Why you should never choose to bypass the New Digital Economy. Do not miss out on this unique, phenomenal opportunity to capitalize on huge expanding internet trends over the next 10 years - the Golden Age of E-Commerce. Start by giving away a valuable Free App! Plug into a simple, timely, low-cost marketing system and a residual stream of life-time income.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
How to Increase Home Business Productivity Not Dam IT
I guess I’m human and dedicated enough when I see the words FREE HOME BUSINESS TRAINING I will open up the email…never knowing where some valuable suggestive nugget might be found about making more money or talking to more people. Especially, if possible, to also save yourself money and time..all under the veneer of free. (It’s true parents raised in the First Depression brought their families up to believe a penny saved is a penny earned.)
But folks, nothing is free. As it turns out, the course materials were free to access but the TIME required to master the content was not mentioned. But I have climbed that EveryTraining Mountain…hour by hour, notebook by notebook, teleseminar by teleseminar.
And when I felt I had reached the top of self-belief and support of others, and looked around, no one had followed me!
The sad truth is very, very few people will scale that mountain even if it is absolutely free to start and continue to work their buns off hoping that many more will also want to do the same…
But judge for yourself. Here is the free content as outlined:
Get free access to private internet marketing coaching calls dynamic, fun, and informative LIVE network marketing training sessions and TELECLASSES
Get an upgraded affiliate status – so you can refer people and get higher commissions paid back to you .
Get a free residual income website to generate products, leads, business tools and affiliate commissons
Get a free replicated Blog with over free100 templates available you can personalize
Get a free attraction-marketing and list-building system designed to help provide value and build "know-how" in the minds of your prospects.
Get free access to a cutting-edge collection of network marketing articles and e-books, Cds and Dvds; jam-packed with business building strategies and techniques that the pros use every day.
Get more internet marketing courses, tools, and resources to make income online always have discounted prices on the hottest industry-related products and services, so you can stay up to date with the digital age.
Get top quality sales Leads - If you like buying leads, never worry again if you're getting the best and most effective. You can even listen-in from time to time, as we call them "Live and In Your Face!"
Get Educated by hardcore internet marketers and have been building teams online for years…Never get left behind!
Wow! I get tired just reading about all this gear, trails and mountaineers!
The real truth is the network marketing home business is about duplicating a simple business system by average people, always has been, and always will be a democratic way to build residual income.
The only real way to increase productivity in this unique home business model is to offer a 3 steps marketing plan that can be delivered in one hour with inbuilt comprehensive training and no loss of critical information. The way to dam productivity is to build a mountain of information in front of it.
It starts with education of facts and principles about how network marketing works. It includes a strong personal component for self-empowerment and change. It concludes with an extraordinary home business opportunity.
Your questions and comments are always welcome.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Five Ways a People-Friendly Marketing Plan can explode your home business profits
There is only one home business concept that works based on the principles of leverage and residual profits…namely, the network marketing home business. It is popular with 95% of home business owners who take a look at all the benefits of plugging into a huge, successful company. Your job, and basis of recurring income through multiple levels, is to help market their product(s).
And, here is the 1000 pound gorilla in the room. Most of us are not professional marketers or salespeople and yet we are expected to produce like silver-starred leaders in order to make commissions. People who are business professionals feed us complex marketing plans that are easy for them to implement. But for non-marketers, it’s an almost indigestable burden…too many bits and pieces, links and connections.
And yet, the network marketing home business is also based on the founding principles that it is the only home business where average people with above average dreams can start a profitable venture from home.
So how do we match the powerful marketing gorilla with the regular champ who understands how leverage, residual and duplication work in this unique home industry and believe in equality of opportunity. We, too, deserve a piece of the multi-billion dollar information economy.
You must “employ” a PEOPLE FRIENDLY MARKETING SYSTEM for continuous profits...
It doesn’t matter if YOU have no idea where to begin, what to share, or how to sell. You may already have a full time job and don’t want to spend time learning something new. Maybe, you have just basic computer skills to send an email and share a website.
- levels the playing field so every person who wants a home business in tough economic times can get a fair education and a running start ...fast to learn and apply…advance from beginner to mastery levels with standardized training and marketing plans that everyone can copy...as this system duplicates so will your profits
- low capital to start (as low as $40 monthly product purchase qualifies you for commissions)..fits into any budget. No inventory to load up. Want a unique, no competititon product. Potential to earn 5 or 6 digit or more annual income paid weekly and monthly, matching bonuses
- transform few hours a week into excellent cash flow. You don’t want to work twice as hard…you want to use basic leverage with information tools to expand your time and knowledge beyond 40 hours a week without actually being there...
- reduce natural learning curve to basic three steps you can start right now... who wants to spend months learning a lot of moving business parts. Everyone learns at their own rate and its not up to you to teach the system. The ONE and ONLY Missing Factor is Fully Integrated.
- deserve substantial tax savings. Note many people pay for their home business costs from tax savings alone..one accountant actually said you need to be brain dead not to have a home business. Why aren’t you collecting your share of tax refunds?
1. AVOID volumes of material...they can be very expensive, monetized by gurus, utterly time-consuming that no one will gladly say "I CAN DO THIS!"
- too complicated to explain training and marketing materials
- too much time to learn
- too many objections rising from information overload
- too difficult for beginners to meet expectations
2. AVOID starting a home business without a simple marketing plan and outline of what you need to do to make profits. Make sure these questions are fully answered to your satisfaction:
- Who will help me?
- What do I have to do?
- What do I have to invest?
- What can I make?
Run away from any home business that does not have a clear marketing plan (preferably on one page) in plain view with which you are comfortable. The most common reason that most home businesses fail (and others) is a lack of marketing.
Run towards a home business with a well-defined 3 STEPS MARKETING PLAN that everybody can do if you want massive, democratic duplication and multiplying profits. Be sure you see the whole GAME PLAN and how you can win!
To check out a truly revolutionary home business marketing plan whose time has come...let me know what you are looking for and how we can help...
Friday, May 22, 2009
USA Today Article on Recession-Proof Home Business via Direct Selling, MLM, Network Marketing
Recently I read an article from USA Today with the heading: Direct Sales Offer Recession Proof Jobs and want to share my thoughts.
Direct-sales businesses that rely on home-based business owners to help market their products are seeing a rapid expansion of networkers because of the country’s unemployment rate, lost jobs and lost nest eggs. People are simply looking for new ways to make money from home during economic hard times for supplemental income or replacement of a lost job. Women are especially looking for financial solutions. Jobs are no longer being taken for granted. What other options or "safety valves" can help to keep you afloat in a faltering economy?
In the article, the Direct Selling Association (DSA) which oversees these companies, states these statistics:
...There are roughly 15 million direct sellers in the U.S. They can also be referred to as network marketers or independent contractors who help market products or services primarily through a home business such as demonstrations in someone's home and one-on-one interactions. In 2007, the most recent year available, the sales industry generated $30.8 billion in U.S. sales.
...10% of representatives work "full time," or at least 30 hours a week. The majority work part-time or only long enough to meet short-term goals, such as holiday presents.
...Compensation systems vary, but representatives primarily earn money from commissions on product sales or by purchasing the products wholesale and selling them at retail prices. Commissions on sales typically are 25% to 50% of retail. While representatives may also earn a small commission on the sales from representatives they've recruited, legitimate businesses do not use recruitment alone as a basis for compensation
You can read the entire article for actual names of people and companies or read this brief summary. Most of the references are about cosmetic companies; in fact, one recently had a 108% spike in its sales representatives.
Three heart-felt opinions are offered:
- What if we switch from lipstick and earrings to nutrition with whole food supplements
- What if we switch from the idea of salesmanship and recruitment to education about three main business concepts: leverage, residual income and duplication
- What if we every person has the potential and democratic right to be an entrepreneur and just need a democratic marketing system
Several different examples were cited of successful home business owners:
…truck driver laid off by construction company worked alongside his wife in a direct-sales compaby with nutritional supplements. Nearly two years later and with no construction job in sight, a one-time sideline is now earning a six-figure income
.. an assistant office manager saw her hours cut last year and needed a way to make up her lost income while maintaining her office job and busy household.Now her home business is thriving even though there is a recession
…young pregnant mother lost her job as a corporate recruiter and couldn’t find a new job.. now focuses on building home business that looks “pretty promising”
…retirees join the trend …66 year old wife saw the couple’s savings reduced by half in the wake of the stock market fall. Now enjoys hosting parties to earn income until market recovers and savings stabilize
… 26 year old recent graduate in public health has struggled to find a job in her field. She worked for her sister as a nanny before getting a full-time position as an account manager. But she has also decided to start selling cosmetics on the side, partly to earn extra cash for her upcoming wedding. She now intends to forgo a public health career and eventually sell the makeup line full time.
My last opinion, as stated priveously, is we live in exciting times, changes and opportunities if we choose to focus on the potential. You cannot control what happens to you. You can control your attitude. You can master change rather than allow change to master you.
Your comments, questions, opinions are always appreciated.
None of us can change our yesterdays, but all of us can change tomorrow..Colin Powell
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The saddest excuses for the greatest home business..and what you can do about them
It is enough to break one’s heart when in a time of huge economic changes, including potential prosperity, one reads about excuses and failure rates.
I view the important world of change as an educator. It really doesn’t matter what the subject matter or learning objectives are. You start with the basic premise here is what I know and here is what I want to know. Next, you plug into lesson plans and resources to learn more, to become educated because, in my slightly biased opinion, there is nothing worse, than a narrow mind with tunnel vision trying to cope with status quo permanence in an atmosphere of perennial changes.
Now the education process may involve points of failure along the way but they are the stimuli to relearn, adapt , try something different, reformulate, rehearse..do whatever it takes to gain mastery of the subject matter.
And our school system allows 50% for a passing grade.
So, it breaks my heart, but not my spirit, to see such unacceptable failure rates in the network marketing home business…and it has to stop, along with the common excuses. You may read varying statistics; but, it is estimated as many as 90% of all network marketers ultimately fail, a huge percentage quitting in their first 3 months, and majority quitting within the first year of starting their business.
A huge percentage (80% plus) are women, according to the Direct Selling Assocation. And how, even more sadly, these home based business opportunities are lost by people naturally suited to this profession of caring for and helping others to succeed.
What is needed, more than ever, is a standard educational approach and program to explain the basics of network marketing and neutralize common excuses.
Most sadly of all, are the kinds of common excuses or roadblocks that crop up.
Here are some examples of personal excuses...beside each one in italics is an antidote simply addressed in a proper educational program:…
I’m afraid to fail or be rejected..
- Rehearse simple daily affirmations to develop new self-belief habits
- Show a concept map of how residual income works..they'// either "get it" or not. Become successful with a simple marketing plan and they'll invite you over to dinner..
don’t have leadership skills
- share professional information tools that tell the story for you..this is a business model to duplicate "average" not "master leaders"
- simplify the learning curve to a one page business plan
I tend to procrastinate
- set a time limit goal to focus on profitable activities..do a 6 month cash flow projection
I’m not sure who to talk to, who is interested
- ..stress the main concepts of how to make money from home not product features
People might say "no" to a product but not to a better lifestyle
- present the invitation, the message as a proud associate of a great successful company…you can only offer the roadmap, vehicle and fuel. Become the success others wish to be with a simple, 3-step marketing plan
I’m not sure how to advertise or market
- use technology for automatic auto responders and learn more about basic internet marketing
- understand this business is educating people about 3 main ways to make money from home with professional tools. You can’t sell your way to the top because others also won’t be able to. This business is duplicating a simple plan to the masses not reaching a sales quota
- use inbuilt training tools..not your job to be a teacher but to share effective tools
I don’t have proper support from my “upline” sponsors
- choose team members you like carefully but also be prepared to be a self-franchised home business entrepreneur with all necessary tools at your fingertips..Have Simple Marketing Plan will Succeed. Proper tools will also cut down on training, 3-ways, and conference calls.
Finally, in summary, let’s do educational justice to this unique home business concept based on the founding principle that every average person wih above average dreams can start a profitable home business with minimal capital and make a difference. Let’s reduce the failure rate by reducing the excuses with a comprehensive but simple curriculum guide that’s fair for all. Let’s “employ” a simple business marketing plan that duplicates with democratic masses.
Most of all, don't allow COMMON EXCUSES to gain mastery in your life!
Questions and comments are always welcome. A good “classroom” discussion is often where real education begins.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
How to Get on the Right Track to Your Democratic Home Business Success
Imagine you’re looking ahead at the horizon with the destination of your profitable home business.
Now you have two choices…You can choose to be the most celebrated, most qualified, unique, Self-Branded ENGINEER in order to “attract” people who want to be just like you...
OR you can drive your train to pick up everybody, irrespective of race, gender, age, status, training, who deserve and want a profitable home business as well.
The tracks are called NETWORK MARKETING and have been built on the basic principle that average people with above dreams can start a home business and make a difference. Why have we gone so far off-track?
Well, I feel like I’ve been following the right track all along based on this primary foundation.
Yesterday, I actually read these two quotations about two self-proclaimed problems from a top “self-branding engineer” (first time, as a public disclosure with a solution “with a catch”, of course)
I call these the two BIG PROBLEMS of MASTER ENGINEERS:
1: You're feeling overwhelmed by the amount of "stuff" you have to learn when it comes to marketing your business online, and you don't know how to keep up with all of it.
2: You have no idea how all of these pieces, (like blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, auto-responders, PPC, and your primary opportunity), actually fit together and work like a well-oiled, business building machine...
So, I did a little homework to better define what is meant by a democratic home business that’s equitable for all. The focus must be on a few fundamental questions and answers:
What is Democracy is defined as government by the people for the people with an absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions. There are two principles held as rights:
---all members of a society have equal access to power (in this case home business profits)
---all members enjoy universally recognized freedoms and liberties (in this case equal home business opportunities)
What is Capitalism is an economic system where goods are owned, operated and traded by private individuals, businesses, corporations for the purpose of profit where the productive enterprises are protected by rule of law.
What is Grassroots Capitalism can be described as ordinary people supporting each other’s marketing systems and cash flow. People, like you and I, can use cost-effective, simple systems to market exceptional products or services to meet our own needs and create our own profit margins. This opportunity can prosper in the Information Economy because information tools through technology do most of the work.
How to Relate Network Marketing Home Business Model as one of the last bastions of free enterprise or grassroots capitalism. You can plug into a large successful company with top management; use their products, manufacturing, accounting, distribution, shipping, and marketing strategies. Your independent “contract” with the company is to help advertise or promote their products. In return the company pays a handsome commission through multiple levels of direct and indirect referrals.
The answers to these questions fit the democratic options for at least two reasons:
- low cost to run this kind of business makes it a democratic option. To qualify for commissions your purchases may vary but can start as low as $40 for monthly consumption of outstanding products. It’s a perfect win-win situation.
Democratically, who can not afford $40 to maintain a home business, especially if marketing costs are also greatly reduced? - simple marketing plan to share with consumers and business partners based on 3 main concepts. Distribution of product is handled by the company, but as independent distributors (associates) you need to be able to market successfully. In fact, your profits are directly proportional to your marketing success.
If too complicated or expensive, you will face the two problems quoted above ..most new people will fail to realize “dream profits”, drop out of the business and blame the industry. But check the marketing plan first: Complexity beyond 3 factors leads to uncertainty, procrastination and failure.
Let me give you an example. I can share my experience as one of the “independents” in the “great masses” that believed totally, tried unconditionally, but failed to earn more than I spent. Sure, I managed to build a team but the effort was huge and totally unrealistic to expect my team members to duplicate my full-time efforts. And I certainly did not want to spend the rest of my life as a self-branded “engineer” chasing endless prospects trying to explain the benefits and replace lost customers.
Something better had to be designed such as a marketing system where 90% of people succeed with average effort, not fail. The good news is the change is simple based on the main principles of democratic duplication through multiple levels found only in this business model.
The simple democratic qualification is:
Start with a simple training primer to explain vocabulary, structure, a concept map with all the pieces and strategies that work?
Share 3-steps marketing plan: phone, website, overview (read and share)
Finally, my journey has been further enlightened because my train seriously avoids the Two Big Problems of Master Engineers now publically stated.
I am the “little guy”, with grassroots under my feet, the salt of the earth, believing in a democratic express and spirit, stretching out a helping hand to everyone, and deserving unlimited home business success.
Questions and comments are appreciated. What are you looking for in a home business and how is your marketing plan working?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Why you need a fair democratic home business based on network marketing
It’s a sign of the times that there are a lot of people looking at building their own personal economy with a profitable home business. The majority cast their eyes toward a potential network marketing business for a host of benefits based on the founding principle that every person with above-average dreams can start a home business with minimal capital and earn residual income.
It is a home business based on leverage and duplication at the grassroots level.
So how can we bring a fair DEMOCRATIC MARKETING PLAN to every person who wants an honest, ethical, healthy, successful home business.
First, given choices in a democratic society, most people are well qualified to make a profitable home business work if they could. Don’t you agree that most of us deserve this opportunity:
...interested and motivated to reach more income goals
…may be tired of working to making other people rich
…would like to spend more time with family and friends
…can learn how-to put in less effort for more returns
…are interested in how others achieve true success and are ready to change
The $64,000 question is what kind of home business can cater to the masses that can level an equal playing field one for all and all for one?
There is such a home business based on a network marketing model, but in my opinion it has lost serious groundwork in its basic principles and needs to return to its roots. It has naturally evolved into more of an institution with hierarchies. The good news is a few simple steps can reinforce the main groundwork of this business as the last free enterprise system where it doesn’t matter your age, sex, race, religion, background, education, resources, or contacts in order to achieve success.
Your qualifications are found in the previous paragraph and these should never be limited to a handful of elite marketers with unlimited resources or privileged associations. It is not about rising to the status of leadership in order to be rewarded. This is different from a political arena where a leader is elected and compensated accordingly.
This is my life, your life, and we’re happy being “grassroots”, the salt of the earth. But, equally, we also deserve the democratic right to have a successful home business if we so choose. We are competent communicators and hopeful visionaries of something better. We just need a plan for an equitable program that everyone can do.
Here are FIVE important components to make a democratic marketing plan work:
- levels the playing field so every person who wants a home business in tough economic times can get a fair education and a running start ...fast to learn and apply…advance from beginner to mastery levels with standardized training and marketing plans that everyone can copy...as this system duplicates so will your profits
- low capital to start ($40 monthly product purchase qualifies you for commissions)..fits into any budget. No inventory to load up. Want a unique, no competititon product. Build great partnerships and freedom as core values..potential to earn 5 or 6 digit or more annual income paid weekly and monthly, matching bonuses
- transform few hours a week into excellent cash flow. You don’t want to work twice as hard…you want to use basic leverage with information tools to expand your time and knowledge beyond 40 hours a week without actually being there...
- reduce natural learning curve to basic three steps you can start right now to integrate with your current expertise …who wants to spend months learning a lot of moving business part . Everyone learns at their own rate and its not up to you to teach the system. A comprehensive generic curriculum guide is mandatory.
- deserve substantial tax savings (Note: many people pay for their home business costs from tax savings alone..one accountant actually said you need to be "brain dead" not to have a home business. Why aren’t you collecting your share of tax refunds.
"Never before in history, has a business opportunity held the potential to have such an incredible positive impact on the lives of its customers..."(Paul Zane Pilzer)
TWO UNDEMOCRATIC THINGS THAT WILL NOT WORK in this kind of home business:
- excessive, overload of materials...they can be very expensive, monetized by gurus and utterly time consuming that noone else will do. AVOID volumes of material which are too complicated to explain, especially for beginners, and produce too many objections rising from information overload
- confusing, multi-step outline of marketing plan of what you need to do to make profits. Make it simple...a one-page overview... Who will help me? What do I have to do? What do I have to invest and what can I make?
Run away from any business venture that does not have a clear marketing plan in plain language and overview with which you are comfortable.
Finally, in summary, it is a sign of the times, that the one and only network marketing home business based on three important marketing concepts, should now to be reclaimed by all families who want something better and more future security.
Your questions and comments are always appreciated. What kind of home business would work for you?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
How Network Marketing Home Business and a Pyramid Scheme are not related
There is nothing that comes close to the network marketing home business model as the perfect home business opportunity…low entry cost, high profit potential, often positive natural health based, co-operative relationship growth versus competition, education versus selling, and the benefits continue.
In my experience, however, it’s always interesting and definitely sad, to see how many people relate legitimate, honest network marketing home businesses to illegal pyramid schemes. The sad part, is because of misinformation, people don’t even take the cover off this home business and miss out on a potentially great way to make extra income and be healthy for their whole family.
It is another huge reason why my team always advocates public education with a simple generic program to explain the main concepts of network marketing and how they differ from fraudulent schemes.
In the meantime, here is an excellent article by a networker with his viewpoints and explanation of the differences.
Your questions and comments are always welcome,
Have your heard that network marketing is a pyramid scheme?
I had a customer recently criticize network marketing as a scam. Her first point was all the pay-per-click ads she had seen on Google claiming that network marketing is a scam. If she had clicked them or even looked at the URL she would have seen that it was actually someone selling a training program like that teaches network marketers how to prospect online.
Her second argument gets into the old pyramid scheme idea. She sees network marketing as a scam where a bunch of people sit around doing nothing and collect a check every month from the efforts of the people beneath them. That does sound like a pyramid scheme. It is also the view some people have of any corporate structure. I want to address that now.
First of all, real pyramid schemes are illegal because members make money only by signing people up. That’s it. There’s no product or any other benefit to being a member. The last people to sign up before the scheme collapses get screwed over. That’s not network marketing.
One way to look at network marketing is that it is a way for companies to outsource their sales force. Each company that the sales work is outsourced to has the right to sell the products and further outsource to other companies. This lets the network marketing company to focus its efforts on product research and development. The network marketers are effectively small sales companies that don’t have to worry about product development. They are free to focus on sales and are paid based on how much product they sell.
The great benefit for you just starting out is that your advancement in the organization is completely unlimited. In any traditional sales organization there is a structure of VP of Sales, regional managers, district managers, and so on. It has a pyramid-like structure. In order to advance you have to wait for one of the people above you to leave the organization.
Network marketing doesn’t have a pyramid structure. When you join my team there is nothing to stop you from advancing beyond me. There are at least two places in my upline where the sponsored consultant outranks their sponsor. That could never happen in a corporate structure and definitely not in a pyramid.
And as for them all sitting around and collecting money from my sales efforts? That just isn’t true either. They put a lot time and effort into training and support for their many downlines.
I hope that clears it up a little.
Wayne Woodworth Internet Network Marketer
Friday, May 8, 2009
How Can $1.50 a Day Set Up a Profitable Home Business
Everything we do is relative at the time and space we think to do it.
When we lack or want something we can usually create some energy to make it real. When we’re feeling hungry, we find a snack; when tired, we find a resting place; when we’re lonely.. we look for someone’s hand to hold and to talk to.
Some theorists would like to call this the positive Law of Attraction..a universal vibrational alignment…I personally feel it is our innate personal energies and knowledge or training that can take us from what we want to what we manifest as our own reality. Many times, we get exactly what we ask for. And strength of character is called upon to cope with what we didn’t ask for but still get.
Let’s say, at this moment in time and space, you have $1.50 to spend. It seems to be common regression of will at this time. Your list includes starting and maintaining a home business on a daily basis. Your list also gives you access to:
- child’s admission to a public skating rink
- one donut eclair at Tim Horton’s
- mama cheese burger at a fast food restaurant
- Polaroid pack AAA Alkaline batteries
- novelty items like a crystal squirt ring (4 of these)
- birthday express pack of balloons
- two plush toys from dispenser in movie lobby
- savings coupon for a BBQ Pulled Pork Slider
- Walmart coupon to save on shippijng charges
- tube of toothpaste
- 2 sets of paper towls (4 rolls)
- garage sale item (I got a garden spade once)
- 4 stamps to mail 4 letters (Canadian prices)
- 1 Eatmore peanut chews (280 calories to burn off).. my favorite
- pay 7% provincial tax on item costing $25
Believe me, it is hard to find anything of much value for under a Toonie ($2 coin in Canada…but you get the "relativity" differential.
In the same space and time you can start a network marketing home business.
You will earn income not just from your own efforts but the efforts of others, benefit fom a multimillion dollar advertising campaign, no inventory required, free marketing website, free membership, with 5 ways to make money.
You will receive a delicious-tasting, doctor-formulated, natural chewable dietary supplement derived from the most nutrient-rich sources from around the world. It is a product that the marketplace desperately needs in its search fro wellness. You can be one of the first to share it.
I don’t know about you but I certainly would align my “vibrational” energies to I WANT to create this kind of home business versus a handful of galvanized nails or a package of Planters nuts.
You have now received this message and it is your responsibility to act or not to act. Explore..question, find out more...or assume, not believe, let go and forget.
We are all blessed with the full range of emotions and the power to transform them into what we want with negative or positive acts. For goodness sake,
- get a basic education for a one-time cost of $25 you can share with others.
- get personal empowerment that you believe you can manifest what you want and need.
- embrace Change as a positive Energy Field to help others in health and financial success.
Ask for more, reach for your dreams, and you will receive if you are educated and empowered. We are standing by to help with questions and comments. What are your WANTS and how will you MANIFEST your reality?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
How a simple plan keeps Personal Enemies at Bay in my Home Business
One of the foremost philosophers for home business entrepreneurs is Jim Rohn. Nobody can craft the English language…personalize abstract concepts to concrete forms or metaphors to better understand a bigger, more integrated process.
Starting a home business is a huge undertaking and long term process. There will be the invisible fears and unknowns to haunt you and no one can materialize them like this favorite essay by Jim.
As a home business entrepreneur, we all face the apparitions in both quiet moments and hectic paces..what have I got myself into...what am I going to do next..what will others think..
But my home business is built on strong network marketing principles. My defenses are well fortified by a simple basic business plan...3 strong pillars; namely,
- education first so you know the main facts
- empowerment to believe you can win
- an exciting change that is welcome and anticipated
Ignorance cannot make a stand against education.
Excuses can not penetrate the shield of self-empowerment.
Change will not be a heavy door to hammer through but a wide archway and beckoning light to freedom and a brighter future for your whole family.
Your comments and questions are always appreciated...what are some of your personal enemies?
Facing the Enemies Within...
By Jim Rohn
We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear.
Maybe some of our fears are brought on by your own experiences, by
what someone has told you, by what you've read in the papers. Some
fears are valid, like walking alone in a bad part of town at two
o'clock in the morning. But once you learn to avoid that situation,
you won't need to live in fear of it.
Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions.
Fear can destroy fortunes. Fear can destroy relationships. Fear, if
left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Fear is one of the many
enemies lurking inside us.
Let me tell you about five of the other enemies we face from within.
The first enemy that you've got to destroy before it destroys you
is indifference.
What a tragic disease this is. "Ho-hum, let it slide. I'll just
drift along." Here's one problem with drifting: you can't drift
your way to the top of the mountain.
The second enemy we face is indecision.
Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise. It will
steal your chances for a better future. Take a sword to this enemy.
The third enemy inside is doubt.
Sure, there's room for healthy skepticism. You can't believe
everything. But you also can't let doubt take over. Many people
doubt the past, doubt the future, doubt each other, doubt the
government, doubt the possibilities and doubt the opportunities.
Worse of all, they doubt themselves. I'm telling you, doubt will
destroy your life and your chances of success. It will empty both
your bank account and your heart. Doubt is an enemy Go after it.
Get rid of it.
The fourth enemy within is worry.
We've all got to worry some. Just don't let it conquer you.
Instead, let it alarm you. Worry can be useful. If you step off the
curb in New York City and a taxi is coming, you've got to worry.
But you can't let worry loose like a mad dog that drives you into a
small corner. Here's what you've got to do with your worries: drive
them into a small corner. Whatever is out to get you, you've got to
get it. Whatever is pushing on you, you've got to push back.
The fifth interior enemy is over-caution.
It is the timid approach to life. Timidity is not a virtue; it's an
illness. If you let it go, it'll conquer you. Timid people don't
get promoted. They don't advance and grow and become powerful in
the marketplace. You've got to avoid over-caution.
Do battle with the enemy. Do battle with your fears. Build your
courage to fight what's holding you back, what's keeping you from
your goals and dreams. Be courageous in your life and in your
pursuit of the things you want and the person you want to become.
Expand your self-confidence, enrich your attitude and rekindle your
motivation with Jim Rohn's Living an Exceptional Life on DVD and
CD. It's part of the Ultimate Collection package. Buy the complete
package at a remarkable price. PLUS, get 3 incredible bonuses! For
complete details, go to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=O7gDC&m=1ZI_kIyVGCz25n&b=8c2QGGd0KOvHXafRfty_Vw
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Why attraction marketing doesn't work in network marketing home business..10 challenges
10 challenges..
It’s a great feeling to have validation by top internet marketers. It has been the theme of my blogs and articles...KISP…Keep It Simple Please.
Attraction Marketing strategies don’t work.
We are talking about the context of the network marketing home business. This one-of-a-kind home business allows you to plug into a successful network marketing company. This allows access, as an independent team member, to the product, research, top management expertise, replicated website, marketing tools, accounting, and compensation or pay plans.
Your "job" is to help market their product and earn residual commissions
The keywords are help to market which is the lifeblood of any business.
Three key concepts are duplication of a simple marketing plan for residual income.
The Indivisible Rule: simplicity = velocity = profits
So there are many current programs based on “attraction marketing” or how to become the attractive, magnetic leader that others want to follow. This main strategy may have uniquely worked at one time within the common web 2.0 social marketing.
Personally, the world is not about brilliant superheroes but every day heroes who can make a difference given the right tools and prosperity mindset.
Personally, I did buy into the theory of YOU.INC or attraction marketing for a couple of years. I used superhero effort to hammer out a downline..but, not surprisingly, nobody wanted to do duplicate these efforts. But how much time was wasted in these social communities, training sessions, and over-saturated traffic generations can’t be calculated. Instinctively, there were several signs that this process wasn’t working such as people not returning calls or not attending training calls.
Now, I have finally heard from top internet marketers why attraction marketing doesn’t work anymore in the context of Web.3 social marketing...an ever evolving marketplace.
The challenges to attractive, self-branded leadership-style marketers are that they can’t get their teams to duplicate their success. Their approach doesn’t attract the masses:
- information overload..too many resources, methodologies
- too many parts and tactics… limited mastery of any
- decrease of personal production with primary company in an overcrowded industry
- way too time consuming...setting up training modules
- no big picture overview..too many criteria…people need a trail of victory before they believe unconditionally
- no duplication...people need the right basic tool for the job that every single person can do..I CAN DO THIS!
- profits and personal growth are decreased via competitive market
- expensive factors in both time and costs
- not friendly to beginners who can waste time and money doing extraneous expectations
- continued negative public reaction to an opportunity based on democratic ideals but underpinned by personal branding or attraction marketing mini-structures
In th end, people want to know four things in how to start a home business:
1. what do I have to do..3 steps marketing plan
2. who will help me..professional tools and team members
3. how much will it cost...start as low as $40 monthly for valuable product everbody needs
4. how much can I make...potential of unlimited residual income
How is what you're doing now, working out for you?
In the end, this unique home based business built on a few network marketing principles needs a professional presentation that is simple to get started and duplicated, that provides a safe, like-minded community in which to interact and which promotes grassroots capitalism democratically where every person who wants a home business can make profits.
Your questions, comments, opinions are all very important. What are some of your experiences in networking marketing and home business..
Annemarie..no excuses allowed
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Face this blog's 10 Challenges or Cry Trying in your Home Business
Announcing... confirmation by top internet marketers about what I’ve been blogging about for months now.
Personal Branding strategies don’t work...
What are we talking about here?
Lets take one step back first…the context here is the network marketing home business. The majority of home business owners do take a serious look at plugging into a network marketing company. In a nutshell, as an independent member, you can access the product, research, top management, replicated website, marketing tools, accounting, and payment plan and bonuses.
Your "job" or purpose is to help market their product and earn residual commissions.
The keywords are help to market..the lifeblood of any business..
The key concept is duplication for residual income based on simple marketing plan.
So the majority of training programs are based on “branding” yourself..how to make YOU the branded leader that others want to follow. The main strategy may have been unique at one time and is commonly known as web 2.0 social marketing…writing articles, blogs, participating in forums, social sites, videos, e-books for funding proposals, list-building, traffic generation, teleseminars,etc. It seems in the last five years or so that a handful of marketing gurus have moved through these complicated ranks and managed to raise their success ratios with these strategies. Attraction marketing does work for a select few, but not for everyone. Now with resources and connections they are massively promoting the courses / programs at costs to other would-be entrepreneurs.
Personally, I have bought into the theory of YOU.INC or personal branding for a couple of years and even managed to hammer out a downline with superhuman effort. But how much time was wasted in these social communities, training sessions, and over-saturated traffic generations can’t be calculated..nor would I want to..too depressing. Instinctively, there were several signs that this process wasn’t working. However, the home business model was strong, functioning and believable. I even took the mountain of hard work and simplified it into a comprehensive and basic 3 steps marketing process that better fits this unique home business.
Now, I have finally heard from top internet marketers why personal branding doesn’t work anymore in the context of Web.2 social marketing..an ever-evolving marketplace.
The challenges to self-branded YOU.INC marketers are that they can’t get their teams to duplicate their success. Their approach doesn’t attract the masses:
- information overload..too many resources, methodologies
- too many parts and tactics… limited mastery of any
- decrease of personal production with primary company in an overcrowded industry
- way too time consuming...setting up training modules
- no big picture overview..people need a trail of victory before they believe unconditionally
- no duplication...people need the right basic tool for the job that every single person can do..I CAN DO THIS! YOU CAN DO THIS! ..no excuses
- profits and personal growth are decreased via competitive market
- expensive factors in both time and costs in struggle to be successful vs simple equation
- not friendly to beginners who can waste time and money doing extraneous expectations
- continued public negative reaction to an opportunity based on democratic ideals but underpinned by personal branding mini-structures
In the end, this unique home based business built on a few network marketing principles needs a professional presentation that is simple to get started and duplicated, that provides a safe, like-minded community in which to interact and which promotes grassroots capitalism democratically where every person who wants a home business can have a profitable home business.
It is time we take this home-based business back to the masses.
Your frustrations, successes, questions and comments are always appreciated,
Monday, May 4, 2009
How to Apply ZEN to your Home Business..even if you don't ride a motorcycle
How to apply ZEN to your HOME BUSINESS even if you don’t ride a motorcycle
First, what is the meaning of ZEN…it’s a Japanese word based on ancient Chinese and Buddhist teachings where enlightedment can be attained through medidation and being in the moment NOW rather than contemplating past and future experiences. For the best definition, read the description at the end.
The famous book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" describes this interesting scenario.
Your motorcycle breaks down. In order to fix it, you need to open a little compartment in the engine. The compartment is held shut by a screw whose threads have been stripped off. You are unable to open it because of this so called insignificant little 10 cent screw.
"Normally screws are so cheap and small and simple you think of them as unimportant. But now, as your Quality awareness becomes stronger, you realize that this one, individual, particular screw is neither cheap nor small nor unimportant.”
"Right now this screw is worth exactly the selling price of the whole motorcycle, because the motorcycle is actually valueless until you can extract and replace the 10-cent screw…”
This seemingly insignificant ten cent apparatus has suddenly become very important in the total worth of your motorcycle or your home business. So you better be willing to learn more about it.
So if Zen philosophy can apply to a complex motorcycle, how can you apply it to a profitable home business. There are a number of ways:
- Home business is a complex entity in its own right with several moving parts: products, customers, sales,costs, profits, advertising, accounts, service, time, ..just to name a handful. It is no wonder that so many home business entrepreneurs plug into large successful companies and help as their marketing arm. After all, why would you want to build a motorcycle from scratch when you can join a famous company and help promote their branded motorcycles?
- Sales and marketing are the fuel that runs any business..like oil and gas run a motorcycle. No sales..no gas..no go. In fact, they may be considered the most hazardous parts.
Once you fill up, you start a sequential process that can last for days or months. Everything that happens between the introduction and the sale is 100% important. Anything that interrupts this process can be fatal to your business or on the road. - Marketing tools may be compared to the screws that hold the various compartments together. They are typically the highest leverage activity in any business. Nothing happens until somebody sells something. In our special home business, they need to be as inexpensive and pratical as screws They are worthy of your devotion and dedication to use them correctly.
- Do due diligence in your education and investment in how to master motorcycle roadmanship and / or home business. Be`wary of distractions who may try to stop your mastery. Go wherever you need to go, buy whatever you must buy, seek advice from whomever can provide it, until you achieve this mastery. Remember even a simple program can open the doors to a home business worth tens of thousands of dollars.
- Be aware that sometimes "seemingly minor" aspects of marketing and sales are like that stripped 10-cent motorcycle screw: There can be one obstacle, one niggling thing that's driving you around the bend and standing in the way of a big breakthrough. In this special network marketing home business based on duplication of a simple business plan, this is a basic curriculum guide that democratic masses can use. Will you allow a $20 bill to stop your education and potential for an amzing journey?
- Last, it is about the dream. Always remember, that people don’t buy a motorcycle because of all the features and benefits and salesmanship ..these are bits and pieces of the total picture. But the real reason to ride a motorcycle is to take the road, away from a cooped-up office, daily routines..to smell the leather, feel the wind in your hair as you sail through a town of onlookers..the new horizons..the adventure, the new sense of freedom.
The real reason people believe in a network marketing home business is the freedom, financial independence and hope it gives when you get to the top of the mountain.
Whatever, you do, don’t stay ignorant. If you've never had a close look at the network marketing home business, check out these generic, educational videos.
Your questions and opinions are important. What "small things" mean a world of difference to you?
What is the Meaning of Zen by Rafael Espericueta
The word Zen has become part of the English language, but what exactly does it mean?
It’s much easier to answer the question “When is Zen?”, for that answer would have to be “Now!”. The whole point of Zen practice is to become fully aware, here and now. To come home to the present moment; this is truly where we live.
Thinking verbally takes us far into the past, or into the distant future. But both past and future are fantasies, since the future isn’t known and our memories of the past are often quite distorted accounts of what really happened. Zen exhorts one to “Come to your senses!”, for when we get lost in thoughts of the past or future, life passes us by.
When one mindfully dwells in the present moment, one completely dissolves into whatever activity manifests. One becomes the activity. Most people have had peak experiences, which all involve being so totally involved with life that one’s sense of separateness dissolves into the experience. Very Zen.
Cognitive scientists tell us that it takes about a third of a second for our brains to start thinking about a sensory experience (meaning verbally interpreting it). A third of a second is a vast chasm separating one from “right now”. A Zen master once proclaimed:
Lightening flashes, sparks fly!In one blink of the eye, you have missed seeing.
Living fully and authentically in the present moment makes each instant of one’s life a peak experience. Each moment is filled with a profound peace and clarity. Each moment is perceived to have infinite depth and significance, charged with magic and mystery, infinitely precious. Zen brings us face to face with our true original nature, undefiled by cultural conditioning and painful neurotic tendencies.
Words and concepts can be useful, but mistaking them for reality is a big mistake. Concepts about reality are not reality. The menu is not the food. Dissolving all ones preconceptions, beliefs, concepts, and judgments about ourselves and the universe, can be a very liberating experience. What a relief to let go of all that baggage! (Most or all of it is not true anyway.)
Simplicity is often associated with Zen. And Zen practice is indeed simple, if not easy. Just practice being fully present, right here, right now. Perceive directly, without filtering perceptions through beliefs and preconceptions. Dissolve into the eternal now, and realize that the Universe itself peers out through your eyes, hears through your ears, and breaths each breath. Unity beyond all conception. If not now, then when?
Friday, May 1, 2009
Special Treat for Home Business Entrepreneurs..How Do You Pay the Price
As a special treat today, I'd like to share this short article by one of my mentors in the network marketing home business. His writings have always been inspirational including the will power and discipline you need to succeed in a home business...
Through trials, tribulations, and triumphs, I've also learned that self-discipline, motivation, training, self-confidence are also tempered by the degree of successful profits...the more you make..the more you want to make.
Profit velocity or volume in this networking marketing home business is measured by simplicity of duplication of business plan.
So, consequently, we are paid MORE by the LESSER marketing plan we use.
What if, 3 simple videos can substitute for hard training, perseverance and self-belief?
Questions and comments are always appreciated. What price are you willing to pay for success or lack thereof.
Paying the Price
by Denis Waitley
I've studied and counseled many world class athletes, but no one
has inspired me more in recent years than champion cyclist Lance
Armstrong. Watching him overcome setback after setback during his
unparalleled conquest of The Tour de France, I have come to view
him as the model for commitment and self-discipline as an athlete.
As Lance has told us in his own words, "It's not about the bike."
Can you remember when you got your first two-wheeler? It's an
experience many people can recall instantly. I'll never forget when
I got a bicycle for Christmas. My whole family stood on the lawn
watching me try to take my first ride. On that day, I discovered
why commitment is definitely like riding a bicycle.
First, you must believe that a machine that can't even stand by
itself will transport you safely. Of course, you've seen it work
for others, but now you've got to convince yourself that this form
of success can actually happen to you.
Second, you must let go of all forms of support and balance
yourself with the sheer force of momentum by your own strength.
Third, you have to lean into curves. This becomes easy enough after
a while, but at the beginning - just as with snow skiing - the
natural tendency is to incline yourself away from what appears to
be a potentially dangerous situation. You've got to realize that
the best way to avoid falling doesn't involve simply staying as far
as possible from the ground.
Fourth, you can coast for a while, but you won't get far if you
don't keep pedaling. The lesson there, if you've had the privilege
of watching Lance Armstrong in action, is self-evident.
Last, you've got to get up and try again after you've fallen off
the bicycle. Kids will fall any number of times, but they'll almost
never say, "I quit. I'm not willing to risk falling again. Forget
bicycling. I'd rather just walk or take the bus until I can afford
a car." Kids rarely attach any significance to even dozens of falls
or failures. Again, we have to watch film clips of Lance Armstrong
getting up from falls and tragedies time and again to understand
that it's just the price kids and champions will gladly pay for
that marvelous experience of flying down the road or up a mountain
under their own power.
This commitment and discipline to "paying the price" is a key
quality in the mind of a champion. You could even say that if
success has an entry fee, the cost is total commitment through
daily discipline.
No train, no gain! Practice does indeed make for permanent
-- Denis Waitley
Reproduced with permission from the Ron White Ezine.