable format that everyone can use. My mission is always to build a democratic home business for everyone who wants one based on the MLM or network marketing model.

Your comments and questions are always important, even if your opinions are different. A good discussion clears the air.

By Grahame Brown:

Unless you have been living on a Pacific island for the past few months, without the benefit of modern communications you will know that the world is facing an economic meltdown of unprecedented proportions.
Politicians from around the world are constantly talking about a global solution to the crisis, but what that don’t want to tell us is that our old ways of earning a living have fundamentally changed and will never ever be the same again. If they were to tell the truth they know that there would riots in the streets like we have never witnessed before (look what happened at the G20 summit in London recently) and so they are trying to sell us all on the notion of a soft landing for the troubled economy over the next 5 to 10 years.

The reality is that a soft landing for the economy is going to be almost impossible to achieve despite what the politicians tell us and that things are likely to get much worse before they get better.
So why would people riot in the streets? to understand this you need to look back to the late 18th and early 19th centuries; up until this point in time 97% of the world’s population made their living through agriculture, but with the dawn of the industrial revolution there was a huge shift towards machine based manufacturing, creating an “implied contract” that if you learnt a specific skill, did a good job, and was a loyal employee of the “machine” then the machine would look after you for life, this in turn has created a dependence mentality amongst the vast majority of the world’s working population.

Over the next 5 to 10 years, layoffs will continue to be commonplace on a global scale, the scariest most unsafe place to be, now and in the foreseeable future is working for someone else, as companies continue to downsize and weed out the non-performers hiding in their organisations. Salary and income reductions will be rife and more and more people will be expected to do the same work for less money, what’s more there will always be someone waiting in line to do your job for a little less.

The world of work will move almost entirely towards a “performance based income model” if you were previously earning a salary of 50K per annum, your company will say to you that your salary is now 20k and that the remaining 30K can be made up by achieving specific performance related targets. This will create unprecedented pressure on earning a living and the “hiders” will be among those rioting in the streets.

Now the performers out there will say, “I have no problem with achieving targets, bring it on” but they will have the added pressure of their targets being raised year on year making it harder to make the same amount of money for the same work. They will continue to do this until they can’t work any harder, all the time knowing that there are 8 other people standing in line ready to take their job. Not only that but their employer will almost certainly place a cap on the amount of money that they can ultimately earn.

In short the contract between the workers and the “machine” is being broken irrevocably, and over the next 5 -10 years two groups of people will emerge, those who sit and become bitter and angry and wish for things to change,and yes maybe even riot in the streets, and those who capitalise on the situation, create real wealth for themselves and take control of their lives.

The key is to be a part of the second group and at the same time be an advocate for change by helping as many people as possible move from the first group to the second, by showing them, with compassion, that there is a better way.

Outside of becoming a professional entertainer, athlete or top level executive, the only real opportunity for creating real wealth, is through business ownership, but this in itself is high risk, and for the most part carries a very high cost of entry, creating insurmountable barriers to the average person, already pushed to breaking point by the current economic situation.

So what are the options?; well you could choose to stick it out in the new performance based economy and hold on as long as possible, without getting burnt out, you could try to join the ranks of the elite income earning groups mentioned above, you could start a traditional business with all the inherent risk and high cost of entry, or you could consider a fourth option, that of non-traditional business ownership.

Network Marketing is a non-traditional business model, which has a low cost of entry, that is performance based but with no cap on earnings, where there are no politics and where you have complete control over your situation. It has all of the advantages of traditional business ownership without the inherant risks and barriers to entry.

Your chosen Network Marketing company, does all of the heavy lifting and provides all of the required infrastructure for a fraction of the cost of starting a traditional business, all you have to provide is your passion and leadership and a willingness to learn some skills in order to be successful.
In order to successfully transition to this model you will need to;

  • Recognise what’s happening in the economy, and that there isn’t going to be a soft landing, despite what the politicians may tell us.
  • React to what’s happening ahead of everyone else, remembering that “ he who panicks first panicks best”
  • Learn a new set of skills, over a 5 year period, after which you will have complete control over your life.
  • Help as many other people as possible, transition to this group through education and compassion for their current situation.

To the average person, who has been defending the old broken way of earning income all of their life, this will be a challenge to their entrenched way of thinking, so naturally you will be met with a certain amount of resistance. The challenge is to take these people by the hand with compassion and say to them; “I know that you have bought into the old model of earning an income, but that model is broken, and I am building my life raft before the flood comes. I have found a better way, and we need to talk so that I can explain it to you”.

You need to commit everyday to rescue people from the broken matrix and a broken existence, giving them the choice of staying mad and becoming an activist or of learning some new skills and taking control of their lives once and for all.

Despite the seemingly obvious advantages of the non traditional business model The network marketing space has had a reputation for being a shady underworld populated by desperate and super pushy amateurs, who are prepared to lie to their family and friends in the hope of making a fast buck, but over the past 10 to 15 years this has changed, due to people recognising that network marketing is the best way to have a business and a life of meaning, and who have come in and said we are going to be professionals.

Over the coming days and weeks I am going to examine each of the misconceptions and stigmas associated with the Network Marketing Profession, with the aim of educating people both inside and outside of the space, so that they have a better understanding of what we do as Network Marketing Professionals, in the hope that they can then make informed choices as to whether Network Marketing represents the best career choice for them in the new economy.

Until next time
Warm regards
Grahame Brown

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Believe in your Dream for Home Business..don't cry "why not me"..celebrate "I can do this"

Believe in your Dream for Home Business..don't cry "why not me"..celebrate "I can do this"

Today I’m going to pay tribute to Susan Boyle, a middle-aged, unemployed Scottish woman from a small village who had a dream but nobody gave her the chance until ….
Watch her introduce herself and watch performance for yourself…

So, of course, you wipe away a few tears about an extraordinary song from a beloved musical composition from an unbelievable talent and indomitable human spirit and unquestionable skepticism but "there is no average."

The power of a dream shakes you to your very being.

I want a dream like that…don’t you? Not necessarily on a stage in front of judges in a nationwide competition with a mesmerizing, God-given vocal talent. Very few can be blessed with a seemingly inborn physical ability and natural love of singing or any other aptitude.

But what about an emotional, psychological need to be the best we can be if only we had more money and time freedom?

What if my dream was basic to have a simple home business that provided me with as much income as I desired, small or large, dependent on how much time I spent.

What if this home business was based on the network marketing concept? What if I had a simple 3-step business plan that explained the business model about leverage, residual income and duplication? What if, with daily affirmations, I had no more excuses about the level of self-confidence, self-belief and success I can achieve.

What if my home business was based on a one-of-a-kind healthy product for my family. I could put my trust in a doctor with 20 years experience in nutritional science. I could believe in Mother Nature’s pharmacy with whole foods and sea vegetables.

I don’t have any more what if’s blocking my dreams of independence. I will never allow 2 words to obstruct my way to a better lifestyle. What are your obstructions?

I’m also here to help every middle-aged person, every Susan Boyle without the voice, who wants more to celebrate her life…to listen to applause, both internal and external.

If you have a strong enough dream...I can show you the home business model (Part 1 of 3), marketing plan, education tools and self-empowerment to get you ready for CHANGE that you richly deserve.

I believe in you.

Your questions and comments are always appreciated.


Monday, April 13, 2009

How to get a Home Business Education with 2 Goals and 3 Steps


Before you can hope to be successful in any business, you have to understand that business. You need to know how to contact your potential customers and get them interested. Whether you are offering a product or a service, people have to understand what it is, why they need it and why they should get it from you.

If your opportunity is also about how to start a low-cost home business, time effectively, then your customers also need a simple home business educational primer.

Traditionally, people gain a comprehensive overview of important subjects for general education by graduating high school. Career training or professional development comes through university programs. Tuition fees are generally high and time-commitment expansive from a couple to several years and post-education debt-loads can be overwhelming.

But what about if you want to learn new skills such as setting up a profitable home business?
Traditionally, you can take extra courses at a local college or evening high school programs, if available.
You can enroll in a distance education course with regular help and evaluations. You can do a self-help program in marketing and personal development. Online education can provide a base of knowledge to run a home business and most customers or future business partners can also deal with these strategies at their own learning rate. But how many other people will follow our example in learning about a home business?

Or you can try to learn business steps through hearsay by following the leader…a fellow generalist who tries to model after a trained specialist…a guru leader. There are too many unknown variables to make this experiment consistently successful.

However, with the unique home business model called network marketing your profits are based on multi-level application of a simple business plan. It is the business concept itself that needs to be duplicated and primary, basic, essential training is a given for just about anyone who wants to achieve success. Examples:
  • how to put the materials into practical application on day one
  • how to make a careful judgment about how your business grows (an overview)
  • how to market on the internet
  • how to market offline to people with traditional methods
  • how to properly train to attain personal goals
  • how to use 10 daily affirmations to empower personal belief system
  • how to explain complex business relationships with visual "signs"
  • how to integrate four fastest growing home business trends

The ultimate plan is with proper training, a home business entrepreneur can move above mediocrity and instability.

What if financial security can be based on a simple home business education that starts with a basic curriculum guide: Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits?

Let’s see how this fits into our concept of 2 Goals and 3 Steps for a Home Business Plan:

Draw two goal posts and join them with a straight line…the shortest distance between two points or goals:

HERE: GOAL #1: Reasons I don’t want to be here (current reality)
THERE: GOAL #2: Reasons I want to be there (future independent lifestyle

Now what’s the easiest, straightest way to travel from HERE to THERE.

1. Educate and Empower ..I understand the business concepts about this home business and I CAN DO THIS! YOU CAN DO THIS!
2. Plug into a successful network marketing company for valuable products and commissions.
3. Use a simple 3 Steps Marketing Plan for leverage, duplication and long term residual income. Enjoy a lifestyle with time and money freedom

It doesn’t get simpler than this for education, focus, motivation, action steps, and home business success.

Questions and comments are always appreciated,


Thursday, April 9, 2009

How to Set 2 Goals 3 Steps to make Residual Income in a Home Business Plan

How to set Two Goals Three Steps to make Residual Income in Home Business Plan

The concept of residual income or passive income is probably one of the most important concepts you will ever learn in your lifetime. It is a powerful concept because anyone that can master the concept of residual income can also design their own comfortable lifestyle.

First, you need to understand the difference between linear and residual income. Linear income is based on working per hours and getting paid per hours. If your hours run out, so do your paychecks.

Residual income is based on working one time and getting paid multiple times.
Simply put, residual income occurs by building a system one time that can produce a recurring stream of revenue once the system is set up. What's so great about this is if you are willing to apply some effort and build a residual based system in the initial phase, you can reap the benefits from this one-time labor for years to come.

For example, let’s say you start a home business based on the network marketing model. You order valuable products directly from the manufacturer and recommend them to other people. Word of mouth advertising is still one the most powerful way to share information. If other people, and their referrals, also buy the products based on your recommendations, then you will earn commissions again and again based on recurring sales rather than just a one time sale.

Seriously speaking, it just makes sense. Residual income is what you want…getting paid on a regular basis whether monthly or weekly. Yet so many people just don't get it. Master the concept of residual income and you can master your destiny.

So here is an idea. Draw two goal posts and a straight line joining them.

Label it linear income. Under it, write the rule: 8 hours work = 8 hours pay. No hours worked = no hours pay.

Or consider a home business with residual income potential.

This time draw two goals and join them with a straight line…the shortest distance between two points or goals. This time label it residual income and draw multiple percentage signs ( %’s) around it to represent getting paid multiple times from initial effort.

GOAL #1: Reasons I don’t want to be here (current reality)
GOAL #2: Reasons I want to be there (future independent lifestyle)

Now what’s the easiest, straightest way to travel from HERE to THERE...3 steps

1. Educate and Empower ..I understand the business concepts about this home business and I CAN DO THIS! Use the resource Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits for a generic overview.

2. Plug into a successful network marketing company for valuable products and residual commissions from an expanding organization.

3. Use a simple 3 Steps Marketing Plan for leverage, duplication and long term residual income. Enjoy a lifestyle with time and money freedom

It doesn’t get simpler than this for focus, motivation, action steps, and home business success. You can make excuses or you can make residual income.
Your comments and questions are appreciated.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How to Market a Home Business in 2 Goals and 3 Simple Steps

How to Market a Home Business in 2 Goals and 3 Simple Steps

Starting a profitable home business is the right thing to do in a troubled economy.
And through due diligence we may even discover a great company, products, management, team affiliation and a lot of motivation to deserve a better lifestyle.

But before you can start to have any ideas of making money, you need to inject a healthy supply of marketing.... the lifeblood of any business. You can have the greatest product in the world, but if no one hears about it, it will fade into negligible profits or even obscurity.

Here are some common steps. If you find this first part rather overwhelming, keep reading to find the Two Goals 3 Simple Steps Home Business Marketing Plan.

1. Make a list of personal objectives. There are no instant or overnight riches.
Where do you want to be 6 months down the road?

  • be able to quit 9 to 5 job
  • determine how much effort you can put in ..stay on course, stay focused
  • require time and funding…accounts payable/receivable

2. Find your target market…preferably a niche market where people are looking and able to buy. What are their problems? What kind of solutions can you offer them?

3. Identify the product benefits for customers. What kind of solutions can your product offer them?

4. Outline your marketing strategies..informational tools, brochures, websites, webinars, conference calls, leads generation systems,ads,online and offline efforts

5. Train new business partners to duplicate your success and maintain regular updates with customers and referrals...follow-up is key to increased profits

6.Continue with market research and ways to improve products and marketing strategies

Of course, you can see that these 6 steps will take considerable effort to master. The more effort, the more distractions, the more excuses. The more effort, the less other people will want to commit the same time, money and hopes for a better future.

Besides , all this planning won’t work if you don’t have a simple medium or vehicle by which to experience success. Success in your home business starts with a new customer, a new business partner, more sales, more commissions.

A simple to follow marketing plan is about more profits in your bank account and a business system that has an potential for reaching thousands of possible customers.

So what is the best way to ensure successful customers and cash flow in the network marketing home is a simple marketing plan.

So here is an idea. Draw two goal posts and a straight line joining them.
Label it multi-step marketing plan. Now you can fill it up with personal objectives, target markets, problems, product benefits, informational tools, brochures, calls, leads, websites and more.

Or substitute all this with a 2 Goals 3 Simple Steps Home Business Marketing Plan.

Draw two goals and join them with a straight line…the shortest distance between two points or goals: Write these labels...

GOAL #1: Reasons I don’t want to be here (current reality)
GOAL #2: Reasons I want to be there (future independent lifestyle

Now what’s the easiest, straightest way to travel from HERE to THERE.

  • Educate and Empower ..I understand the business concepts about this home business and I CAN DO THIS! Use the resource Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits
  • Plug into a successful network marketing company for valuable products and commissions.
  • Share with new business partners a simple 3 Steps Marketing Plan for leverage, duplication and long term residual excuses allowed team.

Now you can begin to enjoy a lifestyle with time and money freedom.

It doesn’t get simpler than this for focus, motivation, action steps, duplicatable marketing plan and home business success.

Your comments and questions are always appreciated,


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How to Achieve Motivation in Home Business with Two Goals

How to Achieve Motivation in Home Business with Two Goals

If you are a home business owner, you know the importance of staying motivated. And everyday you have to feel inspired and enthusiastic because success is based on consistent and persistent effort, even when clouds of doubt appear to cover hopes and dreams.

Now here are 4 important steps to help keep you Positive and Motivated in your home business.

But two answers are missing:
1. How we can show practical results to prove successful thinking is producing income ?
2. How we can we simplify motivation to 2 steps to ensure more commitment in a busy home business schedule?

1. Write out your "why" or mission statement and read it often.
Put it on a card and carry it in your wallet…my home business can offer a pretty amazing quality of life. Get excited about this every single day.You can be home with your children, never miss anotherball game, and do exactly what you like, when you like.

2. Create and post a vision statement where you can re-read it daily. Make sure it outlines all the reasons why you are working to build your own business from home.

3. Find a personal growth learning system that works well for you, whether from seminars, books, CDs, or online training with monthly courses for achievement. Plug into audio and video courses to get specific training on success principles, goal-setting, and marketing/promotion to keep you working at an efficient andproductive pace.

4. Re-pattern your self-talk. Predict by assuming you have already achieved the goal ahead of time. Visualize your success, ihow you feel about the time and freedom that youdeserve and soon will have. It will help to write your affirmations in the present tense to reinforce for your sub-conscious beliefs. Tell yourself you make a lot of money and help a lot of people achieve their goals, and it will begin to become a reality for you.

This is all great advice but all the self-affirmations in the world won’t work if you don’t have a simple medium or vehicle by which to experience success.

Success in your home business starts with a new customer, a new business partner, more sales, more commissions. Real motivation is about more profits in your bank account and a business system that has an potential for reaching thousands of possible customers.

So what is the best way to ensure successful customers and cash flow in the network marketing home is a simple marketing plan.

So here is an idea. Draw two goal posts and a straight line joining them.
Label it motivation. Now you can fill it up with ALL the personal growth systems, re-patterned self-talk and vision statements you want.

Or highlight it with a simple marketing plan.

Draw two more two goals and join them with a straight line…the shortest distance between two points, including a home business: Write these labels:

GOAL #1: Reasons I don’t want to be here (current reality)
GOAL #2: Reasons I want to be there (future independent lifestyle
Now what is the easiest, straightest way to travel from HERE to THERE?

1. Educate and Empower ..I understand the business concepts about this home business and I CAN DO THIS! Use the resource Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits

2. Plug into a successful network marketing company for valuable products and commissions.

3. Use a simple 3 Steps Marketing Plan for leverage, duplication and long term residual income. Begin to enjoy a lifestyle with time and money freedom.

It doesn’t get simpler than this for focus, motivation, action steps, and home business success.
Your comments and questions are always appreciated,

Monday, April 6, 2009

How to Achieve Success in Home Business with Two Goals

How to achieve success in a Home Business with Two Goals...

Success In Home Business is achieved to a large degree by the clarity and effectiveness of our goals. We know that. We know that mentorship, focus and action plans are the keys to success.

So we set out to clearly define a chart of goals to take us to where we want to go. But the more we goals we set up, the more difficult the journey becomes…the more excuses materialize, the more obstacles distract us, the more challenges and doubts question our rationale.

First let’s look at a set of goals commonly prescribed for home business entrepreneurs:

1. Identify Your WHY…to get you through the “tough” travelling days in any business

2. Prepare a Dream List and pictures of an exciting lifestyle you want

3. Write down your goals and review them on a daily basis to focus your efforts

4. Break your goals down into action steps. First, imagine your goal is achieved and work backwards through the steps to actually realize it. Keep track of these steps in order to repeat them consistently.

5. Get multiple “Accountability Partners.” In other words, make sure your team members
keep you on your toes with regular motivational calls.

6. Review your goals once at night and again in the morning. You want to train your subconscious mind on a consistent basis to achieve your dreams and desires.

7. Repeat the process. Goal setting should be a continual process not a once a year process. Try and apply more challenging targets and bigger dreams.

Second, what if we can set up just two goals and join them with a straight line…the shortest distance between two points or goals:

GOAL #1: Reasons I don’t want to be here (current reality)

GOAL #2: Reasons I want to be there (future lifestyle, if money and time were no objections)

Now what’s the easiest, straightest way to travel from HERE to THERE:
  • Educate and Empower ...I understand the business concepts about this home business and I CAN DO THIS! Use the resource Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits
  • Plug into a successful network marketing company for valuable products and commissions.
  • Use a simple 3 Steps Marketing Plan for leverage, duplication and long term residual income
  • Enjoy a lifestyle with time and money freedom

    It doesn’t get simpler than this for focus, motivation, action steps, and home business success.

Your questions and comments are always appreciated.
